Author Topic: A Second Open Letter  (Read 1716 times)


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A Second Open Letter
« on: April 19, 2015, 02:45:32 PM »
Two quick points:

1. So the thought police is even alive and well at a New Model Army forum. "DELETE his threads! Kick him out!" Hey, folks, I do not pick on any members here, use foul language, nor shout out to get rid of people...I just post my thoughts on the band's music and make fun, clearly tongue in cheek posts. (I am the world's biggest NMA fan because, get this, I bought a Region free DVD player! Hooray! And you folks actually take that seriously?!? Ban him! Delete such a post! Burn him!!!)

We have people posting here flat out saying that we should all be in line -- post just like everybody else. No fun, no tongue in cheek, no bold criticism of some of the band's music or strategies. Think and believe like everyone else here. Bill B suggest this should be taken care of "by any means"! Unreal. Just think like everyone here or else. "Is it a crime to believe in something different?" Don't you people here actually listen to and learn anything from these artists you supposedly love?

2. Some here are worried about how non-NMA fans may perceive the band by looking at posts here. Just have to point out that the person who brought that topic up (Anna), well, read her posts to me. Just about every post of hers to me contains childish penis insults. And she's the one calling out how this forum may look bad to non-NMA fans. Good God.

Relax, folks, no one is going to stop buying New Model Army records because someone on a forum crowed about buying a Region free DVD player. But what might turn off potential NMA fans is the intolerance they see by MANY members on an NMA forum. Think about it.


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Re: A Second Open Letter
« Reply #1 on: April 19, 2015, 05:13:43 PM »
Two quick points:

1. So the thought police is even alive and well at a New Model Army forum. "DELETE his threads! Kick him out!" Hey, folks, I do not pick on any members here, use foul language, nor shout out to get rid of people...I just post my thoughts on the band's music and make fun, clearly tongue in cheek posts. (I am the world's biggest NMA fan because, get this, I bought a Region free DVD player! Hooray! And you folks actually take that seriously?!? Ban him! Delete such a post! Burn him!!!)

The legendary Space selective memory.  Do you remember saying this about members here  --

Are you really surprised you have provoked such a reaction from Anna.

Can you please make things clear for us. All of the controversial comments you have made, you have not meant any of them, it has all been a joke. 

Please confirm - fact or joke --

you are the biggest NMA fan
New York is the centre of the Universe
American culture is the best in the World
You improved Inheritance with your guitar work.

« Last Edit: April 20, 2015, 09:45:34 PM by Shush »


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Re: A Second Open Letter
« Reply #2 on: April 19, 2015, 05:35:57 PM »
Very bad try, Shush. That was a post of mine from what, my first week here? Since that one transgression I have issued an apology thread and heeded Vivian's kind PMs to cool it a bit.
Since that one nasty posts (only done because I was attacked) there are no insults to any member here, no calls for deleted threads, no scream from me to ban people...just a fun, tongue in cheek approach to posting. Or do you really believe that a person who buys a Region free DVD player is serious about that as a qualification for "World's Biggest NMA Fan"?

Oh, and by the way, go read texapete's posts to me or Anna's posts to me. Why aren't you bothered by their incredibly vile posts?


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Re: A Second Open Letter
« Reply #3 on: April 19, 2015, 05:46:42 PM »
Because I know those two people personally. They are good people who are both dedicated to their favourite band who would only react that way to someone coming on here dishing out repeated insults to the band they love. What they have said to you, as far as I am concerned, you asked for it.

No I do not think you are the biggest fan for buying a DVD player, guitar, or whatever. As I said to you in the past, if it is down to money, most people here have spent way more than you going to see the band. Many go to all the gigs, UK and across Europe. Takes a massive chunk of their personal income year after year, not just a one hit pricy guitar. More importantly, seeing the band keeps the band going. Tickets = wages. Your DVD and guitar earned the band nothing.

So please confirm / deny . Do you believe you are the biggest NMA fan or not ? Its all been a bad misunderstood joke right ??


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Re: A Second Open Letter
« Reply #4 on: April 19, 2015, 06:03:20 PM »
Screw this.

More childish penis insults please!

I love that old tat.



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Re: A Second Open Letter
« Reply #5 on: April 19, 2015, 06:03:56 PM »
So please confirm / deny . Do you believe you are the biggest NMA fan or not ? Its all been a bad misunderstood joke right ??

See, here's the problem. Just look at your question. You have to ask that question -- that is the problem!
Let me briefly explain.

I start a thread about who is "The Biggest NMA Fan Here" and I said I am the biggest fan based on these three qualifications:
1. I bought a similar guitar
2. I bought a region free DVD player
3. I co-wrote two songs with the band!

The first two are absurd beyond belief, but just look at that last one again:
I co-wrote two songs with the band!

And yet you just ask me "Do you believe you are the biggest NMA fan or not? It's been a bad misunderstood joke, right?"
I say I co-wrote two songs with the band and you have no idea if I am being serious?!?!?

Bottom line is I post the most absurd post possible - a region free DVD player? - and yet people here got caught out by it and answered seriously. Eight pages of responses! You don't think some of those people might feel a bit embarrassed and a bit silly. Others posted on that thread and saw the over the top silliness of my posts...they got the joke. But then others say it should be banned!

Don't you British have a saying "taking the piss" out of something? That thread was probably the biggest piss take ever at this site and it caught out many, many members. I didn't intend that at all. I just wanted to give folks a laugh -- I co-wrote two songs with Justin Sullivan? -- but instead some people (you included) can't even tell if it is serious!?! I played straight man, set up a fun thread for people to give any silly reason why they should be considered the biggest NMA fan and no one delivered anything. No one was creative enough. Instead they stupidly think the thing is a serious thread. Yup, that Region free DVD player makes someone The Biggest fan. Good God, folks, get a sense of humor. Eight pages of serious responses to a thread where a guy claimed he co-wrote two songs with New Model Army. My God.


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Re: A Second Open Letter
« Reply #6 on: April 19, 2015, 06:11:13 PM »
Well, it has been suggested by me and others that there maybe a break down in U.S. / U.K. sense of humour. But I will say, it is very hard to dissect what you say. Sometimes you appear serious, and more often than not, just very self deluded. Has it all been a big joke from day 1 ?

Master Ray

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Re: A Second Open Letter
« Reply #7 on: April 19, 2015, 06:28:47 PM »
The thing is, Space, your earlier nastiness put a bad taste in all our mouths...

And yes, I know I was extremely nasty in response... what the hell, you apologised, I apologised, fair enough... that would have been the end of it, happily IMO...

But you still keep on telling the same bloody joke when it's clear that no-one is laughing!

I know this stuff is acceptable on the Internet, but you've never been to an NMA gig or a pre-gig / after-meet. Such laughter and camaraderie...  now imagine you kept saying that shit over and over again in that environment... you wouldn't be very popular, trust me.  Say I was in New York in one of your 'pugilist'  ??? places and I kept 'taking the piss' out of your beloved NY with crappy unfunny jokes... would that be OK?  I suspect not (and I've been to NY several times, so I have a frame of reference here, unlike yourself...)

Bottom line... you just keep on poking and then get all indignant when people poke back.  Did you never hear of 'trying to get on with people'?  It's a nice thing to do...

A good friend of mine used to regard this Forum as a good place to go when you wanted to talk about important stuff... now they regard the whole place as a fight waiting to happen.  Not good, Space, and this is mostly down to yourself...



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Re: A Second Open Letter
« Reply #8 on: April 19, 2015, 06:36:23 PM »
Shush, I really have a hard time answering you. You are asking if I am serious.

- I post here a CD with a title "...& Nobody Else But Space" and I will charge you fifty dollars each for a copy
- I write absurd lyrics to "Caslen" and say they are better than Justin's
- I say I wrote an updated version of "51st State" and call it "52nd State (The Ballad Of Puerto Rico)"

And yet you ask if I am joking.
I am just sitting here shaking my head in amazement. I really am.

I post the way I choose to. I can discuss NMA songs and matters in a serious knowledgeable manner or I can post crazy lyrics to "Caslen." But, no, Bill B and others here say we should all post in the same manner. I often times here make fun of the Motley Crue Board, but that place most certainly has a better sense of humor and more tolerance of others than this place.


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Re: A Second Open Letter
« Reply #9 on: April 19, 2015, 06:46:43 PM »
you still keep on telling the same bloody joke when it's clear that no-one is laughing!

crappy unfunny jokes...

Hmmm, this from Master Ray recently in response to one of my "crappy jokes":

That genuinely made me laugh.

Kudos, Space


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Re: A Second Open Letter
« Reply #10 on: April 19, 2015, 06:58:26 PM »
So please confirm / deny . Do you believe you are the biggest NMA fan or not ? Its all been a bad misunderstood joke right ??

Don't you British have a saying "taking the piss" out of something? That thread was probably the biggest piss take ever at this site and it caught out many, many members. I didn't intend that at all. I just wanted to give folks a laugh -- I co-wrote two songs with Justin Sullivan? -- but instead some people (you included) can't even tell if it is serious!?! I played straight man, set up a fun thread for people to give any silly reason why they should be considered the biggest NMA fan and no one delivered anything. No one was creative enough. Instead they stupidly think the thing is a serious thread. Yup, that Region free DVD player makes someone The Biggest fan. Good God, folks, get a sense of humor. Eight pages of serious responses to a thread where a guy claimed he co-wrote two songs with New Model Army. My God.

Space, I cant help but fully agree with you here, as I said in my last post. It has been an interesting study in (at least ONLINE) human behavior to see people react since you started posting your (to me, fairly clearly) absurd claims in your posts. Maybe I wasnt as affected because I wasnt around here to see your "earlier nastiness" to get any "bad taste".

But it has been intriguing at the least to see how people react to the character you were playing. I am almost sad you had to break character as you clearly have here.

But as to what Master Ray said in his last paragraph about this becoming a place to expect a fight, I posted here a LOT in the early 2000s for years, and there was a LOT of fighting over a great many issues of the world, people, the band, etc etc. Most of it was fairly cordial, albeit heated at times. Are NMA fans NOT very passionate people? I think they DO tend to be. I remember people being quite angry with me due to my support of the growing anti smoking laws, my positions on a great many things actually, and in the end, esp my opinions on the aftermath and future direction of rebuilding after Katrina hit. There were fights about stray cats and what to do about them, infidelity in relationships, and everything else under the sun and moon.

Some fights I wasnt involved with at all, some people here then definitely angered people more than I did. Sometime Joolz came in and virtually gave us all a slap and reminder to be a bit more considerate of the band and ourselves, and even rarer, Justin made a brief appearance to do the same. It was ALWAYS a place with arguing, as many online forums.

I think, Master Ray, with all due respect. This is nothing new here and I hardly see it as all Space's fault.
But what do I know? - I really havent been around here much for years till recently, and why? Well it mostly came down to there just being not much going on here anymore, which perhaps also led to less "fights waiting to happen" for a while. I still dont see much going on in the Everything Else other than the same threads on top that have been there for years. Nothing of what that section used to be.

And honestly - expecting someone from New York to not outwardly act as though NY is the center of the universe, well you would not be dealing with a New Yorker then. ;););) Taking the piss out of any New Yorker about their town is libel to get one punched in the nose from my experience. ;)
Its almost as bad as expecting someone from America to not act as though America isnt the greatest country in the universe. ;););)
But I digress...

Anyway, just my 2 cents.
And Space, I am still just slightly curious who played the white Gretsch. Maybe a hint? ;)  The Ian Curtis one was easy for me, the Joe Strummer was just some internet searching based on the sticker on the guitar, but I give up on the White Gretsch...
"Suppose we've chosen the wrong god. Every time we go to church we're just making him madder and madder." - Homer Simpson


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Re: A Second Open Letter
« Reply #11 on: April 19, 2015, 07:04:37 PM »
Shush, I really have a hard time answering you. You are asking if I am serious.

- I post here a CD with a title "...& Nobody Else But Space" and I will charge you fifty dollars each for a copy
- I write absurd lyrics to "Caslen" and say they are better than Justin's
- I say I wrote an updated version of "51st State" and call it "52nd State (The Ballad Of Puerto Rico)"

And yet you ask if I am joking.
I am just sitting here shaking my head in amazement. I really am.

I post the way I choose to. I can discuss NMA songs and matters in a serious knowledgeable manner or I can post crazy lyrics to "Caslen." But, no, Bill B and others here say we should all post in the same manner. I often times here make fun of the Motley Crue Board, but that place most certainly has a better sense of humor and more tolerance of others than this place.

Im still laughing at the "& Nobody Else But Space".

What I find interesting, going on the comment that if you said the things you did in person - it would not be taken very well.
Master Ray said:
"I know this stuff is acceptable on the Internet, but you've never been to an NMA gig or a pre-gig / after-meet. Such laughter and camaraderie...  now imagine you kept saying that shit over and over again in that environment... you wouldn't be very popular, trust me. "

I think if Space sat in a crowd of fans and said the things he did here, everyone would laugh at the absurdity of it all a lot faster than they did here. Just my opinion.

I think the psychology of interaction in online forums is still something not entirely understood or well navigated, as its still such a new way of communicating we have never experienced in thousands of years of human interaction. For better AND worse, people behave in very different ways than they do in person.
"Suppose we've chosen the wrong god. Every time we go to church we're just making him madder and madder." - Homer Simpson

Master Ray

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Re: A Second Open Letter
« Reply #12 on: April 19, 2015, 07:14:57 PM »
you still keep on telling the same bloody joke when it's clear that no-one is laughing!

crappy unfunny jokes...

Hmmm, this from Master Ray recently in response to one of my "crappy jokes":

That genuinely made me laugh.

Kudos, Space

Space...I wasn't talking about ONE joke, I was talking about all the subsequent unfunny ones...

For the record, that was genuinely amusing and I offer you respect for that one...

Just struggling to understand why you post the stuff you do, knowing that it upsets people and is kicking off a shitstorm...

Sequoila225... I wasn't here in the early 200's.  Be interested in examples of what you mean.


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Re: A Second Open Letter
« Reply #13 on: April 19, 2015, 07:15:55 PM »
Good words, Sequoia.

(And I didn't break character. Maybe I really am a nasty bastard who posts things just to drive people mad. Maybe I am a delusional internet warrior who thinks he did write songs with New Model Army. Maybe I'm a Motley Crue fan. Maybe I am...who knows for sure?)

And the Gretsch White Falcon I bought was because of....
Billy Duffy of The Cult.
Loved that band's early stuff and Duffy's guitar was always that iconoclastic White Falcon.


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Re: A Second Open Letter
« Reply #14 on: April 19, 2015, 07:21:57 PM »

And the Gretsch White Falcon I bought was because of....
Billy Duffy of The Cult.
Loved that band's early stuff and Duffy's guitar was always that iconoclastic White Falcon.

Ahhhh I would have never gotten that. I liked a few of their songs but wasnt a big fan.
Thanks, It was nagging at me.
"Suppose we've chosen the wrong god. Every time we go to church we're just making him madder and madder." - Homer Simpson