Love, love, LOVE the "
End of Days" song and video! Was surprised, in an extremely ecstatic way, to discover that they made it a lyrics video! I particularly love how they
(was it you Mr. White, who put together this wonderful video?) worked in, fused the incredibly powerful elements of both fire AND water together - made them appear as though one and the same, like brethren / siblings. The two opposites
(fire & water), via the video's visuals and fluidity / movement within it, actually reveal to us that the two often-times-healing, yet, potentially-destructive elements are quite similar, indeed - possess similar traits, characteristics, that normally, one wouldn't pick up on, or even realise, in day-to-day life - how brilliant! Wonderfully done, kudos!

Thank YOU NMA! Only 2 months and 2 days away, now... woo-hoo!!!
I can hardly wait!