I think this might be a funny one, someone posted it to me on The Dreaded Facebook and I thought some people might get a giggle out of it... the big WHAT IF thread...
What if the Stone Roses just wanted to be ignored?
What if U2 discovered that the streets actually had a name and a postcode ?
What if Rick Astley had decided he just couldn't be arsed?
What if Mike Scott had not just seen the crescent?
What if Catherine Earnshaw had done without Heathcliff, and where would that leave Kate Bush?
What if Mr Brightside was actually Mr Darkside. Would he be Darth Vader?
And, just to keep it relevant to NMA... what if the letters HAD been read and the person concerned said 'well, that was a bit emotional, I suppose I'll pop back for the occasional weekend... in fact, I'll send a text right now...'
Just a silly thread. Post something if might give you or someone else a chuckle, ignore if not.