Author Topic: Places where New Model Army OR solo Sullivan have NEVER gigged at, thus far...  (Read 1653 times)


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Please drop into this thread any...
  • City
  • Country
  • Event  or  Festival  (a few details about the kind of event or festival it is, time of year and where in the world it takes place)
  • Venue  (tell us where it's located, its capacity, whether it is seated or has a balcony, the shape of it, whether it's an indoor or outdoor venue)
… and finally why you believe NMA or JS should gig there.   :)

I'll start as far as I can tell, according to the  NMA page up at  and  solo Mr. Sullivan  it seems like neither of them have ever played a gig in  Iceland, Mexico.
« Last Edit: January 29, 2019, 04:14:49 PM by 8 »
'Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward,
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The Super Bowl -
the biggest sporting event any nation on Earth holds. Held once a year in various locations throughout America. It is ostensibly a football game, but the event is far bigger than that. The Super Bowl halftime show is as big as the game and it has featured the biggest acts in music: The Rolling Stones, The Who, Prince, Paul McCartney, Michael Jackson, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Janet Jackson...

Why Justin should perform there?
 Because the chorus of "I believe in vengeance, I believe in getting the bastard, getting the bastard" would be perfect for a football game and would drive the audience mad.


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  • 'The world's too big💦♪ & life's too sho-o-ort'💦♪ ambition for me is for  NMA  to play the  Corn Exchange  in  Dorchester  before I get old - actually it's a bit late for that now!  It was great to see the band down in Dorset at various venues a couple of years back, notably the Electric Palace down the A35 in Bridport, My Kyps in Poole (both band and JS acoustic) and of course the Endorseit festival, albeit that is practically in Wiltshire.

We have just had a Premier Inn open up in Dorchester, so there's room for travelling family at the Inn if ever happens!

Found this mentioned while reading an older, entirely different thread.  Hope it's alright with you that I included it here, Pazza.  If it's not, please let me know.   :-\   And I'll remove it.

Just inserting a few helpful photos to accompany Pazza's original quote, today. :)
« Last Edit: May 19, 2019, 10:09:14 AM by 8 »
'Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward,
for there you have been and there you will always long to return.'

'Just as courage imperils life,
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Master Ray

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Surely it's a question of whether it's financially feasible? With no big record company paying the bills, could NMA go to, say, Iceland if only 50 people might show up at the gig?  Totally random comment (I have no idea what NMA's popularity is like in Iceland!), but I remember when JSAF played a gig in my hometown some years back and only about 30 people turned up...  :-[

I wouldn't dream as to be as arrogant as to speak for NMA, but I wouldn't imagine that travelling to a far-off country just to lose thousands of £££'s would be an option...?

Master Ray

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New Zealand! Not even Australia, actually.

In fairness, I don't think it would be worth their while. They are completely unknown here and I imagine it must be very costly to travel all this way for some very small shows.

Having said that, they announced plans to tour down this way a few years ago but nothing ever came of it, sadly.


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Surely it's a question of whether it's financially feasible?  With no big record company paying the bills, could NMA go to, say,  Iceland if only 50 people might show up at the gig?  Totally random comment (I have no idea what NMA's popularity is like in Iceland!), but I remember when JSAF played a gig in my hometown some years back and only about 30 people turned up...  :-[   I wouldn't dream as to be as arrogant as to speak for NMA, but I wouldn't imagine that travelling to a far-off country just to lose thousands of £££'s would be an option...?

I am positive that NMA / NMA's management team / touring team /etc. would do all the necessary homework before venturing such a big endeavour.  Besides, isn't Iceland closer to the UK than the UK is to North America, or even Argentina, for that matter (a place they played for the very first time in 2018)?   ???   Iceland, apparently has a youthful population and my good friend, whose visited Iceland twice, says that it's actually a popular travel destination for people from the UK, especially.  And, if Iceland is closer, then why not gig there sometime, I don't know, within the next 7  :(  8 years? 

You know, Master Ray, touring has to be exciting for the band and crew as well, you know!  It has to be about new places, new faces, otherwise what's the fcukin' point... they'd just be playing in circles... that would drive me mental, personally.  Like that most wise of men sings "there's always got to be something new, to fall in love with"  and  "Nothing ventured, nothing gained".  Now Mexico, on the other hand, might be more of a risk, in more ways than one.  But if the band can swing it and want it bad enough, they will do as they want, when they want, where they want, how they want, and why they want!   ;)

New Zealand!  Not even Australia, actually.  In fairness, I don't think it would be worth their while.  They are completely unknown here and I imagine it must be very costly to travel all this way for some very small shows.  Having said that, they announced plans to tour down this way a few years ago but nothing ever came of it, sadly.

You know what Johnz, if it happened for Argentina, it could happen someday for New Zealand.  :)   Might be a Jes 'n Dean gig instead, but something is better than nothing, right?  :)  My first live exposure to NMA was in fact a JS & DW gig, back in 2003.  So please, do not give up hope.  If they mentioned plans to tour down that way, I'm sure they're still trying to work something out.  Why would they mention it if they didn't mean it?  They just wouldn't've.  They follow through, even if it takes some time... they don't rub be as the bullshitting types, they mean business.  So hang in there, Johnz.  Maybe sometime within 7  :-\  8 years?  Fingers crossed.  x

On a side note, if memory serves, I believe Mr. Sullivan and Ms. Denby have already been to New Zealand, though I don't think it was for gigging purposes.  Just  "Keep the faith!"... as he's also, often, been known to say.  :)
'Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward,
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'Just as courage imperils life,
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It's  >:(  corrupt!    Thanks for you're highly informative post, MARKXE.  :)

Makes me wonder though... how hard is it to get into Canada, for artists?   :-\   If it is cheaper, easier, then artists could consider touring parts of Canada instead.  Just a thought.  8)
'Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward,
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'Just as courage imperils life,
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⁂ Da Vinci ⁂

Master Ray

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Surely it's a question of whether it's financially feasible?  With no big record company paying the bills, could NMA go to, say,  Iceland if only 50 people might show up at the gig?  Totally random comment (I have no idea what NMA's popularity is like in Iceland!), but I remember when JSAF played a gig in my hometown some years back and only about 30 people turned up...  :-[   I wouldn't dream as to be as arrogant as to speak for NMA, but I wouldn't imagine that travelling to a far-off country just to lose thousands of £££'s would be an option...?

I am positive that NMA / NMA's management team / touring team /etc. would do all the necessary homework before venturing such a big endeavour.  Besides, isn't Iceland closer to the UK than the UK is to North America, or even Argentina, for that matter (a place they played for the very first time in 2018)?   ???   Iceland, apparently has a youthful population and my good friend, whose visited Iceland twice, says that it's actually a popular travel destination for people from the UK, especially.  And, if Iceland is closer, then why not gig there sometime, I don't know, within the next 7  :(  8 years? 

You know, Master Ray, touring has to be exciting for the band and crew as well, you know!  It has to be about new places, new faces, otherwise what's the fcukin' point... they'd just be playing in circles... that would drive me mental, personally.  Like that most wise of men sings "there's always got to be something new, to fall in love with"  and  "Nothing ventured, nothing gained".  Now Mexico, on the other hand, might be more of a risk, in more ways than one.  But if the band can swing it and want it bad enough, they will do as they want, when they want, where they want, how they want, and why they want!   ;)

New Zealand!  Not even Australia, actually.  In fairness, I don't think it would be worth their while.  They are completely unknown here and I imagine it must be very costly to travel all this way for some very small shows.  Having said that, they announced plans to tour down this way a few years ago but nothing ever came of it, sadly.

You know what Johnz, if it happened for Argentina, it could happen someday for New Zealand.  :)   Might be a Jes 'n Dean gig instead, but something is better than nothing, right?  :)  My first live exposure to NMA was in fact a JS & DW gig, back in 2003.  So please, do not give up hope.  If they mentioned plans to tour down that way, I'm sure they're still trying to work something out.  Why would they mention it if they didn't mean it?  They just wouldn't've.  They follow through, even if it takes some time... they don't rub be as the bullshitting types, they mean business.  So hang in there, Johnz.  Maybe sometime within 7  :-\  8 years?  Fingers crossed.  x

On a side note, if memory serves, I believe Mr. Sullivan and Ms. Denby have already been to New Zealand, though I don't think it was for gigging purposes.  Just  "Keep the faith!"... as he's also, often, been known to say.  :)

That's a great post, 8, and I genuinely hope that those far-away from the UK folks get a chance to experience NMA live someday!  I'm not, for a single second, assuming that NMA are a bunch of breadheads, just concerned with how much cash they can make from each and every gig (god knows, they've play enough little towns over the years!) but it is a business as well as a passion... one of my favourite singers, Fish (the guy who used to be in Marillion) posted something a while back about how many people get paid before he did when it came to making money from a foreign tour (I'll try and find a link...)

Put it like this... if you found a great new job (that you truly loved)  but the travel costs outweighed the wages you were paid, would you take the job?  Even if it might drain any savings that you might have?   ???


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  • 'The world's too big💦♪ & life's too sho-o-ort'💦♪
Places where New Model Army OR solo Sullivan have NEVER gigged at, thus far...
« Reply #10 on: January 31, 2019, 09:05:20 PM »
I genuinely hope that those far-away from the UK folks get a chance to experience NMA live someday!  I'm not, for a single second, assuming that NMA are a bunch of breadheads, just concerned with how much cash they can make from each and every gig (god knows, they've play enough little towns over the years!) but it is a business as well as a passion... one of my favourite singers, Fish (the guy who used to be in Marillion) posted something a while back about how many people get paid before he did when it came to making money from a foreign tour (I'll try and find a link...)

Put it like this... if you found a great new job (that you truly loved)  but the travel costs outweighed the wages you were paid, would you take the job?  Even if it might drain any savings that you might have?   ???

Master Ray, we're not talking about me, lol, it is a well know fact that I'm chicken shit, incarnate!  ;)  But, I suppose if all else fails, NMA could set up to play in a large crowdless room, with great acoustics, somewhere in Bradford (or wherever), with video cameras set up to record at all interesting angles, and we could pay via paypal or something to get access to view such a concert(s).  Who knows, maybe this is where gigging might end up going / being for some other bands, but I do NOT see this as being the case for NMA/JS... they just love to play live, even if some of them might not like touring bit so much.   :-[

Many of us here are somewhat regular NMA/JS concert goers.  But I know folks that unfortunately see one gig, and that's enough for them... they don't catch the bug, as it were.  And I remember Ms. Denby mentioning that fewer and fewer people are going out to see fresh new talent, which I personally don't understand, like what could possibly be better than watching a cool gig?  ???

Sadly, I have no clue how to help out that band(s) / artist(s)  I love, other than to go see them play live and  ONLY  buy their merchandise  directly  from their own official websites or at their gigs.  I keep trying to brainstorm possible solutions or ways around losing revenue, for them, but I haven't figured anything out yet... primarily because I'm not in the music business, I'm just a regular Joe, y'know?   :-[

Be interesting to read that Fish post, thingamajigger.  I want to do what I can, whatever I can do that will help out the band(s) / artist(s), of whose works, I  love SO much.  Please post it in this thread, if and when you do find it, Master Ray.  :)
'Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward,
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Anna Woman von NRW

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2 venues I'd like to see (both been mentioned by me  before) would be:

The Minack Theatre, Porthcurno, Cornwall, UK
Halde Haniel, Bottrop, Germany.

Being outdoor venues these 2 would be awesome on a beautiful warm summers evening  :)

As for countries well I've always fancied visiting India so somewhere over there would provide a useful excuse for a trip  ;D

But, I suppose if all else fails, NMA could set up to play in a large crowdless room, with great acoustics, somewhere in Bradford (or wherever), with video cameras set up to record at all interesting angles, and we could pay via paypal or something to get access to view such a concert(s).  Who knows, maybe this is where gigging might end up going / being for some other bands, but I do NOT see this as being the case for NMA/JS... they just love to play live, even if some of them might not like touring bit so much.   :-[

Sorry 8  - and I might well be missing something here - but I just can't see this at all. What would be the point? If it was for fans who can't physically get to a gig then surely a Live DVD or concert stream would be a better option? If it was to get round the costs of touring then I'm afraid for me it would be game over - there is no live gig without an audience. The only point that I can see to this would be if it enabled the band to play songs/arrangements that for whatever reason are impractical or impossible at a normal gig.

I would imagine based on comments in interviews regarding "life on the road" that the band/ JS would go anywhere they've never been before given a blank slate but reality bites and the logistics and costs would I imagine pretty soon dictate where is feasible - working visas for the USa for example, recently cited as the reason for no imminent tours over there in the near future. The stark fact is that without paying punters NMA Ltd would have to bear the costs and given a choice between an empty gig in Outer Mongolia (sorry Mongolia  :-* ) and studio recording time for a new album ...............

On a side related issue, I see that a few dates for european festivals have been announced now, can we assume that following the B****t in a few weeks that touring in europe is not at the moment at risk or is it all subject to whatever ends up happening and NMAs appearances could be cancelled?   
Waving at the devil that I know and the devil that I don't


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  • 'The world's too big💦♪ & life's too sho-o-ort'💦♪
Places where New Model Army OR solo Sullivan have NEVER gigged at, thus far...
« Reply #12 on: February 12, 2019, 11:35:50 PM »
But, I suppose if all else fails, NMA could set up to play in a large crowdless room, with great acoustics, somewhere in Bradford (or wherever), with video cameras set up to record at all interesting angles, and we could pay via paypal or something to get access to view such a concert(s).  Who knows, maybe this is where gigging might end up going / being for some other bands, but I do NOT see this as being the case for NMA/JS... they just love to play live, even if some of them might not like touring bit so much.   :-[

Sorry 8  - and I might well be missing something here - but I just can't see this at all.  What would be the point?  If it was for fans who can't physically get to a gig then surely a Live DVD or concert stream would be a better option?  If it was to get round the costs of touring then I'm afraid for me it would be game over - there is no live gig without an audience.  The only point that I can see to this would be if it enabled the band to play songs/arrangements that for whatever reason are impractical or impossible at a normal gig.

You're not missing anything Anna Woman von NRW.  Completely agree with you, 100%.  :)
'Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward,
for there you have been and there you will always long to return.'

'Just as courage imperils life,
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⁂ Da Vinci ⁂


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  • 'The world's too big💦♪ & life's too sho-o-ort'💦♪
Halde Haniel (near Bottrop, Germany) - "what a place for a gig"...
« Reply #13 on: May 19, 2019, 01:49:13 AM »
The following quotes have been lifted from another, much older thread (that can be found in the everything else section).  I completely agree, the place truly does look magical, like a great spot for a gig.  Makes total sense to have the quotes brought into this thread, as well.  I took the liberty of inserting photos, because I, like many others, couldn't see the ones in the original thread, either.  Hope this is ok with everyone,  :-\  if not, please say so, and I will remove this particular post, entry.  Thank you.

Visited this place Tuesday - Halde Haniel near Bottrop.  It's a huge slag heap reimagined as a viewpoint, art trail and amphitheater.  Have no idea how the logistics of a gig would work but would be really cool.  8)

I didn't know this place, but it does looks very interesting:
German website containing many more photos, info

'Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward,
for there you have been and there you will always long to return.'

'Just as courage imperils life,
fear protects it.'

⁂ Da Vinci ⁂


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Apparently there's someone  here  hanging on for an Asian gig... Indonesia, Singapore, to be precise.  As far as I can tell, and correct me if I'm wrong, NMA have never played there.  According to, they've only hit Japan, and even that, was more than 30 years ago now.  Wow!!  We ardent NMA devotees really and truly are, scattered all over this massive gorgeous marble of ours!!  So humbling... cool, that fact.  8)
« Last Edit: May 19, 2019, 09:43:05 AM by 8 »
'Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward,
for there you have been and there you will always long to return.'

'Just as courage imperils life,
fear protects it.'

⁂ Da Vinci ⁂