I wasn't the biggest fan of bdaw , much preferred bwab ,
First time i listened to "Between wine and blood" i thought it was mostly "OK"...but then, 2 years later i think it's awesome and i listen to it more often than "Between dog and wolf" (a fine album, though!)...i mean..."Devil's bargain"...what a great song, powerful (and "Happy to be here"...still not available on Youtube, weirdly!)
Last major NMA album for me is "High" even if all their next albums are good...First half of "Between dog and wolf" from "Horsemen" to "Pull the sun" included is impressive...and "Today is a good day"...i was a bit bored (like "Carnival") of this album these last years but now it has a bit grown on me again!
By all reports it gonna be a lot more punky n personally that's what I like
I just hope it will deliver many moods, electric storms BUT also cool, quiet, "folk" anthems...like in "High" for example ("One of the chosen", "Bloodsports", "Wired" but also the cool beauty of "Dawn", "Into the wind", "Rivers"...)!!