So excited by today's news, buzzing like a wasp in a bottle. Love the brief music clip... interested to read the whole album was written in two months and recorded in nine days... sounds like it could be just as different an album to Winter as Winter was to BDAW.
Thought I'd start a new thread so we can gather our thoughts and plans in a single place... what are you hoping to do? I'm think I'll be in London between Sat 16th and Tues 19th, coming back on the Tuesday, thinking about heading to Chester instead of going home seeing as i really liked The Live Rooms last time I was there (for, yes, NMA), it's a really good venue. Manchester seems to be the default setting for myself going to see NMA but seeing as it's a Friday I might consider changing that to Birmingham on the Saturday (not a place I'm terribly fond of but more chance of a big NMA Forum meet, perhaps?)
Nottingham? Please, is that even a question?

Hope this thread is useful, be interested to see which friends, old and new, are going where... may our paths cross!