Baryshnikov could dance to absolutely anything, that is for sure. This cannot be subject to any discussion, it's a fact.

As for the rest...not worth getting into anymore, it would seem.

As for the topic at hand: I's so hard to imagine NMA NOT being around. I mean, years and years ago I could not imagine them still being around at a certaing age...but as we age ourselves, perspectives do change, don't they?

Of course it's going to happen - but I sure hope it's going to be quite some time until that happens - but I am also beyond grateful for all the great tunes and all the awesome shows I was lucky enough to have seen.
I haven't really met many of the fine people from this forum yet...I have to admit that this is partly my own fault - but it's always such an awesome feeling to be at the gigs, to see the same faces, share a smile, a greeting - and then just enjoy the show, that feeling that you get, knowing those around you are as happy, as excited, as you are, you share the emotions, nothing beats that feeling, it is as important as the music, the performance itself. Only really great bands manage to create this atmsophere, this feeling of being part of something, in a good way.