Pol, I have fun. I remember that guy Space posted a brilliant comedy bit on April Fool's Day announcing he released an album, and only a handful here went along for the fun ride. The others were so wound up tight they didn't even note the date.
I am Whirlwind. If I can make your time here even half as fun and amusing as that guy Space did, then we should all be thankful. Thanksgiving Day is coming up, you know. Let's all be thankful for those in the world who have a sparkle in their eye, their tongue in their cheek, and a grin on their face.
I am Whirlwind, I wish I had met this Space guy you all seem to talk of. Sounds like a regular good time Charley. More of them are needed in our world.
Oh, yeah, I did buy that guy Space's album. Wasn't an April Fool's joke after all. Rather good: