He said about you that YOU post drivel and their you are cosying up to his pathetic insults.
Almost condoning them ... As Rick said to Neil in the Young Ones ....
'Wheres ya spunk?'Still waiting or a response explaining exactly HOW Space insulted me..?

Here's the timeline, as I understand it.
Space joins the Forum. Things get unpleasant. Space nearly gets banned. He doesn't. He then posts an apology which most of the people who were so nastily insulted accepted. Fine...
After that, we got messages from Space that nobody, in their right mind, could take as 'serious'. Heck, I posted something on another thread that a silly pop band like Bucks Fizz could show NMA a thing or two, or something like that...

Anyone think I was actually serious about that?
Maybe I'm being over-sensitive because I got so vitriolic during the unpleasant moments, something I don't like to do... I was called 'worthless' and a 'weakling', but, then again, I repeatedly told Space to '**** off and die'... even stevens?

Bottom line... I haven't heard anything truly nasty from Space recently. There may have been something that I haven't seen (and I'd still welcome that, if anyone's got that) but until someones got that proof... it didn't happen . His posts are tongue-in-cheek, IMO.
There is something called the 'ignore' button if you get onto your profile. You could use it on Space.
I suspect that my name might also be 'clicked' on after this post.