Author Topic: I Have Not Listened To "Wine And Blood" Yet  (Read 1352 times)


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I Have Not Listened To "Wine And Blood" Yet
« on: February 26, 2015, 09:35:49 PM »
I've had "Wine And Blood" since Christmas. Have not listened to the studio CD at all. I've played the live CD, and like it a lot, but never once put on the new studio songs yet.

I've done this before with other artists I like. I have a Pearl Jam album from 1998 that I still have not listened to. I have all Clint Eastwood, Akira Kurosawa, and Steven Spielberg films on DVD, yet I have saved one film from each that I will not watch.

The idea is to save something. Kurosawa has died and no longer will be making any films...but I have a Kurosawa film that will be brand new to me. Clint is an old geezer right now, but I have a Clint film from when Clint was tough that I have not seen and can look forward to watching. The idea of saving something for later from a favorite artist is pretty cool. Wouldn't it be great to have bought all The Beatle albums in the '60s, but never played, say, "Rubber Soul"? Imagine how cool that feeling would be to have a completely unheard, complete Beatle album!

Well, I'm doing that right now with New Model Army. You people have heard and digested the songs on "Wine And Blood." I read a lot about how great the tune "Angry Planet" is. Well, I haven't heard it yet but have the cool feeling of anticipation. There is a six song set of New Model Army tunes on "Wine and Blood" that I have never listened to. Cool feeling to have.

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Re: I Have Not Listened To "Wine And Blood" Yet
« Reply #1 on: February 26, 2015, 09:55:27 PM »
Sir, I think that NMA are far from finished... dig into those lovely BWAB tunes and wallow in their goodness!

Plenty more to come, I suspect...   ;)


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Re: I Have Not Listened To "Wine And Blood" Yet
« Reply #2 on: February 26, 2015, 10:00:22 PM »
You are in for a treat Space. From what you have said in the past, I would imagine you will like the first three the best, especially "Angry Planet". I do not think you will like "Sunrise", that one is more in line with their hippy side.

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Re: I Have Not Listened To "Wine And Blood" Yet
« Reply #3 on: February 26, 2015, 10:06:09 PM »
Also, Space, while we're on the subject of Mr Eastwood... you seen 'American Sniper' yet?  Excellent movie...


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Re: I Have Not Listened To "Wine And Blood" Yet
« Reply #4 on: February 26, 2015, 10:16:35 PM »
I am very impressed by this Space. I do not know how you have the will power I can't see myself EVER being able to do this!

I make a point of not looking at motorway crashes as I slowly crawl past, not because I'm not a sick, nosy bastard, just because it's hard to do. But music by bands I love - I just gotta.


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Re: I Have Not Listened To "Wine And Blood" Yet
« Reply #5 on: February 26, 2015, 11:15:35 PM »
I am very impressed by this Space. I do not know how you have the will power I can't see myself EVER being able to do this!
The will power comes from the feeling that it is good to know that I have something more to look forward to. I only wish I had an entire Beatle album I have not heard yet. 12 songs recorded during the peak of their powers...completely unheard. That would be something.

while we're on the subject of Mr Eastwood... you seen 'American Sniper' yet?  Excellent movie...
No. Won't see it.

A) Clint is not in it.

B) I don't like bio-pics. I'd rather see a top documentary on the guy Chris Kyle than a fictionalized account of his life. Would you want to see a movie about NMA in which the band is played by actors, or would you rather see a well made documentary about the band?

C) Over here this "American Sniper" film is getting waaaaaay too much praise from our conservative FOX News channel. To me, that is not a good sign. It would be like if Hitler praised a movie, would you really want to see it?


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Re: I Have Not Listened To "Wine And Blood" Yet
« Reply #6 on: February 27, 2015, 12:57:05 AM »
My fave track is actually Happy to be here. I don't think it will be your's. It sounds as if it belongs on a JS solo album.
Guessing is also a great track. Angry planet is growing on me but it's a hard-rock track not so much a powerful slow track.
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Re: I Have Not Listened To "Wine And Blood" Yet
« Reply #7 on: February 27, 2015, 01:03:57 AM »
My fave track is actually Happy to be here. I don't think it will be your's. It sounds as if it belongs on a JS solo album.
Is "Happy" a non-rocker? Hey, I like the slow, moody stuff, too. My favorite track, the best track on "Dog and Wolf" is "Summer Moors." I could place that song in a top five of New Model Army songs. And it don't exactly ROCK.


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Re: I Have Not Listened To "Wine And Blood" Yet
« Reply #8 on: February 27, 2015, 08:04:12 AM »
I am very impressed by this Space. I do not know how you have the will power I can't see myself EVER being able to do this!
The will power comes from the feeling that it is good to know that I have something more to look forward to. I only wish I had an entire Beatle album I have not heard yet. 12 songs recorded during the peak of their powers...completely unheard. That would be something.

I totally get that, I really do. It's the sort of crazy thing I would think about doing. I just live with the hope some amazing unreleased tracks are unearthed.

One thing I do do is I don't over listen to new stuff so it remains new to me, I have a great fear of boredom.

As a matter of interest when do you plan to listen to Wine and Blood?   


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Re: I Have Not Listened To "Wine And Blood" Yet
« Reply #9 on: February 27, 2015, 09:45:40 AM »
This is an interesting topic. There's definatley something to be said for savoring things. I think Justin has talked in the past of not listening to his favorite songs very often at all, but they're there when he needs them. We're surrounded by music these days - it's in shops, films, TV documentaries, and we can take it all with us wherever we go, so sometimes it's nice to use it a bit more sparingly for some reason. For example I love Ballad Of Bodmin Pill, but probably only listen to it a couple of times a year.


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Re: I Have Not Listened To "Wine And Blood" Yet
« Reply #10 on: February 27, 2015, 05:17:59 PM »
I`m too old to spare some music or books to listen or to read it later....
I wan`t to listen to an new NMA as soon as possible, want to read a book or music next weekend!
How can I be sure I`m alive next year or next month or tomorrow? And perhaps I`m still alive and I`m a wrack, in a hospital, and none is interesting in things I want, they tell me what I have to do and if not, none is there to help me?
That´s my nightmare - and perhaps not so far away from reality  :(

And me, I`ve got a black place in my heart
Still got this hole in me
Perhaps - I am the master of nothing?


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Re: I Have Not Listened To "Wine And Blood" Yet
« Reply #11 on: February 27, 2015, 05:54:20 PM »
As a matter of interest when do you plan to listen to Wine and Blood?
I won't let this delay last ten years like that Pearl Jam album I have not yet listened to. (I listen to and love just about every song Pearl Jam has ever released - albums, singles, B-sides, lost tracks, live versions... and I am so glad that I have an entire Pearl Jam album I have yet to hear. Like an ancient artifact I can discover.)

I am still listening to and sinking myself into the live CD from "Wine and Blood." That live CD I am enjoying immensely. No need really to try the studio CD at this point. I imagine in a few months I'll finally give the new stuff on "Wine And Blood" a listen. Not going to wait years on this one.


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Re: I Have Not Listened To "Wine And Blood" Yet
« Reply #12 on: February 27, 2015, 06:18:16 PM »
That's kind of like when wine connoisseurs save that bottle for some time special; me, I need instant gratification, now!



rick a.

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Re: I Have Not Listened To "Wine And Blood" Yet
« Reply #13 on: February 27, 2015, 06:46:59 PM »
I tried holding off paying a tax bill once,,,,,,with bad results. pop that disc in the player now and start your weekend off in the best possible way.
I'm geared towards the averagae rather than the exceptional.


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Re: I Have Not Listened To "Wine And Blood" Yet
« Reply #14 on: February 27, 2015, 07:41:38 PM »
I've had "Wine And Blood" since Christmas. Have not listened to the studio CD at all. I've played the live CD, and like it a lot, but never once put on the new studio songs yet.

I've done this before with other artists I like. I have a Pearl Jam album from 1998 that I still have not listened to.

There's something I can recognize. Know the feeling. Oddly I have had the same situation sometimes. I've spared some records with some friends long time ago, giving away couple of ep's and some cd's, and got in a spare some albums and compilations from bands I've never heard. Then later on after many years when you're in a mood you would like to listen to something but don't know what exactly, there's some of these albums in your hand and you think "why not?"... They are very interesting moments.

Nowadays the most of the albums I have in a shelf have stayed untouched for many years - because I feel I know and remember most of them very well. I used to listen to them millions of times. And I don't have always enough time to sit down and relax. Not in the mood you know... But recently I've had also a feeling I like to re-explore some bands once again specially, and more deeper than I earlier used to. I play their stuff around and around, but also look for some information, history, interviews, vids, rare material and live shows from the net as well. Even some comments about them from other fans and people. You'll get some more "depth" to them for couple of weeks and get to know them better who they actually are/were. Then you're done with least for some time again.

About the Wine & Blood, I felt it lasted for quite short moment, but all of the songs were very powerfully loaded. It sounded like very "bright" stuff you know. Expert mixing, powerful sounds... At first before buying the album I had heard Guessing first, and then the Angry Planet. Then I somehow got a totally new feeling about Guessing when I heard it for second time, live, and bought the album. I think it's one of their best songs... And what comes to Sunrise it's backing vocals on chorus are amazing! It's like having a shower and clearing your mind of shit from past weeks things.

But you should not listen to our views for too long time.  ;)
« Last Edit: February 27, 2015, 07:54:21 PM by Rusco »
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