This autumn was/has been kinda full of ordeals. First in late summer we finally got a yard renovation done where the drainage was fixed and extended. That was a great thing and the yard is actually nice and ready for future plans. OK.
But then there was a pine tree that fell down hitting the corner of the roof of our house. Unbelievably there was no big damage as it wasn't too heavy pine trunk. Only the top of it hit.
Ok, then next I found a water damage from the bottom of our house (our house is lift in the air like a bird's nest). The damage wasn't too big as the reason for it was only condensation of a cold pipeline that goes to our house from a well.
But I hated this renovation as I had to remove the insulation from the bottom and deconstruct the back wall of a sauna to reach the pipeline - that I could insulate it separately. Before deconstructing the back wall I had to deconstruct two big wardrobes that were not meant to be removed. They were incorporated half in the wall.
Then there became a long pause with all this because of the damn animals had gone mad at our yard! Squirrels and birds started to peck the bottom and the insulation of the pipelines. I went to a hardware store once again and bought 30 meters of screen that prevents rodents getting under the house.
And at the same time all the hassle at my job and moving of a warehouse to a new hall...
So now it's Christmas soon. Phew! What next?