Jeez you lot are pessimists. Come on cheer up a bit!

Look, the news is just a tiny tip of the iceberg. I don't, like Anna (no offence), believe the world is going down the toilet. If you watch the news and believe that is all there is going on then you might think that. But my experience is pretty positive, I have downs like anyone, but I choose to be optimistic. Not always easy I know. Life is a choice, so is emotion. Psychologists call it state change, and most of us who do not suffer clinical depression can choose to be positive or not!
I find life in the main is great. People are vastly kind, assholes are a minority.
Lets look at the news shall we. Did you know the ratio of death by terrorist in the UK, is 1 in 16 million.......1 in 16 million!!!!!!
Chance of a car accident mostly very minor; 1 in 6,800. Chance of dying on a motorcycle; 20 in 100 million road miles. Plane crash 11 million to 1.
In the case of happiness, Fowler and Christakis found that each happy contact increases a person's odds of happiness by an average of 9%, while an unhappy contact decreases those odds by 7%.
Don't forget we are all "pebbles in a pond" (I didn't say that), what you project ripples out and comes back to you. So it's not easy, we are natural cynics in the UK, but l think we have many more positives than negatives by a massive distance. If you just look at the news and politics, you will miss the mass of them that are right in front of you.
BTW I am in engineering construction, not a hippy in case you were thinking that!