Plus I saw Katy Perry sing "Teenage Dream" on "Saturday Night Live" wearing a short cheerleader outfit. I saw Justin Sullivan sing "Summer Moors" on youtube and believe me, Katy's performance was far more entertaining.
I am not kidding around. Katy Perry's "Teenage Dream" is better than "Summer Moors" and better than any song that Justin Sullivcan has come up with over these past five years. Be honest for once. You won't be a heretic for saying Perry has come up with the better song in recent years. You'd simply be correct.
Yes, entertaining to sex driven males in a misogynistic culture. Honestly if you don't like deep, thoughtful and meaningful music Katy Perry is a win for you. But if it's emotional depth and passion that you want out of music. Sullivan wins hand's down.
It's all about what you want out of your music.
But... but... Katy Perry has a short skirt! And breasts! And did a video where she was scantily-clad and leered at by a smirking misogynist rapper! That's gotta be better than, I dunno, clutching at straws for a minute here and scratching my head, Green And Grey, One Of The Chosen, Purity, Ballad, Today Is A Good Day, Fireworks Night, Modern Times, White Light, Family Life, The Hunt, Get Me Out, Dawn, High, Seven Times, Better Than Them, I Love The World, here Comes The War, Bad Old World, Prayer Flags, Smalltown England, Fate, Whirlwind, Before I Get Old, Knife, Frightened, Knieval, Autumn, Ghost Of Your Father, No Rest, Lights Go Out, March In September, etc etc etc....
Yes. I currently have my sarcastic face on. Amanda, so should you.