I am very impressed by this Space. I do not know how you have the will power I can't see myself EVER being able to do this!
The will power comes from the feeling that it is good to know that I have something more to look forward to. I only wish I had an entire Beatle album I have not heard yet. 12 songs recorded during the peak of their powers...completely unheard. That would be something.
while we're on the subject of Mr Eastwood... you seen 'American Sniper' yet? Excellent movie...
No. Won't see it.
A) Clint is not in it.
B) I don't like bio-pics. I'd rather see a top documentary on the guy Chris Kyle than a fictionalized account of his life. Would you want to see a movie about NMA in which the band is played by actors, or would you rather see a well made documentary about the band?
C) Over here this "American Sniper" film is getting waaaaaay too much praise from our conservative FOX News channel. To me, that is not a good sign. It would be like if Hitler praised a movie, would you really want to see it?
Hi, Space!
Respect your opinion on this one... for my part, I do think that the film touches on what it costs a man to kill others in their name of the government that they work for. Not SO much, but it really isn't a jingoistic kill-fest like a Rambo movie or anything... I thought it was well made and well acted. IMO, anyway...
Bio-pics? Can they ever be like something close to the reality of it all? Real life condensed into two hours ain't never gonna work. I thought AS did a good job... especially in view of the fact that Mr Kyle was murdered, which I didn't know when I watched the film...
Whatever, thought the film was decent enough. respect to yourself if you don't wanna watch it. As far as Clint performances go, I thought he was terrific in Gran Torino and Million Dollar Baby. A man in his 70's putting in two of his best performances...