I love Strange Brotherhood. I actually lost touch with New Model Army activities some time after the Impurity album. I rediscovered them when Strange Brotherhood was released. So a gap of 8 years ! I then found that there'd been another album 5 years before that had somehow passed me by completely, so I hurriedly acquired LOHC too. But it was Strange Brotherhood that rekindled the love affair. It was pure joy to be back on the NMA train after so many years. WWTG was and is a brilliant opening track, and there are lots of gems in there. It's probably the least raw of all their albums if that makes any sense. Some would say overproduced, but I like the dense, polished sound. As well as songs already mentioned, I must say Big Blue and Gigabyte Wars are brilliant tracks for me. Some don't like Gigabyte Wars (is it the horns?), but I love it. "Web of lies and savage tales" - I always took that to be referring to the Internet, such as it was back then. Still sums up a lot of the WWW's content now ! Even so, it was the first album cover that had
www.newmodelarmy.org printed on it, and so I also found the band's website, and one of the earlier versions of this forum. Have a lot to thank this album for !