Surely it's a question of whether it's financially feasible? With no big record company paying the bills, could NMA go to, say, Iceland if only 50 people might show up at the gig? Totally random comment (I have no idea what NMA's popularity is like in Iceland!), but I remember when JSAF played a gig in my hometown some years back and only about 30 people turned up...
I wouldn't dream as to be as arrogant as to speak for NMA, but I wouldn't imagine that travelling to a far-off country just to lose thousands of £££'s would be an option...?
I am positive that NMA / NMA's management team / touring team /etc. would do all the necessary homework before venturing such a big endeavour. Besides, isn't Iceland closer to the UK than the UK is to North America, or even
Argentina, for that matter (a place they played for the
very first time in 2018)?

Iceland, apparently has a youthful population and my good friend, whose visited Iceland twice, says that it's actually a popular travel destination for people from the UK, especially. And, if Iceland is closer, then why not gig there sometime, I don't know, within the next 7

8 years?
You know, Master Ray, touring has to be exciting for the band and crew as well, you know! It has to be about new places, new faces, otherwise what's the fcukin' point... they'd just be playing in circles... that would drive me mental, personally. Like that most wise of men sings
"there's always got to be something new, to fall in love with" and
"Nothing ventured, nothing gained". Now Mexico, on the other hand, might be more of a risk, in more ways than one. But if the band can swing it and want it bad enough, they will do
as they want,
when they want,
where they want,
how they want, and
why they want!

New Zealand! Not even Australia, actually. In fairness, I don't think it would be worth their while. They are completely unknown here and I imagine it must be very costly to travel all this way for some very small shows. Having said that, they announced plans to tour down this way a few years ago but nothing ever came of it, sadly.
You know what Johnz, if it happened for Argentina, it could happen someday for New Zealand.

Might be a Jes 'n Dean gig instead, but something is better than nothing, right?

My first live exposure to NMA was in fact a JS & DW gig, back in 2003. So please, do not give up hope. If they mentioned plans to tour down that way, I'm sure they're still trying to work something out. Why would they mention it if they didn't mean it? They just wouldn't've. They follow through, even if it takes some time... they don't rub be as the bullshitting types, they mean business. So hang in there, Johnz. Maybe sometime within 7

8 years? Fingers crossed. x
On a side note, if memory serves, I believe Mr. Sullivan and Ms. Denby have already been to New Zealand, though I don't think it was for gigging purposes. Just
"Keep the faith!"... as he's also, often, been known to say.