Thought I would add this . This is Vic Mullen from Irvine Ayrshire probably my favourite YouTuber but on his other channel . This is his take on brexit and Europe.
I've gotta agree with most of what he said . Sure there are other issues imo .
Anyone else have any thoughts.
I remember reading around the time of the Brexit referendum, that the British were the least informed people in Europe in regards to the workings of the EU. This video kinda confirms that. He does raise some valid points but he seems to confuse 'not having a say' with 'not giving a shit'. There are many inaccuracies in this video (Britain never signed the Schengen agreement which is why you have to clear immigration to enter the UK; there is no 'president of the EU', but the indivdual institutions have presidents which are elected btw, etc...).
I can see how the EU must seem like a dictatorship if you have no clue how it actually works or who runs it. But who's fault is that? The workings of the EU are no less democratic or transparent than those of the UK. And just like in the UK there is a democratic deficit in the EU (who elected Theresa May or the members of the House of Lords? Why can't Scotland have another referendum?, etc...).
There is A LOT wrong with the EU but sadly this guy doesn't really understand the EU enough to actually provide meaningful criticsm (Comparing the EU with China just proves his ignorance). What he does do, is echo the mistrust of the millions who dislike the EU because of what they think it is, rather than what it actually is.