Author Topic: What pisses you off..? ;o)  (Read 74877 times)

Master Ray

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What pisses you off..? ;o)
« on: May 17, 2014, 07:50:34 PM »
OK, new thread, we've already had 'What makes you Happy' and 'What makes you Sad'... but what is winding you up right now?

Now, this isn't about those big important things like politics, racism, sexism, etc etc... I'm talking about the silly (yet deeply annoying) stuff that you run into on a daily basis that really grinds your gears and makes you pull a face like this...  >:(

I'll go first...

People who ride their bikes on the pavement with little regard for people who are actually walking there...

Mothers who shout at their little kiddies in the middle of town, using the foulest of language...

Parents who, at the cinema, have no respect for the people around them and talk loudly, use their mobiles and let their children run up and down the aisles...

C'mon, whats yours?   :D


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Re: What pisses you off..? ;o)
« Reply #1 on: May 17, 2014, 09:12:23 PM »
People who takes ages at the cashline machine,get a mini statement then withdraw cash then get another mini statement or worse they withdraw money on one card then bring another card out there wallet/purse and make another withdrawal No i say join the end of the queue 1 card at a time

Oh really annoying people who play there music loudly on buses or trains normally tends to chipmunk dance or eneiem rap type stuff I don't want to hear it use headphones or turn it off  !
Weirdo   Mosher   Freak.

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Re: What pisses you off..? ;o)
« Reply #2 on: May 18, 2014, 03:05:00 AM »

People that do not tip, when the salary of the employee is below minimum wage and depends on tips.

People that do not use a turn signal when driving when there is a little magical stick on all cars made just to signal a turn.

 Inexperienced hikers who talk loudly, scaring off wildlife and disrupting my solitude.

 People who use smartphones while hiking, biking,driving,working,eating,crapping etc.

Where I'm from is not my home, and neither's where i'm bound.

Wessexy Witch

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Re: What pisses you off..? ;o)
« Reply #3 on: May 18, 2014, 12:26:56 PM »
Parents who give babies/little kids Coke in baby bottles and let them have it hanging in their mouths.

Grrrrr !

Whooosshhhh !!!


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Re: What pisses you off..? ;o)
« Reply #4 on: May 18, 2014, 07:26:16 PM »
People who don't do their work down to end. I think a good work is something you could finish well and not to leave it unfinished. Unfinished work (renovations or other) is crappy work that has no worth at all.
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Re: What pisses you off..? ;o)
« Reply #5 on: May 22, 2014, 03:55:46 PM »
Parents who give babies/little kids Coke in baby bottles and let them have it hanging in their mouths.

Grrrrr !
Yeah. I let him guzzle a two litre bottle instead. Sensible IMHO  ;)
Hala (from the Anglo-Saxon word "halh", meaning nook or remote valley), until it was gifted by King Henry II to Welsh Prince David Owen and became known as Halas Owen


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Re: What pisses you off..? ;o)
« Reply #6 on: May 22, 2014, 05:27:42 PM »
Personal traits are mine. I despise self importance and arrogance......mind you, self check outs are a pet hate. Marketed as a faster way to buy shopping. Which they are for the one out of six times you dont "need assistance" from someone. I have a theory theyre old broken down machines that arent good enough for the employees to use.
Hala (from the Anglo-Saxon word "halh", meaning nook or remote valley), until it was gifted by King Henry II to Welsh Prince David Owen and became known as Halas Owen


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Re: What pisses you off..? ;o)
« Reply #7 on: May 22, 2014, 06:31:55 PM »
vanity...i ******* hate it
you think you're alive motherfucker?
you're just the walking fucking dead.


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Re: What pisses you off..? ;o)
« Reply #8 on: May 23, 2014, 01:37:51 AM »
People who have had some success in their chosen field, and become "never wrong" disagreeing with any other opinion.

People who are rude and arrogant, not giving a hoot how their comments effect other people, and then their friends justifying their position as someone who just likes to speak their mind.


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Re: What pisses you off..? ;o)
« Reply #9 on: May 23, 2014, 08:08:40 AM »
Useless packages that you have to throw immediately to thrash basket. When you buy an ink cartridge, you need strong scissors to open a huge plastic box.

I think there should be a well organized and centralized rules with recyclable materials and several tanks offered to put your rubbish to. Now different regions have their own rules for them. *Grrrrr*  >:(
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Re: What pisses you off..? ;o)
« Reply #10 on: May 23, 2014, 09:27:11 AM »
The computer virus industry.

You pay for access to the internet, then if you do not pay thirty quid a year for a decent AV software, you can expect to have your PC wrecked, or your details hacked.

When your subscription is due to expire, you are warned about what will happen to your system if you don't pay to protect something you are already paying to use.

Is it just me, or does anyone else think there maybe a link between virus creators and AV providers ? 


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Re: What pisses you off..? ;o)
« Reply #11 on: May 23, 2014, 05:27:48 PM »
Passive aggressiveness.  Not taking the bait this time.
Where I'm from is not my home, and neither's where i'm bound.


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Re: What pisses you off..? ;o)
« Reply #12 on: May 23, 2014, 05:36:08 PM »
People who wreak havoc, and then try to make it look like they are the victim


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Re: What pisses you off..? ;o)
« Reply #13 on: May 23, 2014, 06:49:33 PM »
TV licence fees Why the hell are we still forced to pay for the BBC.
Surely it should be pay for what you watch or even better they could advertise like everyone else Really gets me that they can pay Graham Norton and co millions of pounds whilst the boys at the top dine out at top restaurants etc etc. Then to add insult to injury they want to put BBC 3 off air !
Weirdo   Mosher   Freak.

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Master Ray

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Re: What pisses you off..? ;o)
« Reply #14 on: May 23, 2014, 07:17:43 PM »
TV licence fees Why the hell are we still forced to pay for the BBC.
Surely it should be pay for what you watch or even better they could advertise like everyone else Really gets me that they can pay Graham Norton and co millions of pounds whilst the boys at the top dine out at top restaurants etc etc. Then to add insult to injury they want to put BBC 3 off air !

Pol, I live in a house made out of two flats, I'm in the upper one... there have been several occupants in the flat downstairs over the twelve years I've lived here and not one of them has ever paid a TV licence fee... letter after letter shows up, but nothing ever happens... in fact, since my TV aeriel blew down a few months back, I've stopped paying it... I watch all my TV nowadays via the internet.  Cancel your direct-debit and say '****'em' if that's what you really feel...  ;)