Great! Sounds a little bit enigmatic but I like the period between the cup and the lip. What would be the vibe, the sound, the artwork, the whole ambiance of the upcoming set of the new songs?
With you on that Marcin, I like wondering where the next project is going - what's on the agenda this time? What has NMA collectively created? As you say words, music, art all come together and courtesy of all the cumulative parts the beast arrives in all it's glory

I just hate to think of tracks taken to this point of completion that get put away.
Maybe this what the "mechanics" of the release means, if there are enough completed tracks trying to be included on the album hopefully there will be cd single releases with unreleased tracks or whatever. We been spoiled over the years with this sort of stuff, lost songs, B sides & abandoned tracks etc.
We can find versions of the 2 tracks where the lyrics have been posted, wonder if the album versions will be as we've heard or will they be taken in a different direction. Are they representative of the album overall or are we being thrown a red herring? No idea but I like wondering