Author Topic: The NMA 'Game Of Thrones' thread...  (Read 2918 times)


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Re: The NMA 'Game Of Thrones' thread...
« Reply #45 on: March 21, 2019, 01:29:41 AM »
Yeah, Tony S and Ghosttrain, there's nothing noble about not watching GAME OF THRONES.

I can proudly say I have never seen a Harry Potter movie. Proud because that crap is poor quality entertainment. On the other hand, GAME OF THRONES is quite good. I hate everything, but even I will admit that darn show is good. Best HBO show ever? Far from it. But it is thee best television show going right now.


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Re: The NMA 'Game Of Thrones' thread...
« Reply #46 on: March 21, 2019, 09:56:31 AM »
Nothing cool about me...................i don't have Sky or Netflix or whatever channel it's on.My mate is a huge fan ,and says i would really like it....Not trying to be elitist or highbrow about anything,sorry if it came across like that.. :o

Tony S

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Re: The NMA 'Game Of Thrones' thread...
« Reply #47 on: March 21, 2019, 01:06:01 PM »
Yeah, Tony S and Ghosttrain, there's nothing noble about not watching GAME OF THRONES.

I can proudly say I have never seen a Harry Potter movie. Proud because that crap is poor quality entertainment. On the other hand, GAME OF THRONES is quite good. I hate everything, but even I will admit that darn show is good. Best HBO show ever? Far from it. But it is thee best television show going right now.

I didn't say there was anything noble about not seeing it, nor did I say I was proud not to have. I simply said I'd never seen it.  I'm sure it is good.

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Re: The NMA 'Game Of Thrones' thread...
« Reply #48 on: March 21, 2019, 01:08:05 PM »
Nothing cool about me...................i don't have Sky or Netflix or whatever channel it's on.My mate is a huge fan ,and says i would really like it....Not trying to be elitist or highbrow about anything,sorry if it came across like that.. :o

This is exactly why I haven't seen it either. I don't even really know what platform it's on, but whatever it is, I don't have.
I just watch Freeview tv channels in the UK, and there's too many of those !  ;D

Anna Woman von NRW

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Re: The NMA 'Game Of Thrones' thread...
« Reply #49 on: March 24, 2019, 02:22:45 PM »
I don't even really know what platform it's on, but whatever it is, I don't have.

Yes you do  ;D you have an internet connection and search engines ............  ;)

As to what S8 holds well it's pretty hard to say. I think that Bran seems to be the key to the whole thing one way or another. As 3 eyed Raven he appears to be the direct opposite to the Night King so I would guess he is the important part in any defeat of the white walker army. Certainly a cool and BIG battle at Winterfell coming (episode 3 I gather) before (I assume) everything shifts down to Kings Landing for the end of the whole thing.

And who "wins" ? I kinda wonder if maybe nobody really does and Westeros gets knocked back to some sort of post apocalyptic mad max type scenario - but I think thats unlikely tbh  :D I also sort of want Cersei to win and be left as last woman standing but I can't see that sort of "bad" ending for such a big show. I think overall the throne will go to a child of Dany & Jon who will cared for by Regents - maybe Tyrion & Sansa ? - because virtually everyone else is dead  ;D

One other hunch - The Golden Company are coming to help Cersei but they were formed by a Targaryen so maybe there's a significant double-cross coming up.

Pretty sure everything I've said will turn out to be a load of old toot  :D
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Re: The NMA 'Game Of Thrones' thread...
« Reply #50 on: March 24, 2019, 07:51:27 PM »

Some interesting ideas there, Anna!

OK, I'm going to post SPOILERS (even though I won't mention the names of the shows in question) just in case anyone currently watching the shows in question might pick up on it...

Top 5 bad endings of shows that GOT couldn't possibly be any worse than...   ::)

(and if you respond to this, please respect the SPOILER thing...   ;)





They all died in a plane crash and this is Purgatory.

The main character drives a boat into a hurricane and somehow survives and ends up as a lumberjack in Oregon.

All the loose ends are tied up in the previous series but one more series happens with a few of the cast coming back for the odd embarrassing episode, with an entirely new cast who are just terrible.

'I'd like to buy the world a coke...'

He never returned home.


Tony S

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Re: The NMA 'Game Of Thrones' thread...
« Reply #51 on: March 26, 2019, 01:16:15 PM »
I don't even really know what platform it's on, but whatever it is, I don't have.

Yes you do  ;D you have an internet connection and search engines ............  ;)

Only via what little data allowance I have on my mobile phone. I don't have broadband or wi-fi at home. So definitely not enough to watch tv series. But I'm not too fussed anyway.  :)

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Re: The NMA 'Game Of Thrones' thread...
« Reply #52 on: April 15, 2019, 11:14:50 PM »
So, c'mon guys, I'm sure you've all seen episode one of the final series... whaddya reckon?  Some random thoughts below...

No spoilers for anyone who hasn't seen it yet....   ;)

Loved the way that the first twenty minutes or so brought so many characters back together.  Particuarly Arya and Jon Snow, I found that bit genuinely moving.

I had to laugh at the 'sexposition in a brothel' scene, surely that was a funny throwback to so many scenes in earlier episodes... hope Bronn didn't get straddled by the one who had the pox!

Cersei shagging Euron... hmm, could that be Cersei trying to pass off her unborn baby as someone other than Jamie's, seeing as he'd buggered off?  Assuming she was pregnant in the first place...  ???

'I used to think you were the cleverest man alive'... oh, sod off, Sansa!  That was just bitchy...

Aw, Sam, you poor bugger!  You looked pleased to see Dany and then she says that she had her dragons burn your Dad and your brother to death... and then had to tell Jon about his true parentage?  Damn, that's a tough day and no mistake!   ;D

Am I the only person who hated the utterly cheesy Jon / Dany flying on dragons scene?  and remembered this? 

The bit with the dismembered kid nailed to the wall who turned out to be another ice zombie... damn, GOT can still put a proper horror movie moment in there!

Oh, Bronn, surely you're not gonna take the money to kill two of your best mates? 

Jamie seeing Bran at the end and the look on his face (moving because of how far he's come and is now faced with something terrible that he did... damn, that's a proper throwback to the end of the very first episode!)... and didn't Bran say, near the start he was 'waiting foran old friend'???

So you lot got any other thoughts / moments / lines that stuck in your head?  I may have mis-remembered some of that stuff, I need a second watch tomorrow to confirm, but anyway...


« Last Edit: April 17, 2019, 08:41:35 PM by Master Ray »


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Re: The NMA 'Game Of Thrones' thread...
« Reply #53 on: April 16, 2019, 11:03:18 PM »
At least you won't freeze your ball off scene was my favourite.
Really enjoyed it, get what your saying about the dragons tho it was really done .
Think we need to wait to episode 3 before the real action starts .
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Re: The NMA 'Game Of Thrones' thread...
« Reply #54 on: April 16, 2019, 11:07:56 PM »
I'm into watching this channel on YouTube.
Weirdo   Mosher   Freak.

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Re: The NMA 'Game Of Thrones' thread...
« Reply #55 on: April 18, 2019, 11:37:24 PM »
Blimey, I didn't expect this!  The very last scene from the very last episode of Game of Thrones just got leaked online!  Be sure to watch it so you can spoil it for everyone at work!

Honestly, this is REALLY how it ends!   ???
« Last Edit: April 18, 2019, 11:40:17 PM by Master Ray »

Anna Woman von NRW

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Re: The NMA 'Game Of Thrones' thread...
« Reply #56 on: April 19, 2019, 07:44:02 PM »
I'm into watching this channel on YouTube.

I quite like Gray Area & Talking Thrones channels  :)

So, c'mon guys, I'm sure you've all seen episode one of the final series... whaddya reckon?  Some random thoughts below...

No spoilers for anyone who hasn't seen it yet....   ;)

Loved the way that the first twenty minutes or so brought so many characters back together.

Yeah think that was the prime reason for the episode - reuniting people and getting them where they need to be for what's coming
Cersei shagging Euron... hmm, could that be Cersei trying to pass off her unborn baby as someone other than Jamie's, seeing as he'd buggered off?  Assuming she was pregnant in the first place...  ???

Bit mysterious the whole pregnancy thing: was she really ever pregnant or was it just to trick Tyrion? Or has she lost the baby? Mind you other than the tiniest sip we never saw her actually drink a decent slurp.

Aw, Sam, you poor bugger!  You looked pleased to see Dany and then she says that she had her dragons burn your Dad and your brother to death... and then had to tell Jon about his true parentage?  Damn, that's a tough day and no mistake!   ;D

I think this act of Daenrys is going to be a significant one, before Sam found out he was potentially a sound ally but now ? Coupled with Sams other scene where he told Jon who he really was and in particular his line regarding whether Danyrs would bend the knee for the good of the realm may set up a bit of conflict.

Am I the only person who hated the utterly cheesy Jon / Dany flying on dragons scene?

No  ;D Not so much the CGI but the background came across really naff. I understand why it was done - to reinforce the fact that Jon is really a Targaryen but didn't really come off that well

The bit with the dismembered kid nailed to the wall who turned out to be another ice zombie... damn, GOT can still put a proper horror movie moment in there!

Yeah that was pretty  8)  :D Those symbols are no accident and neither was the kid being nailed in the middle of it: harks back to the Night Kings creation by the Children of the Forest and I think it will be key to what he really wants.

Oh, Bronn, surely you're not gonna take the money to kill two of your best mates? 

No  ;D But it's a good way to get him to Winterfell or wherever they end up afterwards.

Jamie seeing Bran at the end and the look on his face (moving because of how far he's come and is now faced with something terrible that he did... damn, that's a proper throwback to the end of the very first episode!)... and didn't Bran say, near the start he was 'waiting foran old friend'???

Yes a good throwback there and a good set up for something - but what? bran knows it all apparently so what has he got planned for Jamie? After all we know from trailers that he ends up fighting in the big battle so he isn't executed so why not?  ??? Also was Jamie the old friend or does that refer to someone else who will appear next episode?

And as for Bran . . . .  I'm not sure about him, we're led to believe he is a "good guy" but is he really ? Might be a good twist to find out he is not but thats a long shot I think. Whatever - the blokes a bit weird  :D

Theon & Yara - guess whatever is left of the Northerners and Daenarys armies will end up at the Iron Isles at some point and Theon will die saving one of thst Starks

No elephants from the Golden Company - first hint of a switch of sides?

Roll on Sunday  :)

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Master Ray

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Re: The NMA 'Game Of Thrones' thread...
« Reply #57 on: April 19, 2019, 09:04:56 PM »

Oh, Anna, I know you will always have my back in various random stuff and also call me out when I'm posting what is, probably, utter bollocks...  ;D

A couple more thoughts... I genuinely didn't realise that the dismembered kiddie nailed to the wall was the young Lord who promised to rally his troops in an early scene... and I also don't remember the 'Night Kings creation by the Children of the Forest', as you put it :-\

Now, Bronn being asked to kill Tyrion and Jamie by some minor character whose name I can't remember... why didn't Cersei do it herself?  There are two possible explanations... one, Cersei didn't demand it, someone else is trying to manipulate her.  Or there is possibly another explanation that is far more related to our 'real world' and might count as 'celebrity gossip', look that one up or get back to me...  ;)

Oh, missed this one out... Cersei didn't drink any wine? WTF, this is a fantasy land based on medieval times, I doubt they had the NHS with their 'recommended limits' back then !  The wine is probably better than the water!  She could knock back a pint of Westeros gin and it'd be better than the water!

Now Samwell is the dark horse of the series, as far as I'm concerned.  He's one of the truly nice, open-hearted guys.  But after the last episodes revelation, I suspect he might 'go bad'.  Because he might have figured out that 'nice guys finish last', as Green Day once said.

One thing that surprisingly few people picked up on when Bronn was with the three hookers and the conversation from those nekkid ladies went a bit like this... 'That boy Eddie?' /  'The Ginger?' / 'That's him, he came back with his face burned right off... he's got no eyelids now...' / 'How does he sleep with no eyelids..'  Oh, C'MON, that HAS to be a reference to the Ed Sheeran cameo from the last series that pissed so many people off!   :D

Anyway, ep 2 is forthcoming... can't wait.


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Re: The NMA 'Game Of Thrones' thread...
« Reply #58 on: April 20, 2019, 12:15:03 AM »
It took me three watches to get back into the swing of things and I was expecting a two hour episode. It just felt like too many things were squashed into an hour.
My favourite bit as others have mentioned, was the warning from the Night King. I think that was very dark. The flying dragons scene was pants. I suspect episode 2 is going to kick on.
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Anna Woman von NRW

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Re: The NMA 'Game Of Thrones' thread...
« Reply #59 on: April 20, 2019, 07:02:11 PM »
Hey MR - always happy to talk waffle and especially GOT dribblings cos my German is nowhere near good enough for doing that here and seeing as Keren doesn't watch it  :o (she says hello btw) this is the only place i've got  ;D

Anyway little Lord Umber - was coincidententally (or not) called Ned and also the Umbers betrayed the Starks. Whether or not that means anything I don't know but probably just coincidence cos the Last Hearth is the first stronghold south of the wall.

Cersei & Bronn - yeah I know what you're getting at but you would hope that they could be a bit more professional  ::) Maybe it is all down to Qyburn but perhaps it's Cersei being scared about the Valonquar prophecy stuff. Either way I cannot see Bronn doing it.

The drinking wine thing - yeah maybe a red herring but I think there is something in it or why would Tyrion have realised she was (or pretending to be) pregnant?

Yes I did clock the Ed Sheeran reference and at least now we don't have to worry about him popping up again  :)

The Night King creation bit was (I think) in one of Bran's vision things and I'm convinced this is part of what will go down/why he's come south of the wall.

Oh and what about Melisandre ? We know she's coming back to Westeros and we know she should die there but when and how? I reckon somehow she will have to be sacrificed by fire (echoing what she's done to others) and I think it will be something to do with a Weirwood tree

Hey Bunny - I think only the last 4 episodes are longer ones and I don't think any are slated to be 2 hours long  :'(
« Last Edit: April 20, 2019, 07:27:15 PM by Anna Woman von NRW »
Waving at the devil that I know and the devil that I don't