Author Topic: I Like NMA Because They Provide A Journey  (Read 1034 times)


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I Like NMA Because They Provide A Journey
« on: December 21, 2018, 04:41:44 PM »
Music isn't just instant or temporary gratification. That's the pop music scene. The best artists provide a journey. You are with them from a starting point and you go through the various changes that band goes through  -- both musical and personal.

Very few artists provide that journey. The tops would be The Beatles and Prince. The journey that a fan of theirs goes through is breathtaking. I can safely add New Model Army amongst those two.

I was listening to the "Vengeance" CD last night  -- quite raw, quite aggressive -- and then I listened to "Summer Moors" from "Dog and Wolf." From "Vengeance" to "Summer Moors," man, that is a journey light years through the universe.

And this just isn't about musical growth. Hell, every artist gets better at their craft. This is about having a fun ride. Early NMA was fun, middle NMA was different and still fun, this newer incarnation of the band is still fun. It is going along that journey with the band that is the real fun. What are they going to give us next? That's the best question any fan of music can ask, and New Model Army sure answered that question with more and more exciting music.

Prince has gone, my journey with him has ended. Long live NMA. I hope the journey goes on and on and on and on. (Anybody see what I did there?)


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NMA/JS 'take me to another place,' NMA/JS 'take me to another space'...
« Reply #1 on: January 01, 2019, 07:02:54 AM »
Music isn't just instant or temporary gratification.  That's the pop music scene.  The best artists provide a journey.  You are with them from a starting point and you go through the various changes that band goes through -- both musical and personal.

100% with you on that, Swirlywindbreakerdudermeistermeister.

Very few artists provide that journey.  The tops would be The Beatles and Prince.  The journey that a fan of theirs goes through is breathtaking.  I can safely add New Model Army amongst those two.

Though I do love the Beatles, I much prefer, The Who over them, any day.  Prince, hmmm, never could get into him.  lol, I think his pants (fcuk, it's trousers over there in't it? damn!) got the best of him... were too tight, lol.   ;)   His (fill in the blanks, 5 letters, begins with B ends with S) had to drop a bit.   ;)   I just found his voice a bit irksome.  Too bad for me though, 'cause he's written some good songs and certainly worked with a lot of musicians of whom I admire.  I don't know, maybe I picked up the wrong records, but he does rient pour moi.  Niente.  Nul.  Nada.  Sorry.  Enlighten me, if you wish.

I was listening to the "Vengeance" CD last night -- quite raw, quite aggressive -- and then I listened to "Summer Moors" from "Dog and Wolf."  From "Vengeance"  to  "Summer Moors," man, that is a journey light years through the universe.

Couldn't've put it any better myself.  That's exactly why I love the NMA/JS repertoire as much as I do.  I always like to say the thing about NMA/JS is that, sometimes, they're not always in your/our face, but they're also, in your/our arms too.   :)  And I fcukin' LOVE that !!   8)

And this just isn't about musical growth.  Hell, every artist gets better at their craft.  This is about having a fun ride.  Early NMA was fun, middle NMA was different and still fun, this newer incarnation of the band is still fun.  It is going along that journey with the band that is the real fun.  What are they going to give us next?  That's the best question any fan of music can ask, and New Model Army sure answered that question with more and more exciting music.

Can hardly wait!   :D

Prince has gone, my journey with him has ended.  Long live NMA.  I hope the journey goes on and on and on and on.  (Anybody see what I did there?)

Ok, that went right over my head.  :(   Lost me there, Spacewind.  Can chu give en esplanation pleese?   ;)   Seriously, it's going to dog me if you don't. 

By the way, nice thread.  Not sure why it didn't fly, though.  Seems genuine,  :-\  honest enough.
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Re: NMA/JS 'take me to another place,' NMA/JS 'take me to another space'...
« Reply #2 on: January 04, 2019, 02:51:32 PM »

1. Ok, that went right over my head.  :(   Lost me there, Spacewind.  Can chu give en esplanation pleese?   ;)   Seriously, it's going to dog me if you don't. 

2. By the way, nice thread.  Not sure why it didn't fly, though.  Seems genuine,  :-\  honest enough.

1. Come on. Nothing really great or mind blowing.  "I hope the journey goes on and on and on and on. (Anybody see what I did there?)" I guess you need a clue: "Just a small town girl, born and raised in South Detroit..."

2. Not sure why this thread didn't fly? Simple. Because this forum is populated by the most immature adults on Earth. "Oh, no, we shant respond to a Whirlwind thread even though we really want to. It's a great starter post, but, oh, its from Whirlwind...can't respond." I actually am somewhat sad that you responded. My thread with 108 views and no responses was a testament to how utterly childish the people at this forum are. I liked it hanging on the front page -- 108 views, 0 responses. Oh, it made me laugh every time I saw it. Master Ray definitely wants to participate, oh he does, but he can't, he can't, he just can't respond to a nice Whirlwind thread! But you, 8, in responding at least showed there are some here who have a backbone and a mind of their own. Good for you.


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Re: I Like NMA Because They Provide A Journey
« Reply #3 on: January 04, 2019, 03:05:45 PM »
ha, ha, i need that facepalm emoji right now.
whirly, you're such an character, but you'll become a stereotype of yourself.
if i would ever complain how often i get "ignored" isn't so. for example: i thought about writing here as i think about answering or participating in other thread, but i didn't. for so much several reasons. it's the i-net! everybody has their own lifes and sometimes we write here together. sometimes it takes ages, sometimes it's like chatting. deal with it. so again i will tell you, just stop accusing immediately everybody, when it does not go how you wish for. your provocative style does not fit here and it's useless.

i enjoyed reading this, but wasn't in the mood to answer. like this.
ever tried. ever failed. no matter.
try again. fail again. fail better.
(samuel beckett)


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Re: NMA/JS 'take me to another place,' NMA/JS 'take me to another space'...
« Reply #4 on: January 05, 2019, 12:14:29 AM »
1. Nothing really great or mind blowing.  "I hope the journey goes on and on and on and on" (Anybody see what I did there?)   I guess you need a clue: "Just a small town girl, born and raised in South Detroit..."

Ohhh, I get it now, you we're quoting the song "Don't  Stop  Believing"  by  Journey.  It's a song I know very well, even like it / them, Journey.  odd lol, I'm always throwing in bits of lyrics into my posts, both here and elsewhere.  Hey, if they fit and ring true - even if out of original intended context - then why not?  So long as we remember to use quotation marks, I guess.  :)

2. Not sure why this thread didn't fly?  Simple.  Because this forum is populated by the most immature adults on Earth.  "Oh, no, we shant respond to a Whirlwind thread even though we really want to.  It's a great starter post, but, oh, its from Whirlwind...can't respond."  I actually am somewhat sad that you responded.  My thread with 108 views and no responses was a testament to how utterly childish the people at this forum are.  I liked it hanging on the front page -- 108 views, 0 responses.  Oh, it made me laugh every time I saw it.  Master Ray definitely wants to participate, oh he does, but he can't, he can't, he just can't respond to a nice Whirlwind thread!  But you, 8, in responding at least showed there are some here who have a backbone and a mind of their own.  Good for you.

Hey dude, don't take it bad... don't take it to heart, Mark.  It is you right, Mark Steven, from yonks ago?  You seem like a dude who has a big heart...perhaps wear it on your sleeve too, but your approach might be a little bit rough, no?  lol, I'm used to rough folk, they've all I ever really known... so I can navigate a bit better around those types, even though I wish they weren't so rough / mean... know what I mean?  'It's so easy to laugh, it's so easy to hate, it takes guts to be gentle and kind'.  Don't let your emotions get 'the best of you'.  Think before you click.

Stand outside yourself.  Listen to yourself.  Pretend you are talking to yourself.  Ask yourself, is this how I would like to be treated / spoken to?  Then contemplate a bit.  The answer should wash over you naturally.  It should come to you, move through you like a wave, vibe, not actual words.  Hmmm, see I wish I had brains... because I can't articulate this, what I'm trying to say, properly!  All I know, is this works for me. 

As for getting 'no reply', I think it's safe to say we've all been there.  There are  so many reasons why people don't reply... not many people around like there once were; lack of interest; time restraints; slow typists; perhaps people have trouble with reading / writing in English; maybe they're shy; maybe they're hurting; are tired; depressed; ill; working; or just plain busy with everyday crap to get through first, etc.  Just keep trying, maybe folk will be a little bit more tolerant, compassionate, forgiving, and free of all previous hang-ups, grudges - what-have-you - that they might come around.   :-\   Just  'don't stop, believing'.  ok?   'Feelings change, people change'.  Just hope it's always for the better.  And remember, you have to give a little, to get a little.  It works both ways - is two-way traffic.  ok?   :)

I'm gonna hi-jack (sp?) your thread now  8)

So, Swirlywindbreakerdudermeistermeister... have you finally listened to NMA's album "Winter" yet?   ???
'Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward,
for there you have been and there you will always long to return.'

'Just as courage imperils life,
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Re: NMA/JS 'take me to another place,' NMA/JS 'take me to another space'...
« Reply #5 on: January 05, 2019, 01:18:01 AM »
.You seem like a dude....

.. have you finally listened to NMA's album "Winter" yet?   ???
1) Your words are good...just that I don't really live that way. I don't care if I am gruff with people because if people are gruff with me it would not bother me. I also don't suffer fools. Don't tolerate them and have no problem putting them in their place. I am not meaning to hurt anyone or be mean. It's just the way I am.

 I've said this before, I'll say it again -- it is definitely a New York thing. If you want proof of what I am saying look no further than our President. His behavior is the way 10 million people in New York City behave. We are not mean we just know our way is the right way and we have no problem putting you down if you don't see things our way.

2) No, I haven't listened to "Winter" yet. I also still have not listened to:
- studio side of "Between Wine And Blood"
- all three CDs of "Between Wine And Blood Live"
- DVD from "Between Wine And Blood Live"
- "Live At Philipshalle - 1990" DVD from NMA box set 1980-2010

I love it that I have unheard New Model Army material.
I also have a few unseen Clint Eastwood films and Steven Spielberg films.


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This thread has now been officially hi-jacked...
« Reply #6 on: January 05, 2019, 02:56:50 AM »
I don't really live that way.  I don't care if I am gruff with people because if people are gruff with me it would not bother me.  I also don't suffer fools.  Don't tolerate them and have no problem putting them in their place.  I am not meaning to hurt anyone or be mean.  It's just the way I am.

Well, at least you're honest in expressing how you feel, think, and believe.  Which is good.

I've said this before, I'll say it again -- it is definitely a New York thing.  If you want proof of what I am saying look no further than our President.  His behavior is the way 10 million people in New York City behave.  We are not mean we just know our way is the right way and we have no problem putting you down if you don't see things our way.

lol, Yeah, I'm from 'north of the border' we know exactly what some of you folks are like down there.  But we're neighbours, so we've gotta play nice, be tolerant, diplomatic, civil, with y'all.  Which I'm pretty cool with that.  Personally, I fcukin' hate fighting, a good devil's advocate or argument, yeah, but a full blown fight where hate seeps into things well, then... no thanks.

No, I haven't listened to "Winter" yet.

I also still have not listened to:
- studio side of "Between Wine And Blood"
- all three CDs of "Between Wine And Blood Live"
- DVD from "Between Wine And Blood Live"
- "Live At Philipshalle - 1990" DVD from NMA box set 1980-2010

I love it that I have unheard New Model Army material.

Wow, man that's just way too much stuff to leave unheard though, isn't it?  Like what if we all get nuked tomorrow, dude?  We're gonna go not knowing some of NMA's best material.  Well, in my case it's that NMA documentary "Between Dog and Wolf" by Matt Reid, that I'm 'too afraid to touch, too afraid' of weeping too much... through the entire length of the thing.  Also, I know it's going to raise a shipload of new questions, and what's the point in/of that,  :-\  when there'll be no way of ever getting them answered.   :-[

I am going to watch it, but I want to be alone, when I do... too personal.  I will cry.  I know I will.  Which kind of tears will they be though... only time will tell.

I also have a few unseen Clint Eastwood films and Steven Spielberg films.

Oooo, you like Eastwood too!  8)  lol,  few years back, I bought couple of box sets of his (at Costco) that I haven't sunk into yet.  One of the box sets has something like 50+ of movies he's been in, so I need a lot of time to go through that one.  The other box set contains about four of the westerns he did... 'if my memory, serves me well.'

Spielberg, I could never get into with the exception of  "Schindler's List", which I must confess, I only intended on watching because two of my favourite actors starred in it Ralph Fiennes  and  Liam Neeson.  Wait, Ben Kingsley was in that one too, I enjoy his work as well.

I really like Daniel Day Lewis, decided to go watch that "Lincoln" film... fcukin' fell asleep half way into it!  I was so mad, lol.  It was just too chatty for me.  I find that a lot of Spielberg's films are just way too dialogue-heavy... he's gotta break out a that habit, 'cause it's driving me bonkers.  I tried to watch "Artificial Intelligence", 'cause I like Jude Law's work, but that was shite too.  lol, I didn't even like "E.T." and I was even a kid at the time!!!  Oh, and nevermind about "Jaws" or  "Jurassic Park"... were just pants! 

I did enjoy The Indiana Jones movies, however... those were good.   :)

So, then... are you Mark?   ???
« Last Edit: January 05, 2019, 03:00:53 AM by 8 »
'Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward,
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'Just as courage imperils life,
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Re: This thread has now been officially hi-jacked...
« Reply #7 on: January 05, 2019, 03:32:19 AM »

So, then... are you Mark?   ???
What is this Mark?

Why at any forum I am at, do people always say I am somebody else? Believe me, I am unique. I am me. I am Whirlwind. No other can compete with me. No other can post the way I post. I can turn any forum upside down if I so choose. I don't choose to do that, but I know my capabilities.

2) You say you are north of the border? Canadian? Heck, I was up in Toronto once -- a smaller, clean version of New York City -- and I found the people to be very different. They looked at me as though I were something that fell out of a tree. I didn't care. I liked Toronto but the people were sub-human (and I don't mean that in a Nazi way). They were without sophistication, without any sort of intelligence. They were hayseeds. Something you'd find on a farm. They were backwards.

3) LINCOLN was tough to get through. I never did. Spielberg's best are his first three films: SUGARLAND EXPRESS, JAWS, CLOSE ENCOUNTERS.


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Re: This thread has now been officially hi-jacked...
« Reply #8 on: January 05, 2019, 04:08:28 AM »
Why at any forum I am at, do people always say I am somebody else?  Believe me, I am unique.  I am me.  I am Whirlwind.  No other can compete with me.  No other can post the way I post.  I can turn any forum upside down if I so choose.  I don't choose to do that, but I know my capabilities.

Fair enough, you want to keep your anonymity... I can understand that.  Marky   ;)  'Cause, it wouldn't have bothered be either way, actually.  :)

2) You say you are north of the border?  Canadian? 

Yeah, I'm a Canuck... by birth only though, by blood - then, no.

Heck, I was up in Toronto once -- a smaller, clean version of New York City -- and I found the people to be very different.  They looked at me as though I were something that fell out of a tree.  I didn't care.  I liked Toronto but the people were sub-human (and I don't mean that in a Nazi way).  They were without sophistication, without any sort of intelligence.  They were hayseeds.  Something you'd find on a farm.  They were backwards.

When were you there?  And what for, if I may be so rude as to ask?   ???

As for the folks, well, the folks there can be quite frigid,  :(  but I suppose that's true of anyplace, really.

3) LINCOLN was tough to get through. I never did.

Well, that's a bit of a relief, I thought it was just me!  I'm not going to give it another go.  Too bad though, it had a good cast.

Spielberg's best are his first three films: SUGARLAND EXPRESS, CLOSE ENCOUNTERS.

I've never heard of "Sugarland Express", have heard of "Close Encounters", but have never seen it.  Might give those two a view, somewhere down the road.
« Last Edit: January 05, 2019, 04:10:10 AM by 8 »
'Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward,
for there you have been and there you will always long to return.'

'Just as courage imperils life,
fear protects it.'

⁂ Da Vinci ⁂


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Re: I Like NMA Because They Provide A Journey
« Reply #9 on: January 05, 2019, 03:41:40 PM »
I was in Toronto years ago. Big hockey fan so I wanted to visit the Hockey Hall Of Fame. I've also been way out east to Nova Scotia. Cape Breton. That was real nice. Went in February and it was colder than Mars out there. Really cold. Incredibly cold. Freeze to death cold.

SUGARLAND EXPRESS is Spielberg's first film. Goldie Hawn is great in it. Gal and her guy hold a cop hostage as they drive through Texas to get their child. Spielberg has a knack for taking this dangerous, serious situation and making it a very emotional experience. We care for all in that cop car, even the criminals. CLOSE, it is one of the greatest sci-fi films of all time. And Spielberg wrote it, too. A classic film that I thought everybody on Earth has seen.


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Thread hi-jacking in progress...
« Reply #10 on: January 06, 2019, 11:07:26 AM »
I was in Toronto years ago.  Big hockey fan so I wanted to visit the Hockey Hall Of Fame.  I've also been way out east to Nova Scotia.  Cape Breton.  That was real nice.  Went in February and it was colder than Mars out there.  Really cold.  Incredibly cold.  Freeze to death cold.

LMAO!  Why the hell would you pick the February, of all months to come, up here?   LOL, not only do our asses freeze, but so do our fcukin' eyeballs!!   :o  Yeah, how wish that was a joke, but it's true, unfortunately.  Just be glad you didn't go to Ottawa that February!  How folks survive the winter's there, (among some other places in Canada) is a complete  mystery, to me.  ;) 

I don't know how Mr. Sullivan did it, coming here during that winter (2001?), when he came by boat, but I truly feel for the guy, he probably wasn't given a proper heads-up about our weather here.  Still, hope he had a lovely time... apparently he even went dog sledding, how fcukin' cool is that, eh!  Maybe he'll write about it in some autobiography at some point down the road.  I would definitely love to hear so much more about his time here, in Canada - about his dad, about his grandfather, great grandfather... their time here and connection to this land.  How cool would that be, huh?

I have no idea why the man feels his story has to just be about the band, because, the man has just been through / lived through and seen SO much, both of darkness and light, during his lifetime.  Mr. Sullivan is MORE than just a singer/songwriter/guitar player in some terrific band, he has a rich bloodline, seasoned history.  tender lol, I talk as though I know the guy personally, but it's just what we've all been so lucky to learn about him, via his songs, his stories, his interviews, etc.  He is quite the fascinating gentleman!  Who, in their right mind, wouldn't mind spending even just '15 minutes' with the man... he has SO much to share, a true wealth of experience, wisdom.   :'(   I hope he reconsiders the book idea... I seriously believe / feel that it'd make his paternal ancestors, SO incredibly proud, if he did.  I think it could be his way of thanking them, for enriching his life, his past, present, future - universe.  Well, I'm going to keep praying he'll change his mind,  :(  before it's too late.  Please:'(

Best months to come up here are late April, May, June, late August, September and October.  I've always wanted to see Nova Scotia... that province has produced a lot of great Canadian bands / artists.  Lucky you.  You should try Montreal someday, or Quebec City... it's almost like being in Europe.  I made the mistake of going to Montreal a few years back during the month of January and man, was I not prepared for just how much snow that city gets!  Lol, my feet are still soaked!   :)

SUGARLAND EXPRESS is Spielberg's first film.  Goldie Hawn is great in it.  Gal and her guy hold a cop hostage as they drive through Texas to get their child.  Spielberg has a knack for taking this dangerous, serious situation and making it a very emotional experience.  We care for all in that cop car, even the criminals.

I'll watch anything with Goldie Hawn, she's always a pleasure to watch.

CLOSE, it is one of the greatest sci-fi films of all time.  And Spielberg wrote it, too.  A classic film that I thought everybody on Earth has seen.

lol, what can I say... I've been living under a rock!  I'm going to look up the trailers for these two films on youtube, thanks for the tip(s), dude.  :) 

By the way, who's your team?  Not that I follow hockey (which is a major sin, lol, strange thing if you're from up here), but hey, watching sports (in general)  :(  just isn't my cup of tea.  lol, I find hockey too rough, for my liking... too much shit happens on the fcukin' ice, man, that I wonder if some of the fans / punters love the game, just because it has, on occasion, been so violent.  Bothers me, that... a lot, actually.  But hey,  :-\  c'est la vie.
'Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward,
for there you have been and there you will always long to return.'

'Just as courage imperils life,
fear protects it.'

⁂ Da Vinci ⁂


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Re: Thread hi-jacking in progress...
« Reply #11 on: January 06, 2019, 03:22:17 PM »
By the way, who's your team? 
I am from New York...I root only for New York teams.

In hockey it was the NY Rangers. I say was because I no longer follow hockey. Don't want to get into the details, but that sport has been destroyed.  It ain't what it was. Ever see the greatest comedy film ever made, SLAP SHOT? Well, hockey was really like that. That's the sport I grew up loving. Now I do not know what hockey is. I only know it ain't hockey.


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Thread hi-jacking still in progress...
« Reply #12 on: January 06, 2019, 05:05:45 PM »
I am from New York...I root only for New York teams.

lol, was asking because I know a lot of hockey nutters from T.O. who actually don't support the Leafs (aka Toronto Maple Leafs), and are serious fans of the Habs (aka Montreal Canadians) and Oilers instead.

In hockey it was the NY Rangers.  I say was because I no longer follow hockey.  Don't want to get into the details, but that sport has been destroyed.  It ain't what it was.  Ever see the greatest comedy film ever made,


Well, hockey was really like that.  That's the sport I grew up loving.  Now I do not know what hockey is.  I only know it ain't hockey.

Should do, seeing as how I love Canadian punk band NoMeansNo's other musical side project, The Hanson Brothers.  Heard of them?  They're Canada's answer to The Ramones.  Their "Sudden Death" album under the Hanson Brothers moniker is fcukin' ACE!!  GREAT shit.  If you haven't heard it, you're in luck, some person uploaded it youtube... ENJOY!  MUST be played LOUD and OFTEN.  Check 'em out... especially if you love and appreciate humour, punk, metal, Ramones, hockey, Canada, Heino, Germany, chicks, peas, pies, spuds, magic 8 ball(s), Tiger Williams, suffer from depression.  It's an album I play a lot, especially during the summer months, or when I need a good laugh / cheering up... seems to always do the trick.   :-\   Hope it always will.
« Last Edit: January 07, 2019, 06:16:16 AM by 8 »
'Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward,
for there you have been and there you will always long to return.'

'Just as courage imperils life,
fear protects it.'

⁂ Da Vinci ⁂


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Re: Thread hi-jacking still in progress...
« Reply #13 on: January 06, 2019, 07:03:13 PM »
...musical side project, The Hanson Brothers
Whoa. Someone named their band The Hanson Brothers? Oh, man, I will definitely be giving them a listen. Thanks for the tip. Never knew there was a band called The Hanson Brothers. Even if the music sucks, they get full respect for naming the band The Hanson Brothers. Man, that's classic. Thanks for the tip.


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LOL... Thread hi-jacking is still in progress...
« Reply #14 on: January 06, 2019, 07:19:08 PM »
...musical side project, The Hanson Brothers
Whoa. Someone named their band The Hanson Brothers? Oh, man, I will definitely be giving them a listen. Thanks for the tip. Never knew there was a band called The Hanson Brothers. Even if the music sucks, they get full respect for naming the band The Hanson Brothers. Man, that's classic. Thanks for the tip.

Yo, dude... look up, open your eyes.  You don't have to go anywhere!  I've happily littered both your original posts, and mine with all the necessary links.  Check 'em out, guaranteed you (and others) will appreciate them too.  Just slide your cursor over the blue words and you'll get yourself an awesome surprise.  :)
« Last Edit: January 07, 2019, 06:18:37 AM by 8 »
'Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward,
for there you have been and there you will always long to return.'

'Just as courage imperils life,
fear protects it.'

⁂ Da Vinci ⁂