Author Topic: Bands / artists you generally don't care for, but have 1 song that you just LOVE  (Read 1303 times)


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Bands or solo artists you generally don't care for (in musical terms), but have that one song that you just love!  Please post the song, band/artist, and a link.

For me, it's  "Against All Odds"  by  Phil Collins

Yes, I am totally serious!  And, it's just as beautiful when the guy messes it up!!  here.   :'(
« Last Edit: January 10, 2018, 01:41:33 PM by 8 »
'Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward,
for there you have been and there you will always long to return.'

'Just as courage imperils life,
fear protects it.'

⁂ Da Vinci ⁂


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Duran Duran  - ordinary world,  Has always been a guilty pleasure.  Just something in the lyrics.
Weirdo   Mosher   Freak.

Stamp Out Prejudice Hatred Intolerance Everywhere
Not Vengeance  -  Punishment  !

Master Ray

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I'll add 'Save A Prayer' to a list of Duran Duran songs that are pretty good, heard it in a coffee shop today when I was there with my Dad and thought 'that's a pretty damn decent tune, actually'...   :)

OK, this is the one that might get me barred from the NMA Forum forever (the film 'Spring Breakers' alerted me to it) but... Britney Spears, 'Everytime'.  Can't be doing with her usual stuff, but I think this is just such a pretty and melancholy tune...

Feel free to disown me.   ;)


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Let the record show, that i have ALWAYS loved Duran Duran's entire repertoire.  They're just one of the many, many bands / artists that I make it a point to purchase all the full length recordings and live dvds.  I feel no shame in stating so, either.  And, they're great live, too.  Even the new stuff holds up well against the old stuff.  I'd like to see them continue making music, touring.

Also, when I started this thread, I didn't intend the songs to be guilty pleasures as such, seeing as there's already another thread somewhere for those kinds of songs.  What I meant was, one song you love by a band / artist that a lot of people love, but for the most part, don't tend to stir much, if anything, in / for you.  Hmmm, I'm not articulating this well and my grammar is atrocious, sorry.  Hopefully folk somehow comprehend what I'm trying to relate.

So here's another entry... "Near Wild Heaven"  by  R.E.M.

They're a band whose works, for the most part, don't do much for me, in terms of stirring up my soul, consciousness, sensuality, spirituality, or otherwise.  But, I do LOVE that song!
'Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward,
for there you have been and there you will always long to return.'

'Just as courage imperils life,
fear protects it.'

⁂ Da Vinci ⁂

Master Ray

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I normally can't stand Robbie Williams.  but I think 'Advertising Space' is a cracker of a tune.

This is an interesting idea for a thread, can't believe it didn't take off, c'mon guys, we've all got those tunes in our heads, let's be brave and admit to those tunes we like!   :D


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Ill go with all yours so far MR but I dont mind Robbie's earlier stuff. For myself, I guess I cant stand Blur but The Universal is a decent tune. Also Coldplay, the equivalent of beige Farah trousers, In my Place.
Hala (from the Anglo-Saxon word "halh", meaning nook or remote valley), until it was gifted by King Henry II to Welsh Prince David Owen and became known as Halas Owen

Master Ray

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The Universal?  Cracker of a tune!

If we're talking about Coldplay (who I normally can't be bothered with) I'd go with 'Viva La Vida'... reminds me watching a brilliant fireworks display in Chicago...

New one, Stereophonics, 'Dakota'...


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The Universal?  Cracker of a tune!

If we're talking about Coldplay (who I normally can't be bothered with) I'd go with 'Viva La Vida'... reminds me watching a brilliant fireworks display in Chicago...

New one, Stereophonics, 'Dakota'...
Fraid Im a big fan of the Stereo's amd thats a great song amongst many
Hala (from the Anglo-Saxon word "halh", meaning nook or remote valley), until it was gifted by King Henry II to Welsh Prince David Owen and became known as Halas Owen


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So here's another entry... "Near Wild Heaven"  by  R.E.M.

You happened to hit upon R.E.M.'s best song.

I do enjoy much from that band, but "Near Wild Heaven" is their best - as perfect a pop song as can possibly be. It's Mike Mills' vocals that elevate it. His voice is sweet and lovely. Stipe is by far the better singer, but Mills voice is just so soothing. And of course Buck's guitar work on "Near Wild Heaven" is stellar. Best work he's done. I play guitar and I love playing this song. Those arpeggios that spring up behind the vocal ("there's a feeling that's gone...") are magical and magnificent.


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I'll go for I wanna be adored by The Stone Roses who on the whole I think are so over rated or in other words crap but I totally "adore" that one song


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Hard task, 'cause I'm a working musician and have played in cover bands for years now, so there's plenty of such songs and bands for me...
In general I wouldn't say I like Coldplay or care for them at all, but I'd say they earned a bit of respect from me by the brilliant debut album, Parachutes, and there is a song there that I really love, called Spies.
Some people mentioned Duran Duran and I have to add my opinion too: I think they are a good band, a bunch of great songs and more then adequate musicianship... My problem with them is that when I was a kid all the yuppies liked them and they stood for flagboys of the fashion and style that was something I found disgusting at the time and also don't like to be reminded of nowadays. I was 9-10 at the time and through my older brother I had developed a taste for music that was, in my opinion, a bit advanced for my age, all the kids I went to school with, and, actually, those a few years older, like my cousins, used to listen to Duran Duran and similar popular stuff, like Nik Kershaw, Paul Young, Madonna, while I was into the Doors, the Beatles, Bob Dylan and, a bit later on, Nina Simone. So, as I felt those kids that listened to Duran Duran and all the contemporary stuff were all fakes and yuppies, which most of them actually were, I also associated the band with such prejudice from my side. Later on, as a grown up and a professional musician, I discovered a lot of their stuff actually isn't that bad at all, as the matter of fact songs like Save a Prayer or Ordinary World are great, but I wouldn't go that far to say I actually spend my time listening to the band, I just know and respect them,.
I could say a similar thing about A-Ha: I like Hunting High and Low, but I hate the whole period in the music history when all of that occurred, especially the mainstream MTV 80's. I know there must be some good songs there, but I like to stick to some vintage stuff or some interesting things that were going on in music unnoticed by the mainstream media, who, at the time, were into Boy George and Limahl...

Master Ray

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Great post, pjevac.  You truly got to the idea that sometimes our opinions of music are based on our experiences at the time and not quite related to the music itself.  Yet, in later life, we can recognise some of those tunes are pretty damn decent.  You mentioned A-Ha, well 'Stay On These Roads' is a gorgeous tune, one of my favourite ballads...

Pop music is a funny thing, isn't it?  Us 'big alternative music fans' sometimes look down on it but I'd bet we've all got favourites from the acts that are somewhat regarded as silly and irrelevant.  As was the point of this thread.

Good luck with your bands!

« Last Edit: May 09, 2018, 09:11:16 PM by Master Ray »


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I kinda get that MR. As a younger man (I was once) I judged music on what I thought was cool. The same songs 30 years later, I hear it and think, yeah thats ok.

In conclusion, as a teenager I kicked against it. As a middl ager, teenagers know nothing!!
Hala (from the Anglo-Saxon word "halh", meaning nook or remote valley), until it was gifted by King Henry II to Welsh Prince David Owen and became known as Halas Owen

Master Ray

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I kinda get that MR. As a younger man (I was once) I judged music on what I thought was cool. The same songs 30 years later, I hear it and think, yeah thats ok.

In conclusion, as a teenager I kicked against it. As a middl ager, teenagers know nothing!!

Ah, those bloody teenagers, with their effortless skinny-ness and their relentless 'hope for the future'... 



Isaac(Black Eagle Rising)

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Somethings Gotten Hold Of My Heart-Gene Pitney&Marc Almond...After 8 beers or half a bottle of whisky it's one of my favorites  :)