Author Topic: Happy Thanksgiving...Thankful For NMA  (Read 439 times)


  • Totally Obsessed
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Happy Thanksgiving...Thankful For NMA
« on: November 22, 2017, 10:04:03 PM »

OK, Thanksgiving Day tomorrow. A day when we all say what we are thankful for. Being that this is a New Model Army board, let's say what we are thankful for when it comes to NMA.

Let's do it.
I am Whirlwind and...

- I am thankful that New Model Army still make records! How many of our favorite bands from our youth are long gone? It is really astonishing that a band I loved in my teens is still making records for me in my later years.

- I am thankful that New Model Army provided an inspiration for me to buy a particular guitar. Because of Mr. Sullivan's use of a Gibson SG, I had to have one....and I love it:

OK, your turn. Give thanks.