I mostly agree with you unfortunately 
What did you think of "Between wine and blood" and the others albums before "Winter" like "Today is a good day", "Carnival", "High" and "Eight"?
What did I think... those had a lot of time to grow on me obviously, but trying to think back - lots more songs that were just meaningful to me in both lyrics and music, in intellect and emotion, and I guess in the way both just fit together so well for me in a lot of the songs.
I also remember how very, very odd 'All consuming fire' sounded on the album, after I loved the live version so much already - odd, but interesting, kinda experimental. Leeds road - kind of a poem set to music, also experimental in a way. To me, there's way to little experimental on winter and way to much conventional catchy.
Yet, BDAW clearly topped all of them, I was blown away really. Yeah I was in some pretty special spots personally at the time, that maybe helped, I don't know.
Also on 'winter' I guess I miss the angry political aspects. OK, burn the castle, but thats about it. I'm in germany, and if anything we'd have more reasons to be angry about the fuckers (as in 'jump you fuckers'), not less. Interesting times surely, as they have been for quite a while now. All those years, albums always felt like proper responses, so far, winter doesn't really. Maybe it's just all been said already (while the bombers still go south and east), but if that's the case, why isn't that very fact mentioned on 'winter'?
(ha, or maybe it is and I just didn't get it yet.)
Listening to 'states radio' now. What did you think about the albums you mentioned?