OK, my President sets up a meeting with a murderous dictator to be a Prime Time TV show. 9 0'clock and everybody in my nation is glued to the TV to watch our President glad-hand with a butcher from North Korea.
If that's not disturbing enough, word is breaking that our President turned to this man for advice, support, info:

You foreigners might not be aware of who that it, but that is Dennis Rodman -- a former basketball player and contestant on Trump's TV show "Celebrity Apprentice" who is known for being severely unhinged. Druggie, alcoholic, nuts. And he is who our President turns to for foreign policy.
We used to have Henry Kissinger, now we have this as part of our talks concerning nuclear disarmament.

My country has gone insane. We are gone. It is a loony bin over here.
I'm not joking. IT IS INSANE HERE!
(And I actually like Mr. Rodman. Top athlete, interesting fellow, I root for him to improve his mental state. But my God, he is advising our President on our nation's foreign affairs!)