Some of people who work at music/instrument stores.Especially in the town I live.Whenever you get into these shops and you'd wanna ask something or wanna try a guitar etc. they respond quickly 'don't touch,don't touch' or looks at you like you're not wanted here unless you buy something.How the hell am I supposed to know how that guitar sounds without trying it?Im not here to smash it.Should I be Eric Clapton or something to access those tools? And most of these guys speak like they established the Marshall Amps Company or they're the co-founder of Gibson.You can never know anything better than them.No,no you're wrong,that cable you can't use,that pedal isn't like that,too many you don't knows.And Im sure there are many like these in bands,in scene.You can't even talk to these masters of universe.
I know some stores in Japan and U.S they don't go this way.They re very helpful to you and you can try whatever you want as long as you act honest and playing the instrument carefully.I wonder if same in Europe?