My top 5 death scenes in movies...
Wiliam Dafoe in 'Platoon'
Sean Connery in 'The Untouchables'
Sean Connery (again) in 'The Man Who Would Be King'
Alan Tudyk in 'Serenity'
Edward Woodward in 'The Wicker Man'
Aw, balls, I just realised I missed out one of my favourite death scenes, Richard Harris in 'The Wild Geese'...

I'll substitute the second Sean Connery one from that previous post...
And now, in response to Bunny, Top 5 Sly Stallone quotes...
'You're the disease and I'm the cure...'
'Thanks a lot, you shit-brained, ****-faced, ball breaking, duck ******* pain in the ass....'
'Rambo..? Rambo's a pussy'
'I feel like a Kentucky Fried idiot'...
'If I can go that distance, you see, and that bell rings and I'm still standin', I'm gonna know for the first time in my life, see, that I weren't just another bum from the neighborhood...'