Humbly asking 8, are there any other gigs we should be aware about?
Yeah, in my dreams!! I would LOVE to say that Mr. Sullivan will hop on a plane within the next couple of years, and do a completely acoustic solo tour of parts of Canada. Just him, his guitar, his harmonica, Mr. Harvey, Mr. Scanlon... but that ain't ever going to happen.

Of course, I want the entire band to come back, but that's not doable at this time. Don't get me wrong, I am not complaining, in no way whatsoever. I waited 10 years, I can wait another 10. The
love will
always be there, will
always be present. Once I love or like something, I tend to stick with it, by it, forever. I am a lifer. Always will be. Whether I am found, heard, seen, or not... my soul, spirit, will always be close by.
Incidentally, the dates I posted were pulled from NMA's official website's home page. However, some of us forget to check out that page, sometimes.
Welcome back, it's a LONG time since you were around. 
"You skip a beat and seven years goes by..."That's pretty much how long it's been, actually.
And, about 13 years, since my very first post.
Hello & thanks for the welcome, Rusco.