Between Dog & Wolf - described by JS as a winter love song
Yes, if i am right he said last night in Paris that
it was "born" in Ivry sur Seine, a Paris suburb...
he said it already a few years ago in another Paris gig... 
You're terrific, Guillaume!

Thanks for mentioning that crucial bit of NMA/JS musical trivia.

Do you have a clip of that somewhere? You're awesome at sourcing and posting videos.

Guillaume, are you going to
JS' solo show at
New Morning in
Paris, this

I'm trying to convert my girlfriend into a NMA fan, with v little success. I've managed to convert her with surprising success to many of my other favourites. Then 1 day I happened to play Family Life & she told me (in an almost aggrieved tone) that it was the most romantic NMA song I'd ever played her & I realised that the worth of music, to her, is measured by how 'romantic' it is. So now I'm trying to compile her a CD based on this criteria. The trouble is NMA doesn't really write traditional love songs. After a strong start with Queen of My Heart, Knife, Love Songs & 11 Years I'm left.
Any ideas?
I wasn't around when this thread was originally created. Was off here for seven difficult years. Anyway, this is an extremely interesting topic.
She doesn't like NMA? Dump her! Immediately!
lol, Master Ray's kidding here, but I actually would let her go, gently of course. NMA/JS mean far too much to me, that if I was with someone who couldn't stomach NMA/JS' music or gigs, I wouldn't even consider pursuing... no matter how
sexy, or great they are at
(insert sought after + preferred physical activity here).

I'd love to hear from those of you here, for whom converting others has worked, and from those of you who were able to win over your significant others OR your significant other won you over, got you into loving NMA/JS' music / gigs. Please, be specific = songs, etc.
1. Exactly,
what worked for you?
What didn'
t work?
3. Did you take them to a
gig first or did you share NMA/JS
recordings with them
How long did it take to win them or you over? Could be the
amount of time or
number of songs or
gigs it took.
5. Does your significant other ever
hassle or criticize you at all,
about NMA/JS'
music or going to more than one NMA/JS
gig? If you answered yes, how do you both work things out, deal with it?
The questions are open to anyone and everyone. Hope to hear from whomever cares to answer, share helpful tips. Cheers!
