Author Topic: An apology...  (Read 537 times)


  • Totally Obsessed
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An apology...
« on: June 21, 2018, 04:21:42 AM »
To all the girls in the  house  (be they floaters or posters),

I would like to apologize to each and everyone of you for my asinine choice of words, posted here a number of days ago.  I didn't mean to offend anyone.  I had no idea chicks and birds were such incredibly offensive words, so much so, to have a genuinely benevolent, innocent thread deleted by the house moderator.  I still don't understand it.  The words I used (and only in the thread's title, I should add) were chicks / birds / ladies / lasses.  Everywhere else in the thread, I referred to people of the female gender as ladies.  However, no one will know that now, because the original thread has been removed. 

It was titled 'Ok, where are the chicks, birds, ladies, lasses... in here?'.  I had started the thread because it felt like I was in a room full of just guys, in here, no women.  That said, I must make it clear that I am not dissing the men here either, absolutely not.  It's just that it really started to feel a bit odd, for me.  In my offline life, the majority of my friends are in fact female, (though, unfortunately for me... none of them care to know or love NMA  :'(, and I have tried to enlighten them).  Also, none of them, I should add, took such heavy offense to either, the words chicks or birds.   :-\   So, I still don't get it. 

To me chicks are soft, sweet, warm, fuzzy, adorable and cute; and birds are truly beautiful, graceful, elegant, magnificent and free.  I thought it was ok to use the term chicks, seeing as how there's a pretty decent (all female) American country outfit that goes by the name of The Dixie Chicks.  Honestly thought it was ok.  Figured it was ok for The Dixie Chicks, to refer to themselves as chicks, so why would / how could any other women be offended?   :-[

Another group I love is Cranes, fronted by singer Alison Shaw.  Seeing, as I'm not from the British isles, I thought birds was ok too, you know... because Cranes are a type of bird?  So I'm still a tad confused as to why birds is deemed such an incredibly negative word / term.  I've been called far worse words than chick or bird.  Gee... one would've thought I used the words 8ithces or wh0res or something (to have an innocent thread taken down), but I would never.   :-[

Well, that's where my heart was coming from.   :-\  I am so terribly sorry... to all.

« Last Edit: June 25, 2018, 04:29:55 PM by 8 »
'Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward,
for there you have been and there you will always long to return.'

'Just as courage imperils life,
fear protects it.'

⁂ Da Vinci ⁂

Viv Savage

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There was a complaint which was upheld. Referring to women as "chicks, birds" etc. is sexist and has no place on this board.