Author Topic: Ballad 2  (Read 969 times)

Master Ray

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Re: Ballad 2
« Reply #15 on: June 22, 2014, 08:17:37 PM »
If there is no legal way of getting hold of these tunes, I see no wrong in listening to them via Youtube and the like... it just indicates that there is some demand for them and if it makes the NMA fellas think on, then why not?  Some of those tunes, with a bit of spit and polish, could instill themselves in the hearts of NMA fans like Knife or Burning Season... and if it puts a few quid in the coffers so an amazing band without major label backing can keep going...  ???


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Re: Ballad 2
« Reply #16 on: June 22, 2014, 09:01:24 PM »
I always buy the actual releases and don't own any illegal bootlegs. I just wish they could release more old demos. I feel guilty to illegally download work by any artists. Now, If it were a stadium band like U2 who has enough money to feed, shelter and cloth an impoverished nation, it would not matter. but the bands I like are not like that and have to work for it. It is sort of stealing. 

 My fear is that some b-sides and demos were lost in the studio fire a few years ago. That would be very tragic as there would be no way to re-release it. The illegal bootlegs may be the only way to hear some of the songs.

The band will already be aware of these so-called ROIO's (Recordings of Indeterminate Origin) as they are all 20 years old (or more).

One could swing by the shop and support the band by making a purchase to ameliorate the guilt.  ;D Or bring back self flagellation.