Author Topic: Any Mention Of Snow In NMA Songs?  (Read 2044 times)


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Re: Any Mention Of Snow In NMA Songs?
« Reply #15 on: January 26, 2015, 11:33:59 PM »
North Star has snow in it
Clever monkeys with technology, barely outta the caves and trees, it's all vanity - and ch@os rules it all!


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Re: Any Mention Of Snow In NMA Songs?
« Reply #16 on: January 26, 2015, 11:44:57 PM »
ever tried. ever failed. no matter.
try again. fail again. fail better.
(samuel beckett)


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Re: Any Mention Of Snow In NMA Songs?
« Reply #17 on: January 27, 2015, 12:22:24 AM »
Snelsmore Wood.

"There's talking-drums echoed down towards the Kennet Canal
and wood-smoke sweet on the air
And the Yellow Jackets stand with the Thick Blue Line
backs to the woods in the fresh thin carpet of snow"
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Re: Any Mention Of Snow In NMA Songs?
« Reply #18 on: January 27, 2015, 07:09:34 PM »
This might be a bit off-topic but, there was today some talk in radio about how'd we be prepared here if they'd say in forecasts there's going to snow one meter in next 24 hours.

Well I don't mean to belittle the things at States now, but to be honest the same amount of snow wouldn't bring problems too much here. Every Alaskan, Canadian, Icelander, Norwegian, Swedish, Finnish or Russian knows this. (Have you ever heard Alaskans or Canucks talk about snow chaos?) It's about latitudes we're living. There are professionals; superintendents and caretakers in every tiny little town and cities who do clearance in the streets for living. As a child you learn and see how things should be organized in the case it's going to snow a hell lot. And it has snowed here every year from 3-7 months per years. You'll have to have heavy armamentarium, big 4xtractors and all the equipment, snow throwers and such ready needed for that. Our version of diesel and petrol is a "winter one" and it will freeze only after -42 celsius.

They said in the radio that they would prepare themselves by buying a bit more food in the fridge. But actually the worst of the problems snow will cause is the electricity; if the electric cables are not dug under the ground but in the "air", snow on the cables will weight so much they may cut, or otherwise branches of trees will drop on them because of the weight of snow. The roofs of detached houses have to be build so they could resist the pressure of snow.

I heard the max. record of snow depth measured in Finland was in 1997. It was 197 cm:s (78,8").  :)

But what Cthulhu said there, he's right about snow being soon part of history. The global warming acts much more faster in some certain areas around the planet. We can see it nowadays here too. Year ago (2014) we had snow only for one month. Last time a similar winter was in 1983.
« Last Edit: January 27, 2015, 07:13:59 PM by Rusco »
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Re: Any Mention Of Snow In NMA Songs?
« Reply #19 on: January 27, 2015, 09:20:00 PM »

"Let the whirlwind blow
- through the ice, the melting snows
- across the freezing skies and the tiny lights below
- the waters seething, out of control
- we watch the oceans rise and the governments start to fall
- across the freezing skies until the lights go out below"


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Re: Any Mention Of Snow In NMA Songs?
« Reply #20 on: January 27, 2015, 10:44:36 PM »
I agree Rusco.It's like when NYC had a category one hurricane.  Well, I have been through many category fours.I lived on the coast as a kid and we would do nothing for Cat one's. I knew people that surfed hours before.  He said take those were the bast waves ever! I decided to not surf it because I suck at it. Then NYC goes into mass hysteria.I get that they are not prepared or built for them but 70-75 mph is nothing to us. But we are built for it and they are not.I guess NYC is the same with snow.I do hope they are safe and prepared enough.
I really hope the homless population are all safe, warm and indoors.
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Re: Any Mention Of Snow In NMA Songs?
« Reply #21 on: January 28, 2015, 12:28:13 AM »
Rusco and Amandistan, uhh, you completely miss the point about a big strom hitting New York City.

You both say,  "Well,  my area got hit with 35 inches of snow or 90 mph winds and it is no problem at all" Uhh, do you have 20 million people where you live? That's the point of a big storm hitting New York City. The point is that 30 inches of snow and hurricane winds are hitting twenty million people. Twenty million people who have to get to school, to work, to hospitals.... Not a few thousand, but millions! When a big storm hits your locale, the logistics of making sure a few thousand people are safe and able to move about are relatively easy. Now picture 20 million people, a population greater than most countries, who are being blasted by hurricane winds or three feet of snow.

That's what it's about. A huge concentration of people in a small area getting pounded by a storm. Look, take a worst case scenario as an example. If an atomic bomb gets dropped on Nome, Alaska...terrible event, but a few thousand people are affected. If that same bomb falls on NYC...we are dealing with massive loss of life, tens of millions gone, and the collapse of financial institutions that would crumble the entire world's economy. Now obvioulsy a snow storm would not have as cataclysmic effects of a nuke, but it is the size of the target, the 12 million people living in NYC, that is the big deal. Snow storm hits NYC we are looking at something that has a great effect on millions upon millions of people.

Question: Three feet of heavy snow and 70 mph winds is coming at a town of three hundred people and coming at New York City. Same storm. Which mayor is facing a tougher job?

Ava Enturin

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Re: Any Mention Of Snow In NMA Songs?
« Reply #22 on: January 28, 2015, 07:07:13 AM »
I think, Space, the point is that "lack of practice" makes it even worse for you.

Same in Germany - 5 cm of snow usually equals a big catastrophy, with people who don´t know how to react, how to drive on snow, and so on.
Here in the nordic countries (I live a bit north of Stockholm) - we have loads of practice with heavy snow, and won´t panic when the snow gets so high over night that you have to push it away with your front door before you can leave the house. The road is not cleared? Stay home, or go through it. The roads are marked with tall and bright orange relective sticks, so at least you can´t miss where they are ;). Or wait for the local farmer to clear the road. Usually within a couple of hours. Ice centimeters thick on the road - spike tires.

It works in Stockholm as well, btw, where 2.1 million people live, at least in the metro area.

But Rusco, to be fair: in thawing season we usually have several power cuts over here in Sweden due to heavy snow on cables ;)


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Re: Any Mention Of Snow In NMA Songs?
« Reply #23 on: January 28, 2015, 09:12:13 AM »
Busted out to the halfway house at the top of Undercliffe Road
You and me and your motorbike in the ice and the drifting snow

I hope you are doing fine now Space after your blizzard. I heard it was brutal.


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Re: Any Mention Of Snow In NMA Songs?
« Reply #24 on: January 28, 2015, 11:14:48 AM »
Ice centimeters thick on the road - spike tires.

Yea, they're good although the road gets damaged quite fast. But they get damaged even without spikes too because there's not enough snow anymore but rather freezing water which destroys asphalt too. (Spikes are allowed only in northern countries of Europe.)

But Rusco, to be fair: in thawing season we usually have several power cuts over here in Sweden due to heavy snow on cables ;)

You have been quick in digging the cables underground. Heard it's 80% already? Wished we'd been wise enough to start it earlier too. Now companies put the consumers to pay the whole project as taxes.
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Ava Enturin

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Re: Any Mention Of Snow In NMA Songs?
« Reply #25 on: January 28, 2015, 02:42:05 PM »
[OT] Haha, yes - in Uppsala there is 600 m of the main road through town closed for cars with spikes - I can´t go to the trainstation to pick someone up for this reason..  :-\ Nevermind the roads though, there was too much dusk in the air...

The 20% of underground cable missing must be in my area then  ;D


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Re: Any Mention Of Snow In NMA Songs?
« Reply #26 on: January 28, 2015, 07:21:49 PM »
Oh, my Lord, you still have powerlines, power cables above ground?!? Are you people ever going to get out of the stoneage? You are just now putting powerlines underground? Uhh, we have friggin' trains underground, that's how prepared we are.

To suggest that NYC has trouble with a big storm because of being "unprepared" or "not used to it" is absurd. I'll say it again, the problem we face is the 12 million (34 million when you count the surrounding area) people who are going to get whalloped by the storm. In the post above Ava mentions how her town deals with big storms: "stay home." Well, don't you understand you can not tell 34 million people to just stay home. Who runs the hospitals, who runs the stock market, who polices the city, who clears the snow, who keeps the trains and planes going, who feeds the poor and homeless, who drives Donald Trump around in his limo... Unlike in Sweden, you can't tell the people of our nation's biggest city to just stay home.

New York City is massive. It is the 12 million living there, but it is also the ten million who don't live there but work in and around it. You are talking over 25 million people who deal with New York City on a daily basis. When three feet of snow falls on 25 million people, it is a hell of a lot more problematic than when it falls on Stockholm's two million people. You people really can't see that an event has a greater effect when it affects more people? If three feet of snow falls on a one room hut in Sweden's tundra or falls on Times Square in New York City, you don't see on is going to be more problematic?

2 million people in Stockholm. That's called a block party in certain New York neighborhoods. My God, Woodstock which is in upsate New York had over one million people.


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Re: Any Mention Of Snow In NMA Songs?
« Reply #27 on: January 28, 2015, 07:35:35 PM »
Oh, my Lord, you still have powerlines, power cables above ground?!? Are you people ever going to get out of the stoneage? You are just now putting powerlines underground? Uhh, we have friggin' trains underground, that's how prepared we are.

To suggest that NYC has trouble with a big storm because of being "unprepared" or "not used to it" is absurd. I'll say it again, the problem we face is the 12 million (34 million when you count the surrounding area) people who are going to get whalloped by the storm. In the post above Ava mentions how her town deals with big storms: "stay home." Well, don't you understand you can not tell 34 million people to just stay home. Who runs the hospitals, who runs the stock market, who polices the city, who clears the snow, who keeps the trains and planes going, who feeds the poor and homeless, who drives Donald Trump around in his limo... Unlike in Sweden, you can't tell the people of our nation's biggest city to just stay home.

New York City is massive. It is the 12 million living there, but it is also the ten million who don't live there but work in and around it. You are talking over 25 million people who deal with New York City on a daily basis. When three feet of snow falls on 25 million people, it is a hell of a lot more problematic than when it falls on Stockholm's two million people. You people really can't see that an event has a greater effect when it affects more people? If three feet of snow falls on a one room hut in Sweden's tundra or falls on Times Square in New York City, you don't see on is going to be more problematic?

2 million people in Stockholm. That's called a block party in certain New York neighborhoods. My God, Woodstock which is in upsate New York had over one million people.

I know everything is much much larger in the good 'ol US of A is bigger but no wonder when the residents can't do basic maths 

10 million + 12 million in English maths is only 23 million :) :)
Is is a crime to believe in something different?

I meant what I said at the time that I said it


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Re: Any Mention Of Snow In NMA Songs?
« Reply #28 on: January 28, 2015, 09:22:19 PM »
In the post above Ava mentions how her town deals with big storms: "stay home." Well, don't you understand you can not tell 34 million people to just stay home. Who runs the hospitals, who runs the stock market, who polices the city, who clears the snow, who keeps the trains and planes going, who feeds the poor and homeless, who drives Donald Trump around in his limo... Unlike in Sweden, you can't tell the people of our nation's biggest city to just stay home.

Heh. Actually what we've heard from news it sounded like you over there stayed home. Is this a "who's prepared better against shi...snow storm"?  ;)

I wouldn't drive a single meter with a motorbike during winter btw.

Tundra...  ;D
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Re: Any Mention Of Snow In NMA Songs?
« Reply #29 on: January 28, 2015, 09:28:20 PM »
Just a reminder, folks, Red is the guy who puffed out his chest, made a big stand and created a thread telling the members here never to respond to posts of mine.   

Can we all spell HYPOCRITE so Red can look it up in the dictionary.