Author Topic: Hello, quick intro..  (Read 2470 times)


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Re: Hello, quick intro..
« Reply #30 on: June 30, 2018, 07:04:19 PM »
I think any debt has been paid many times over as sending you FGTH may not be repayment but sending you NMA certainly is :D

Excellent point.

However, I'm sure you are aware that my government did not accept New Model Army as repayment for your debt to us. As you might recall, our government did not let NMA in our country due to the fact that our leaders deemed the band had "no artistic merit." Frankie Goes To Hollywood had artistic value, but NMA did not. Go figure.
What do governments know about music? ::)
I suppose our glorious government officials heard "Relax" and "Sex The Black Angel" and came to that conclusion that Frankie had more artistic value than NMA. Must say I agree with them on that one. Boy, that "Sex" song is bad. Goes absolutely nowhere for three and a half minutes.
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Re: Hello, quick intro..
« Reply #31 on: June 30, 2018, 07:52:40 PM »
Hello from Wessex

Whooosshhhh !!!


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Re: Hello, quick intro..
« Reply #32 on: July 01, 2018, 08:32:45 AM »
Welcome fiddlesticks, i hope you enjoy the chatter that goes around here and have a good time. BTW, dou you have a copy of the winter graphics novel? ;-)

And i have now to take some side for Frankie. I love Frankie goes to Hollywood. They were fine musicians, they had some brillinat lyrics and themes in the times, when pop music was done by musicians and the music industry began to find out the hit-wonder formula and tried to repeat it over and over. Just think about Two Tribes as a pop song, what powerful meaning and message and the video, where they put ronald reagan fighting against breshenev in a ring is brilliant. Let the rulers fight out their wars and not all the yound men:
'Cause it's no surprise that young men are heroes
It's no surprise that young men are strong
It's no surprise that young men are foolish

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Master Ray

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Re: Hello, quick intro..
« Reply #33 on: July 01, 2018, 06:10:04 PM »
Welcome fiddlesticks, i hope you enjoy the chatter that goes around here and have a good time. BTW, dou you have a copy of the winter graphics novel? ;-)

And i have now to take some side for Frankie. I love Frankie goes to Hollywood. They were fine musicians, they had some brillinat lyrics and themes in the times, when pop music was done by musicians and the music industry began to find out the hit-wonder formula and tried to repeat it over and over. Just think about Two Tribes as a pop song, what powerful meaning and message and the video, where they put ronald reagan fighting against breshenev in a ring is brilliant. Let the rulers fight out their wars and not all the yound men:
'Cause it's no surprise that young men are heroes
It's no surprise that young men are strong
It's no surprise that young men are foolish

I'll also throw out a little love for FGTH.  Far from a favourite band of mine, but I'm oddly fond of their second and final album 'Liverpool'.  The singles from it might have been remixed to the 'Frankie' sound, but the original album is far more rock-orientated and there are some pretty strong songs, certainly better than most of the debut album.  And I always thought that HJ had a pretty good voice.  Example here, Kill The Pain, really like this track, yes it's got that 80's sheen about it but far less than Relax or whatever and the band can actually play...   ???


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Re: Hello, quick intro..
« Reply #34 on: July 01, 2018, 06:24:41 PM »
Fine choice master ray, one of my favourite songs of the liverpool album. this album really has a timless sound, very own and special, and also was not easy to get into it at first, when you would have expected just more pop sound.
do you know the warriors version with gary moore on guitars?
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Re: Hello, quick intro..
« Reply #35 on: July 01, 2018, 06:28:40 PM »
Fine choice master ray, one of my favourite songs of the liverpool album. this album really has a timless sound, very own and special, and also was not easy to get into it at first, when you would have expected just more pop sound.
do you know the warriors version with gary moore on guitars?

Nope, never heard that, got a link?  Sounds great, love Gary Moore!


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Re: Hello, quick intro..
« Reply #36 on: July 01, 2018, 06:34:07 PM »
it's of course a special 12" mix, they have so many of them and such a variety of sounds and mixes. i totally love what trevor horn and steve lipson and others cooked and brewed together in the studios.
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Re: Hello, quick intro..
« Reply #37 on: July 01, 2018, 06:59:03 PM »
... I love Frankie goes to Hollywood. They were fine musicians,
Hold everything!

I enjoyed Frankie as much as the next guy, but when you say "they were fine musicians" I have to wonder what drugs your National Health Service doles out to you people across the pond.

They were not fine musicians, they were the product of a fine -- immensely talented -- producer. Frankie were the ultimate studio band. Sure they could produce the tracks live, but those "fine musicians" as you call them did not create those songs. Producer Trevor Horn is Frankie. His tales of going over tracks for months are legendary. (And by the way, the iconic bass from "Relax" was all from a studio musician - Norman Watt-Roy - not a member of Frankie.)


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Re: Hello, quick intro..
« Reply #38 on: July 01, 2018, 07:11:13 PM »
Yes, i know that. I said fine muscicians and not good;-) and i referred to some demo tapes, when they actually played, which was a late discovery of mine and a bit of a surprise when some re-issues and lost track albums came out. i think of them as one of the first boy groups, but still you have to come up with a song and the lyrics and the melody.
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Re: Hello, quick intro..
« Reply #39 on: July 01, 2018, 07:24:03 PM »
...some demo tapes, when they actually played, ...
Does it really matter if they were top musicians or even played on the albums or not? I'm no musical snob. Who cares if it was all done in the studio (The Beatles' "Strawberry Fields" is mostly the work of the engineers and producer...and I love every second of it). A top song is a top song whether the band plays it or the producer concocts it. In Frankie's case, the producer did the heavy lifting and I'm glad for that. Some of those "Two Tribes" 12 inch remixes were astonishing in their brilliance.


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Re: Hello, quick intro..
« Reply #40 on: July 02, 2018, 09:19:27 AM »
Greetings from across the pond to you and yours Michael / fiddlesticks.  Have a great time here and thanks for enlightening your kid(s) via the light and love of NMA.  :)

...why address me as Space?  I am Whirlwind!

Hey!  Wait a minute Swhirlywindbreakerdudermeistermeister, I thought you were Mark from yonks ago.  ;)

I suppose our glorious government officials heard  "Relax"  and  "Sex The Black Angel"  and came to that conclusion that Frankie had more artistic value than NMA.

LMAO!  Almost peed (sp?) myself there, Whirlwind.   ;D

Boy, that "Sex" song is bad.  Goes absolutely nowhere for three and a half minutes.

Trust me, that Frankie song... goes nowhere, literally, lyrically, ever, lol.  This one, to me, is the only Frankie Goes To Hollywood song worth listening to / purchasing.  Could never get into Holly Johnson's voice, with the exception of the one song I just linked in this post.  Found his singing voice to be far too nasally and too high pitched for my tastes, liking.
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Re: Hello, quick intro..
« Reply #41 on: July 02, 2018, 06:20:01 PM »
...some demo tapes, when they actually played, ...
Does it really matter if they were top musicians or even played on the albums or not? I'm no musical snob. Who cares if it was all done in the studio (The Beatles' "Strawberry Fields" is mostly the work of the engineers and producer...and I love every second of it). A top song is a top song whether the band plays it or the producer concocts it. In Frankie's case, the producer did the heavy lifting and I'm glad for that. Some of those "Two Tribes" 12 inch remixes were astonishing in their brilliance.

i must say, that for the first time i can totally agree with that post of yours.  :o
the mastery of re-mixing is my whole fascination with the trevor horn band. i was very young that days and i listened to the mixes and they teached me to listen, because they took known patterns and sound and changed them. there is this famous 12" of rage hard, sometimes called "the young persons guide to the 12 inch", where a beatuiful speaking womens voice is explaining what is happening in the music at that moment. and it takes layers away so you can concentrate on the" funky guitar" or it explained to me what an anti-climax was. these records have so much listening quality.

and now back to master ray. did you listen to the gary moore version? didn't it just blew you away? :D
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Re: Hello, quick intro..
« Reply #42 on: July 02, 2018, 07:25:07 PM »
...some demo tapes, when they actually played, ...
Does it really matter if they were top musicians or even played on the albums or not? I'm no musical snob. Who cares if it was all done in the studio (The Beatles' "Strawberry Fields" is mostly the work of the engineers and producer...and I love every second of it). A top song is a top song whether the band plays it or the producer concocts it. In Frankie's case, the producer did the heavy lifting and I'm glad for that. Some of those "Two Tribes" 12 inch remixes were astonishing in their brilliance.

i must say, that for the first time i can totally agree with that post of yours.  :o
the mastery of re-mixing is my whole fascination with the trevor horn band. i was very young that days and i listened to the mixes and they teached me to listen, because they took known patterns and sound and changed them. there is this famous 12" of rage hard, sometimes called "the young persons guide to the 12 inch", where a beatuiful speaking womens voice is explaining what is happening in the music at that moment. and it takes layers away so you can concentrate on the" funky guitar" or it explained to me what an anti-climax was. these records have so much listening quality.

and now back to master ray. did you listen to the gary moore version? didn't it just blew you away? :D

C, I just checked it out... that's MENTAL!  Absolutely excellent!  Thank you so much for bringing it to my attention!


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Re: Hello, quick intro..
« Reply #43 on: July 02, 2018, 07:33:39 PM »
I'm very glad that you liked it. I mean if you like the liverpool album and gary moore also, this is just the perfect blend and then i knew that you have to like it. a fantastic, rare 12" that i'm happy to own.
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Re: Hello, quick intro..
« Reply #44 on: July 02, 2018, 11:09:44 PM »
We have guests over at the moment. We did the tourist thing and jumped on a tourist bus around Liverpool. The guide made reference to the "best band to have come out of the city, which is, of course - Frankie Goes to Hollywood...."

It's official, (I guess)