..it's that over complicated rugby game for wimps who have to wear protective gear
Friend, simple logic can show you that what you wrote is rather silly.
Ever think that our football players are not wimps and that the reason they wear protective gear is because that sport is shatteringly dangerous to the body?
You mention rugby? Uhh, you do realize that we play rugby here in America...and get this, we don't wear protective gear to play that game. Why not? Because rugby is a game that is almost kid friendly and no need for protective gear. It's like bowling in that respect. But our football we do need protective gear.
Rugby -- no need for helmets and pads
Football - suit of armor
We play both sports here, one we wear protection for. The tough, savage game called football. Rugby can be played in shorts and tee shirt. Football, suit up, it's war.
(Explanation: rugby is a tackling/grabbing sport while our football is an impact/collision sport.)
I have nothing against rugby. Cool sport. Why can't you accept our sport as a great game?