1&2 are two cds in one package, 3 is a single, 5 (printed on the cover) was planned to be 2 cds, but it`s only a single because of ... (ask JS, read the text in the shop or do what you like)
5 (cover) is the RSC cd 4 ....
Apparently, I once read somewhere online (either here or an interview) that there was
really supposed to be a Red Sky Coven "
Volume 4" release / CD. Mr. Sullivan said something like they had the master live tapes, but hadn't gone through them, at the time (for reasons I do not know). Which I understand to mean that "Red Sky Coven Volume 4"
still hasn't been put together yet. My fear is that the master live tapes fell victim to that horrible studio fire a few years back, but no one has ever said anything.

Wish someone in the
know would shed some light on RSC Vol.4, here, in this thread... clear up our confusion. Heck , there are many of us who love, cherish, enjoy all things RSC, just as much as NMA.
And a new RSC - I don`t believe, that RSC will be on stage again 
I think their schedules will fit a few gigs in, no? Perhaps not anytime soon, but at some point down the road, surely. Besides, lotus, at least you can say that you've seen them in a live setting. I only have the CDs and whatever
gold that has been uploaded to youtube to go by, to cherish. Thank heaven for youtube, though... because unfortunately for me, RSC never made it to where I'm from.
Red Sky Coven should properly film the next string of RSC live dates (whenever that might be) and build an in depth DVD collection out of those shows, complete with bonus features (such as interviews, behind the scenes, making of featurette, etc. etc.). Until then, at least those of us
fans scattered all over the globe, have some thing to relish, savour... however small.

is better than nothing.