Many of you have been jumping all over me. Some of you have even been calling me unspeakable things. Am I a "penis"? No. But I am certainly opinionated and gruff. It is who I am, I can not really change that, but I can offer an apology to the good people at this board who have been bothered by my boorish behavior.
I apologize. I am sorry.
Two things in explanation:
1. I grew up in a family of boxers. I am/was an amatuer boxer; father, uncles, brothers...we all boxed. Loved the sport. Loved the aggressive nature of the whole thing. It is in me. I often view people as opponents. Right or wrong that is in my nature.
2. I am a New Yorker. Yes, the stereotypes of overly aggressive, pushy, opinionated, argumentative New Yorkers is true in many of us. We see ourselves as living in the capital of the Universe, we see ourselves as more knowledgeable, more cultured, more sophisticated, more tough, in short, better, than anyone else on planet Earth. Right or wrong, that is how many New Yorkers grow up.
So the cocktail of me being a boxer from NYC can be poisonous to some. In all honesty I am opinionated and aggressive with everyone I know - family and friends. And here's the thing -- they are that way to me. It is just the way it is. If you have ever seen the old American TV show "All In The Family," you can clearly see how New Yorkers behave within their families and amongst neighbors. Shouting, yelling, fighting...but all without malice. Just loud and aggressive and opinionated with absolutely no harm intended behind any of it.
Anyway, too old to get back in the ring so I now and then use my voice as my fists. I see this has upset many good people here. For that I am sorry.
One thing in my defense, though I have been attacked and called some terrible things here (even the f-word has been thrown at me) I never once did that to others here. Worst I went was I said that people who do not like John Lennon "have no brains." Clearly that is an "insult" meant in jest. I never use curse words, I never do name-calling.
Once again, I do sincerely apologize for my behavior here at this board. Some good people here, older and wiser than one finds at other music boards. I may seem dismissive of your ideas, but in actuality I do take them all in. I do value your thoughts. I apologize for the way I have expressed mine.