[...]What do the major streaming services pay per stream:
Napster - $0.0167
Tidal - $0.0110
Apple Music - $0.0064
Google Play - $0.0059
Deezer - $0.0056
Spotify - $0.0038
Pandora - $0.0011
YouTube - $0.0006
Those are
all disgusting figures!

How do we get around this, to help out the artists we love so much?
When I go to gigs, I make it a point to buy, whatever I'm looking to buy, directly from the artist(s). I also make a conscious effort to buy directly from the artist(s) own online shop(s). Should probably not say this, but last year I bought several tickets to (non-NMA) shows... but only went to one of them.
Not sure what's going on with me there, but hopefully those different artist(s) I wanted to see, still got their money. Must confess, I am a bit hooked on Youtube. There's just
so much there, not just music. I go there to; learn stuff, like cooking, baking, playing an instrument, making jewellery, sewing, gardening, how to use a computer program, how to fix things, etc. etc. etc. (if you can think of it, it's probably already there); to watch regular
Joes and
Janes review some product I'm looking to purchase; to watch snippets of gigs I was either too far way to attend OR that happened before I was born; to watch interview clips from before my time OR that took place in other countries... - basically, I go there to see what I missed and to learn new things.