Come, come, come dear fellows! Steady on. Surely such a question is simply preposterous and to posit a desire to compare such different entities must stem from ones own self-certainties. It's as ridiculous a concept as comparing bricks and flowers as equally useful.
However, proceeding on the assumption that the questioner merely forgets to supply sufficient detail, clarification and specifics in order for an adequate response to be framed. One requires enlightenment on 2 critical matters:
Firstly – What is the basis for judging the validity of an answer? Is it to be an assessment of sales? Internet traffic? “Celebrity Status!”, a personal experience and story or perhaps even a tap in to the ultimate divinity that exists out there far beyond the galaxies, planets, stars and space – where ultimate truth is to be found.
Secondly – Why on earth are you asking such a fundamentally Stupid Question ? I question the need behind posting a proposition loaded with intent but free of any clarity or substance. It indicates to me a certain narcissistic drive and self-obsessed fixation that would benefit from a dose of honest self examination.
Having said all that – it's ******* obvious isn't it?
Sullivan every time.