'No Rest For The Wicked'... oh, so many things to say!
It's a fine album. I'd certainly take it over 'Vengeance'... the first album was all about a bunch of young men laying a bit of loud and fast stuff down with little idea of what may or may not transpire in their 'career' (I appreciate that a silly comment like that is just my concept of that scenario...) but NRFTW has so much more depth to it and I think that the continuing evolution of Mr Morrow's wonderful bass sound is one of the reasons why I like it better than 'Vengeance'. Not the 'best of all', the songwriting is much stronger and more diverse (c'mon, Better Than Them, Grandmothers Footsteps, No Greater Love, all superb!)
"No rest for the wicked" is a more nuanced, subtle album in its music than "Vengeance" which was mostly raw punk with melodies!
But i don't know which one i like the most, between these two albums...probably NRFTW because many of my favourite songs from the "Vengeance" era are not on "Vengeance" itself!..."The price" (one of my favourite NMA tracks ever), "1984", "No man's land", "Waiting".

Back to NRFTW...i think that's a good album, only real flaw IMO is the sound production, a bit grating, very 80's with its reverb, etc.
But NMA's first experiments with the folk sounds ("Better than them", "Drag it down" and the great closing track "The attack")...i also love "Frightened", "Ambition"...but NMA's peaks were yet to come with Moose's two next albums, IMO NMA's masterpieces:
"The ghost of Cain" and "Thunder and consolation".