So, today is a good day (someone should write a song with that title...

)because Winter finally dropped through my letterbox...
Firstly, terrific artwork... nice to see a band still making such a cool package for the fans...
As for the music... loving it. Just onto my fifth full listen. BDAW might have divided certain long-time fans, but I think that this one will re-affirm their love for the band. More stripped-down, harsher... perhaps there's nothing as truly 'heavy' as Angry Planet (although Burn The Castle and Eyes Get Used to The Darkness come close) but there are a few tunes that will get the moshpit folks bouncing and doing the classic NMA 'arms waving and twisting, on someone shoulders' dance...

I have to say that 'Die Trying' didn't work for me on the two occasions I heard it live, but the album version..? Loving it, now one of my favourites...
Also, loving Echo November and Weak And Strong... I will post on the Favourite / Least Favourite threads...
So, that's that, the lads haven't let us down. I suspect that we'd forgive them if they did. After all these years, a substandard album would make us all say 'well, it had to happen one of these days, at least we'll have the old stuff at the forthcoming gigs...'
Nope. Another cracking good album that will bother my stereo for many years to come.