Don't think I've posted after I watched it, so here goes...
Obviously, I loved it. So much rare and wonderful footage. And the best thing about it, for me, that it was really 'warts and all', ie certain folks admitted that they weren't perfect people... I'd have been really disappointed if it was a kiss-arse kind-of documentary!
I was really interested in the bit about Joolz (she did say 'guitar solos' btw) and how she is not terribly well-liked by certain factions of the NMA community... personally, I've never had anything but nice dealings with her, but I am also good friends with others who, frankly, don't have many kind words...

personally, I will never take a side and, if it comes up at a meeting, I will always try and direct conversation away if words get heated...
(Even as I'm typing this, I just stuck on 'Lost Marquee 1985' extra... that's oh so good...

As so many others think, it was a bit concentrated on everything pre-90's... perhaps there might be a sequel? 'Between Dog And Wolf 2 - This Time, It's War!' (film-nerd 'Aliens' reference there...

) Not joking, actually, be very interested in seeing a documentary about how NMA sort of split up in the early 90's and then came back with a few albums that divided opinions (and possibly didn't do all that well) before coming back with the bloody
loved-by-critics classic that is BDAW, their most successful album in 20 years... I know some of it was alluded to, but perhaps in depth?
Whatever. It's a cracking good watch and if any NMA fans haven't got it yet then do so at the earliest opportunity.