Dawn - When my mind goes in that dark, frightening place, I find it comforting. Plus i really relate to it as it's about a man who tried to commit suicide. I had a similar experience when younger. I also failed at ending my own life and found natural things such as trees and bodies of water to make life more bearable. Actually i am beginning to feel similar again and it's comforting. It starts with sadness and then "There's no way back from this spiral." He got the feeling of hopelessness correct in his lyrics.
Family Life as Well. It reminds me of how i feel about my family and painful it is. nothing is ever good enough for them and I will never live up to their expectations. I heard it a few times live and completely cried as it made me think about my dad an how he treated me as a kid. All i ever wanted was for him to hug and show that he cares, offer some comfort and encourage me. Instead i got him shouting at me and calling me names when i fell or got hurt as a small child. I am still desperate for love and in search of a new father until i get that. Therefore Family life means a lot.
Bad Old World as well for me too. It is very comforting. It gives you the illusion that someone is there to support you. Even it it is just in a song.
and High. As i find nature and being in a high position comforting. Sometimes i wish i could just stay there and not ever come back.
Sorry for sharing such dark stories. That is just the personal meaning they have.
Wow... you're definitely not alone there, Amandistan. Never had the pleasure of conversing with you on here, but I've enjoyed many of your NMA/JS related posts / threads. Hope you're ok wherever you are and that there is finally a good kind, genuine, soul to happily hold you now. It's the little things in life that make the biggest difference. Thank heaven for music, eh? We'd all be fcuking lost without it! Well, I wouldn't've made it this far (in age, not success), that's for sure.
It takes a lot of guts to do what you're doing, travelling the world alone, especially being a woman. That's true strength. You have to be everything to and for yourself... mother, father, friend, support system, etc. You are a remarkably strong young woman, good on you! May your path always be lit and warm. Thanks for sharing all that you did
(same goes for everyone else here who did also). It takes a lot of courage to open oneself up like that, doesn't matter if one is male or female, it's never easy. Hope you get to see NMA sometime, someday, somewhere - sooner than later. Sending positive thoughts, vibes, along with a deep, warm and sheltering hug, your way. Take care and...
Best wishes,