Wow... I've seen NMA so many times... it must be pushing 100 we have to do them in order? If not, here's my opinion...
Nottingham, Christmas last year.
Manchester Academy, 1990, Impurity tour... my first...
Preston, 53 Degrees, about 8 years ago... sweat-drenched, crammed-in-tight mayhem!
One of the London Astoria dates, can't remember what year, but we all got kicked off roundabout 9pm because Rachel bloody Stevens (silly pop muppet, for those of you outside of the UK) was playing a late show...
... are we allowed to put up JSAF gigs here? If so, when Justin played The Limelight club in Crewe, a great (and now sadly gone) venue that was my local for a good many years, and it was literally a one-minute walk from my flat! Anyone else had Justin play one minute away from their home?

But I can honestly say that the lads have never let me down, never a bad gig...