Hello music and frequency lovers,
i want to share something with you that i recently found out and got very impressed by it. The story goes a little like this:
In 1939, an international conference[15] recommended that the A above middle C be tuned to 440 Hz, now known as concert pitch. As a technical standard this was taken up by the International Organization for Standardization in 1955 and reaffirmed by them in 1975 as ISO 16.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Concert_pitchand before that it was more like 432hz but it wasn't standarized.
There are many theorys out there about the subject, some of them go into a conspiracy theory and i don't want to get into that.
If you get interested you should research it for yourself.
Now here come the interesting things:
This is a video comparison of a "Cymatics experiment tonoscope 432-440Hz"
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1zw0uWCNsywI find it fascinating how the frequencys affect the displays. There are some videos out there how water reacts to it, so that's the reason for my headline of the topic.
Here you have a good comparison of music played in different tunings:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Ze44-Ppj-cI then went to change music i have, i chose orange tree roads, and found it more pleasant in 432hz, but the quality suffered by the process. I used a wav file from the cd and used audacity to pitch he sound.
Here's a video how to do that:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KO1jSeP-e-o&index=35&t=69s&list=LLkVpM-ItP0lgC7RKfodHJuASo, what do you think about it?
I for myself am just fascinated about frequencys and how they affect matter. The discussion about its implications is vast and my standpoint is, that frequencys do affect emotions. And that a standarisation is only good for marketing, i would say. To have always the same product quality, which i'm not into. I plea for that you tune your instrument how you like it the most, but the fact is that it is standarized.
When you discuss the subject there are so many things playing into it. Like flowers and plants grow better when played harmonic music, that everything is related in numbers, like you can relate the orbit of a planet to a frequency.
A german band which i very like, m.walking on the water, did an album called pluto. They said:
Tempo and basic tone of the song Pluto have a relationship to Pluto's orbit. The tempo (131 bpm) is the 34th octave and the basic tone (140.25 hz) is the 40th octave of the 248 years, Pluto needs to travel around the sun
I have a book called "nada brahma- the world is sound", a very fantastic book about spirituality and that music/sound IS life.
To this book there was a very long german radio broadcast, in which the author explained so many things and made some sound clips, like a choir singing "amen" in a church, blended into monks chanting "om". And he explained that it's about he vibrating "m" and the sound that it makes.
I'm really at the end of my abilities to express myself about this topic in english, but i hope i could interest some of you and you can do some research for our own about this.