Author Topic: Least favourite track on Winter - so far  (Read 3922 times)


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Re: Least favourite track on Winter - so far
« Reply #45 on: September 02, 2016, 11:40:26 AM »
Echo November
Now I thought the same but after a few listens I dont mind it. I think Part the Waters is gonna be my least favourite. But genuinely blown away by this album. Almost a maturing, musically. Never ever cease to amaze me.
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Re: Least favourite track on Winter - so far
« Reply #46 on: September 02, 2016, 11:34:43 PM »
We were down in south london house hunting the other day and after a tiring day of meeting "smug men in suits" went to a pub in croydon centre called the ship for a hobgoblin or two, never been there before but its a bit of a biker/punk place and they had the new NMA album playing for 2 hours or so on random! Enjoyed ever track, but the least favourites were "part the waters" and "after something".

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Re: Least favourite track on Winter - so far
« Reply #47 on: September 03, 2016, 02:42:31 PM »
Echo November

I was beginning to think it was just me would couldn't get on with this song.

Whooosshhhh !!!


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Re: Least favourite track on Winter - so far
« Reply #48 on: September 06, 2016, 01:00:26 PM »
Echo November

I was beginning to think it was just me would couldn't get on with this song.
Consider yourself excused, dear.


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Re: Least favourite track on Winter - so far
« Reply #49 on: September 09, 2016, 05:50:59 PM »
For me the weakest track is 'Beginning'.
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Re: Least favourite track on Winter - so far
« Reply #50 on: September 12, 2016, 12:07:04 AM »
The only bit I don't like on this album is the silence between track 13 and returning to track 1 on my car stereo.

Drift is going to be the surprise live track I think. I really like the 'yomp-a-pomp-a-pomp' bouncing riff that leads it along- reckon it will get the pit jumping like a kangaroo on a hot-plate  :D

Weak and Strong was niggling my brain for a while, reminding me of something I couldn't place, then it hit me- it actually sounds a lot like Don Henley's 'Boys of Summer' under the brooding lyrics, and that is no insult IMO.

I struggled to connect with BDAW for a good couple of months of heavy rotation, but I grew to love it. Winter has just blown me away from listen 1 and is getting better every time. Can't stop playing it  8)
I meant what I said at the time that I said it.


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Re: Least favourite track on Winter - so far
« Reply #51 on: September 13, 2016, 08:17:59 PM »
Echo November, the 'catchy tune' and background voices really are terrible (imo)

but I have to say, I'm a little dissappointed with a lot of the songs, feels like there's a lot of fillers really. Maybe my expectations were to high - I totally love BDAW, and then when Justin said BDAW opened up a lot of creative doors I guess my expectations went through the roof.
(I have to say I kinda laughed when I heard 'burn the castle' - is this 'freedom '91' revisited or what? A rather old creative door, this...)
The only songs I don't love on BDAW are Knievel / lean back and fall. On Winter, there's a lot more that doesn't do anything for me: Part the waters, Eyes get used..., Echo November, Weak and strong, after something - all feel kinda shallow. To make things worse - the rest on BDAW _really_ got to me, whereas the good bits on winter so far are just... good... (Notable exceptions: Die trying - I was pretty surprised how on the album it sounds somehow more immediate, more accoustic then it did live. Devil - nice punch, in an interesting way. Yeah and I guess born feral really is pretty good, too...)

Anyway, as much as I still want to love 'Winter', and will surely give it some more time, I'm afraid I might have to wait for the next album.

On a sidenote, I discovered this: - can't really put my finger on it but something about it feels NMAish, somehow ^^

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Re: Least favourite track on Winter - so far
« Reply #52 on: September 13, 2016, 08:29:41 PM »
Fair play, Joe.  After all these years and so much music, it's entirely understandable that every album will not work for everyone.  Remember that BDAW got a tepid response from certain long-term NMA fans when initially released, but they came around!

I hope it grows on you...  ;)

That band you mentioned... quite good and certainly a bit NMA-ish!

Best wishes to you and yours.


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Re: Least favourite track on Winter - so far
« Reply #53 on: September 13, 2016, 09:31:31 PM »
Fair play, Joe.  After all these years and so much music, it's entirely understandable that every album will not work for everyone.  Remember that BDAW got a tepid response from certain long-term NMA fans when initially released, but they came around!

I hope it grows on you...  ;)

That band you mentioned... quite good and certainly a bit NMA-ish!

Best wishes to you and yours.

Thanks, mate, really appreciate it :) Yeah it will grow on me, most of it anyway, propably when I see stuff life. I hope I'll be able to afford Berlin in October, maybe, just maybe, also Leipzig or Dresden. If not its gonna be next summers festivals. Cheers!


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Re: Least favourite track on Winter - so far
« Reply #54 on: September 14, 2016, 03:35:34 PM »
Echo November, the 'catchy tune' and background voices really are terrible (imo)

but I have to say, I'm a little dissappointed with a lot of the songs, feels like there's a lot of fillers really. Maybe my expectations were to high - I totally love BDAW, and then when Justin said BDAW opened up a lot of creative doors I guess my expectations went through the roof.
(I have to say I kinda laughed when I heard 'burn the castle' - is this 'freedom '91' revisited or what? A rather old creative door, this...)
The only songs I don't love on BDAW are Knievel / lean back and fall. On Winter, there's a lot more that doesn't do anything for me: Part the waters, Eyes get used..., Echo November, Weak and strong, after something - all feel kinda shallow. To make things worse - the rest on BDAW _really_ got to me, whereas the good bits on winter so far are just... good... (Notable exceptions: Die trying - I was pretty surprised how on the album it sounds somehow more immediate, more accoustic then it did live. Devil - nice punch, in an interesting way. Yeah and I guess born feral really is pretty good, too...)

Anyway, as much as I still want to love 'Winter', and will surely give it some more time, I'm afraid I might have to wait for the next album.

I mostly agree with you unfortunately :'(
What did you think of "Between wine and blood" and the others albums before "Winter" like "Today is  a good day", "Carnival", "High" and "Eight"?


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Re: Least favourite track on Winter - so far
« Reply #55 on: September 14, 2016, 03:40:20 PM »
but I have to say, I'm a little dissappointed with a lot of the songs, feels like there's a lot of fillers really.

You see, this is precisely how I felt about BDAW for a fair while. Took me ages for it to click, but when it did, it all made sense.

Hopefully perseverance with Winter will reward you, as mine with BDAW did me  8)
I meant what I said at the time that I said it.


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Re: Least favourite track on Winter - so far
« Reply #56 on: September 14, 2016, 06:07:24 PM »
but I have to say, I'm a little dissappointed with a lot of the songs, feels like there's a lot of fillers really.

You see, this is precisely how I felt about BDAW for a fair while.

it's also what i think, even if it is overall a fine album...maybe the length of these albums is a weakness, not enough concise/tight, so more "fillers"?


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Re: Least favourite track on Winter - so far
« Reply #57 on: September 14, 2016, 07:56:21 PM »
Blimey i'm a bit suprised at quite afew peoples views on "echo november", its one of the standouts to me with that pumping curesque bassline, artillery  attack drums and catchy as **** melodies, maybe its a bit to radio friendly for some? Not for me though its the hooks that draw blood, love it.


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Re: Least favourite track on Winter - so far
« Reply #58 on: September 15, 2016, 10:40:05 PM »
I love the album, all of the songs but i have to confess that i find Echo November to be just okay and skip it every time.
It lacks the feeling of all of the other songs for me. Maybe live it will sound a bit better.  I hope so.
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Re: Least favourite track on Winter - so far
« Reply #59 on: September 24, 2016, 06:29:42 PM »

I mostly agree with you unfortunately :'(
What did you think of "Between wine and blood" and the others albums before "Winter" like "Today is  a good day", "Carnival", "High" and "Eight"?

What did I think... those had a lot of time to grow on me obviously, but trying to think back - lots more songs that were just meaningful to me in both lyrics and music, in intellect and emotion, and I guess in the way both just fit together so well for me in a lot of the songs.
I also remember how very, very odd 'All consuming fire' sounded on the album, after I loved the live version so much already - odd, but interesting, kinda experimental. Leeds road - kind of a poem set to music, also experimental in a way. To me, there's way to little experimental on winter and way to much conventional catchy.

Yet, BDAW clearly topped all of them, I was blown away really. Yeah I was in some pretty special spots personally at the time, that maybe helped, I don't know.

Also on 'winter' I guess I miss the angry political aspects. OK, burn the castle, but thats about it. I'm in germany, and if anything we'd have more reasons to be angry about the fuckers (as in 'jump you fuckers'), not less. Interesting times surely, as they have been for quite a while now. All those years, albums always felt like proper responses, so far, winter doesn't really. Maybe it's just all been said already (while the bombers still go south and east), but if that's the case, why isn't that very fact mentioned on 'winter'?
(ha, or maybe it is and I just didn't get it yet.)

Listening to 'states radio' now. What did you think about the albums you mentioned?
« Last Edit: September 24, 2016, 07:45:34 PM by sailor_joe »