....we wish you good luck for the future and we'll leave you with this...
the end of days came and hit me with the full force of "synchronicity".
Synchronicity (German: Synchronizität) is a concept, first introduced by analytical psychologist Carl Jung, which holds that events are "meaningful coincidences" if they occur with no causal relationship yet seem to be meaningfully related.
As so often with nma songs i feel strongly connected to the meaning, which of course i myself lay into it and it will mostly be subjective And we all see what we want to see What we need to see, what we have to see and i can find analogies and metaphors which seem to fit perfectly to the things that happen around.
So the end of days....
Last night I dreamed that we built a fire in a wild garden
We took all the holy books and we burned them
All those pages to ashes, every last one of them
Since many, many years i read publications by a switzer analyst, he has founded the institute for "existenzanalyse" in biel and he is using cabalistic techniques to come to conclusions. A day before "end of days" i received a new publication: "endzeit"...
the expression on your faces says you've been cheated - well you've been cheated but not in the way that you think
When again did we just once again escape kind of a final-war, because trump didn't feel good to start it, at that moment..? i think two days before the release of end of days...
We went to see the fall of Rome - I thought it would please us
To watch how the mighty go in a blaze of hubris
But I just stood there hypnotised by all the beautiful madness
you say you're bored of the fireworks - now you want to see the fire - You screamed give us Liberty or give us Death Now you've got both, what do you want next ? - we're long past being careful of what we wish for - They're waiting round here for something to happen They won't really want it when it rolls out to greet them - we can't go back to uninvent the wheel that we ride - fridays for future - to find a place like a punch thrown into space that needs a place to land a face to land - Soon they'll be hunting for witches for the burning - this end of days is gonna be a lot of days slow motion - If we hold our nerve, they will travel right over us; they'll be going so fast they will never even notice us
Ooh! I
love how your connecting dots, showing possible song / lyrical connections, Cthulhu! A lot of those, I hadn't even seen or considered relating to each other before. Incredibly fascinating, inspiring!

on a personal level, i live through my end of days right now. my days in hamburg are counted, i've quit my job months ago, my project of becoming an entrepreneur has just died finally some weeks ago and i will go back to my hometown, i've just found a flat right to my parents and this suits me very well.
for me this all has to do with the end of days. i left the big city cologne years ago, kind of to prepare myself for the end of days, to try to live differently from the big city life and i moved back to my hometown. green and grey...
then after 3 years i had to move to hamburg, because my son was moving there or better say: being moved. so now these days in hamburg are also counted for and i once again go back to my hometown..
i know this may not connect really well to you, the reader, and what it has to do with the song, but to me there's much there. synchronicity...and the song once again makes me feel connected to a certain kind of view about whats going on and how everything is changing around us.
and i feel i should also change...faster i mean.
so everything is just fine, i love the new song, i'm looking forward to the new album, to the next live shows...
Thanks for sharing all that, Klaus. Life throws a lot of crap in our way, more often than not. Please don't
ever allow any of it to condition, change or phase you, in a negative way. You're above it!! Always, always,
always remember that.

you wrote about the references to 1984. could you please specify this? i haven't read it (yet) and i only know about it like most of the people do. big brother and apple and so...
Yeah, I haven't read the book "1984" either.

So a brief explanation of the connection, between the two - be it a direct lyrical line lifted, inspired by, OR theme of the novel, etc. - would be much appreciated by me, as well.

The sound was mentioned and criticised here and i imagine that it has to do with the hard hitting drums, that seem to overlay a little bit but i think this is mostly due to compressed online format and it will sound way better from the cd or vinyl.
Completely agree with you Cthulhu.

I think this is something people are forgetting

OR, are
choosing to forget. And then the one poster who won't spend a dime on the record because of how they feel about
just one song, is out right mind-boggling, silly. Wonder if that person even heard
"Watch and Learn" yet?

They're both great songs! The latter's my favourite, between the two songs we've been so lucky to hear, thus far. Might be because it's from a live recording, perhaps because it's a bit more melodic, OR maybe because I just
love when Mr. Sullivan sings about monkeys. I don't know, but that whole album IS going to kick serious ass! And I can hardly wait.
i totally love this energy, the kind of directness it has. i think this will be a big part of the new record, a more spontaneous and maybe sometimes seeming to lack a bit of fine-tuning feel to it, but that is what i hope for!!, after the description of what they wanted to do and record.
It definitely has an energy to it for sure, the new album "F
rom Here", even if only going by the impressions of just these two songs, "
End of Days" and "
Watch and Learn". NMA have NOT lost their touch. They are still as raw and powerful as ever.
'I'm not worried, now. I'm not worried, now.' 
(and thanks to 8 for inspiring me to try to get a little colouring and desing going on her. i don't think i've failed to big but you do it so much better. damn, it's so exhausting to do that ;-) )
gushing lol, you are too kind and humble Klaus.

But I don't do anything better than the next person, honestly, that's not my intent anyway. I just like to have fun, and colouring in posts / words, fulfills that part of me, while I'm online. As for using colour being exhausting... it sure is! However,
only when I'm in the process of colouring in a post, and then the computer crashes, freezes, loses all my work... lol, then it sucks big time
(which happens too often). Still, it doesn't stop me though. I find it keeps me from getting bored on the board… lol.

It is
so good to see you back here, Cthulhu! Have a fantastic day, Klaus!