Author Topic: Let's Be Shiny Happy People...Name Your One Favorite NMA Track  (Read 2813 times)


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Negativity has creeped into this place, time for a change.

I know this is going to be difficult. We all will want to say, "Can't name just one." But that's the challenge, that's the fun. Try to name your one favorite New Model Army track of all time and give your reasons.

"Western Dream"

1 - lyrically it is Justin's best work. I marvel over how each stanza is a complete, perfect picture. He's dealing with rather complex issues in this song -- the entire idea of western capitalism! -- and yet, he can somehow succinctly come to grips with it in each stanza.  And his imagery of the laborers hands "stretching out like children for a crumb that they can chew" is both dead on and frightening.

But the real bullseye in the lyrics is how Justin breaks capitalism down to two ways to go: "the bitterness in failure and the dirt in success." In just a few words Sullivan was able to encapsulate an entire economic/social structure. And then, remarkably, Justin is able to do it again in the chorus: "Every winner means a loser in the western dream." The song is so extraordinary in its economy of words to perfectly hit on such a complex idea.

2 - and of course the music is bad-ass. Quick tempo, a drum/bass rhythm that propels us along like a speeding train, crashing power chords from Justin's guitar, tasty guitar lick intro, and the best guitar solo in all the NMA catalogue. Plus there is my favorite guitar work in all of music. The guitar stabs that punctuate the bridge sections ("they tell when to laugh, they tell you when to cheer") still to this day amazes me. Nothing Van Halen/Satriani/Hendrix complex in what Justin is doing with his guitar there, but his guitar chops there are just so perfect and they are my favorite bit in any NMA song.

"Western Dream"
Killer music, brilliant lyrics. New Model Army's high point.   


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Re: Let's Be Shiny Happy People...Name Your One Favorite NMA Track
« Reply #1 on: March 24, 2015, 11:03:10 PM »
Oh dear Space you've got it all wrong....the best track is Stormclouds!

What a tune. Seems to rip right through me with it's pounding drums and oblique lyrics, that express so much without overstating anything. This song shows the power in not having an overt message in a song.

There is just something so mesmerizing about this combination of words and music, it feels so simple and obvious and timeless: all my life I've been gazing at the far horizon. These words just hit home.

This sense of freedom/foreboding is very powerful - sormclouds/mountains, dark times or opportunity ahead, which? Love it perfectly expresses my personal experience and the times, wow! The personal/political feels alive and close, I have dreams like this: something about to happen, exciting and scary.

.....Always about to happen, never happening.


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Re: Let's Be Shiny Happy People...Name Your One Favorite NMA Track
« Reply #2 on: March 24, 2015, 11:31:34 PM »
Impossible to pick a song I love 99.9% of everything nma have recorded and 100% played live
If I have to pick two at gun point they would be

A- No Pain because the song has a deep personal meaning to me, it even though its not what the song is about its my interpretation of the song. I honestly want to cry everytime I hear it
B- 225 because it was my best mates Sean's favourite song n he died far too young. He was a big nma fan so this is his for him. RIP
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Anna Woman von NRW

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Re: Let's Be Shiny Happy People...Name Your One Favorite NMA Track
« Reply #3 on: March 25, 2015, 12:08:51 AM »
! The personal/political feels alive and close, I have dreams like this: something about to happen, exciting and scary.

.....Always about to happen, never happening.

Beautiful words honey - and keep faith because one day it will happen  :)

Remember peeps - All You Need Is Love..................................... :D

Favourite Track? Think I'll go for:

Vengeance - Simple concept, eloquent truth.


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Re: Let's Be Shiny Happy People...Name Your One Favorite NMA Track
« Reply #4 on: March 25, 2015, 02:43:54 PM »
Spirit Of The Falklands. I love the lyrics. I had to laugh though when I got told it was a pro Falklands war song. :o ??? ::)
Tonight, as you stare at the ceiling again
With your lover turning away
Disappointment closing in
Like the walls... and you try...
You try to talk about love
And they put their arms around you
But you still feel all alone
Wonder why...


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Re: Let's Be Shiny Happy People...Name Your One Favorite NMA Track
« Reply #5 on: March 25, 2015, 02:48:04 PM »
It changes from Day to Day.

Today it's Another Imperial Day with the fact that the EU and USA seem to be so anti-immgration these days.  It really is unethical and needs to change.
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Re: Let's Be Shiny Happy People...Name Your One Favorite NMA Track
« Reply #6 on: March 25, 2015, 05:52:55 PM »

It's the one I always come back to and its relevance hasn't changed a bit.
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Re: Let's Be Shiny Happy People...Name Your One Favorite NMA Track
« Reply #7 on: March 25, 2015, 06:10:29 PM »
Bad old World. A simple almost pop rock song, with catchy chorus. For personal reasons.

Dawn. Powerful subject, fantastic lyrics and huge sweeping music. One I skipped for ages to rediscover it and get bowled over.
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Re: Let's Be Shiny Happy People...Name Your One Favorite NMA Track
« Reply #8 on: March 25, 2015, 06:17:36 PM »
Today it's Another Imperial Day with the fact that the EU and USA seem to be so anti-immgration these days.  It really is unethical and needs to change.

The USA - ironically - has ALWAYS been anti-immigration. Just look into the history of different groups coming here in the 1700s, 1800s, etc. They have always been pretty unwelcome by those here. Social media just makes it loud enough these days for the sentiment to be heard EVERYWHERE.
I think the only people Americans here have ever really WANTED to come here were the black slaves - again - ironically.

I DO love the song and sentiment of Higher Wall - and loved the moment Justin did it here during one of the acoustic tours in the last decade - he spoke of all the talk about "theres too many foreign people coming here" and said " we are rich they are poor - they are going to come, its not a political position, its a fact of life"
That quote stuck with me as I am living in a place with a LOT of illegal immigrants, never mind how crazy this has become since 9/11 and talk of how they are ruining everything - but I couldn't agree with Justin's sentiment more.

"Weve learned from you not to expect, the little that we're given".
LOVE that lyric.

anyway - favorite song,
For me - its 225 - but then you all could have guessed that. There are a WHOLE lot of tracks newer and older that are in a close second.
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Re: Let's Be Shiny Happy People...Name Your One Favorite NMA Track
« Reply #9 on: March 25, 2015, 08:53:12 PM »
Master Race is the one that sprang to mind, I love the overall sound, the acoustic guitar is just perfect. Bodmin Pill is trying to muscle it's way in though....


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Re: Let's Be Shiny Happy People...Name Your One Favorite NMA Track
« Reply #10 on: March 25, 2015, 09:05:33 PM »
BOBP ... redemption song. Luv it  :P

This is where we go to - to the blue of the ocean
On the 30 westbound to the diamond water
Lost out in the white waves - salt purification
Bright eyes and breathless - this is how Love feels


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Re: Let's Be Shiny Happy People...Name Your One Favorite NMA Track
« Reply #11 on: March 26, 2015, 12:45:52 PM »
Better than them

Always has been my favourite song. Robs drum work is so powerful you don't even notice the track is acoustic, the acoustic intro picked up by Robs thundering drums works so well. Great tune, great BV's. Great lyrics about self worth.

jimmie 8

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Re: Let's Be Shiny Happy People...Name Your One Favorite NMA Track
« Reply #12 on: March 26, 2015, 06:27:00 PM »
shush got to agree always loved this song had it as my ringtone for years


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Re: Let's Be Shiny Happy People...Name Your One Favorite NMA Track
« Reply #13 on: March 26, 2015, 06:32:30 PM »

I think it sums all of this in every way. It's the lyrics,  punky, folky influences together with the sharp lyrics giving you a hint about better life; friends and respect you could get. It's a real clog kick in your ass!

However, there are other songs for sure too that I love almost as much as the Family: Far Better Thing, Southwest, Brother, Pull The Sun, North Star, Better Than Them, and All of This.
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Re: Let's Be Shiny Happy People...Name Your One Favorite NMA Track
« Reply #14 on: March 26, 2015, 06:37:13 PM »
Better than them

Shush, mate. My man. ;)
A screaming comes across the sky