Author Topic: Your favourite tracks from the new album "From here"?  (Read 1736 times)


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Re: Your favourite tracks from the new album "From here"?
« Reply #15 on: September 05, 2019, 01:37:29 PM »
I have now listened to the first seven songs on the album....the seventh song...

"Where I Am"

Wow, a top New Model Army song. That acoustic guitar with an electric tone (I love it when acoustic guitars sound electric, not folky); fantastic background vocals that kick in late in the song; top lyrics throughout; the song is brief and to the point, makes me want to hear it again as soon as it finishes; the band coming in and dropping out throughout the song is dynamic.......a very, very good song.

I'm going to get my acoustic guitar and figure out the chords to this tune and play it myself. Heck, I might even change a chord or two and make it even better. But as for now it's a really great song even without me.

Tony S

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Re: Your favourite tracks from the new album "From here"?
« Reply #16 on: September 05, 2019, 03:13:02 PM »
Favourite for me at the moment is Maps. Totally epic sounding track !
I love the description of the sea creatures on the maps - the kind that appeared on old nautical maps - thrashing their tails with rolling eyes :)


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Re: Your favourite tracks from the new album "From here"?
« Reply #17 on: September 05, 2019, 03:17:48 PM »
Favourite for me at the moment is Maps. Totally epic sounding track !
I love the description of the sea creatures on the maps - the kind that appeared on old nautical maps - thrashing their tails with rolling eyes :)

Yes, I love that bit too. The whole song is strangely hypnotic.


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Re: Your favourite tracks from the new album "From here"?
« Reply #18 on: February 18, 2020, 08:17:41 AM »
Passing Through is such a great starter.
Some don't like it that much but for me it leads directly to Never Arriving, from Passing Through to Never Arriving...the journey begins....

I had to think about how i would have perceived the album without already knowing two great songs on it. It would have been
Passing Through - growing slowly, surprising ending directly into - Never Arriving - just wow, love it, powerful beautiful - The Weather - rocking, cool, great - End of Days- mindblowing, touching, energy, screaming and forgiving -...
So the first 4 songs would have left me astonished how damn good this is and from there it wouldn't have stopped. With the two songs already familiar i kind of was a bit in a hurry to get through them to hear sonething new.

Songs i go to directly to hear them:
from here
setting sun

Live will be another new experience...

Favourite for me at the moment is Maps. Totally epic sounding track !

It's a fine track, indeed.
Now five months later i can say that "Passing through" has really grown on me, powerful opening (even if its "peplum" ending is sligthly overlong) "Maps", also "the weather" and even "Where i am" first i didn't like the chorus of "where i am" but now i like that song. I would say that my favorite song of the album is still "Conversation", then "Never arriving".  I think that "Watch and learn" is rather effective but its style doesn't really fit with the rest of the album, in my opinion.
« Last Edit: February 18, 2020, 08:34:00 AM by Guillaume »


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Re: Your favourite tracks from the new album "From here"?
« Reply #19 on: April 05, 2020, 06:08:28 AM »
From here... live just sealed my love for it for good - this song is such a powerful experience. Passing through... Setting sun...
So hard to put the songs in order, but the album does it so well so I'll just go with it, From here crowning the experience :)

What I truly love about New Model Army is that every time they release a new album, your body and brain just absorbs it as part of your system, like you've always known these songs and they've always been an essential part of you. Just like that. So familiar. Gotta love it.


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Re: Your favourite tracks from the new album "From here"?
« Reply #20 on: June 06, 2023, 10:41:27 AM »
Up for this thread, before the release of the 15th album!!


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Re: Your favourite tracks from the new album "From here"?
« Reply #21 on: June 11, 2023, 11:53:54 AM »
I absolutely loved "Never Arriving" and "The Weather" the first time I heard them in September 2019 - I think they are some of the very best NMA songs to date. To be honest, I kind of struggled with the rest of the songs on the album, and to a degree I still do. Of course they all grew on me over time, but I normally skip "Conversation" just like I tend to skip "La Push". But it's not 'Your least favorite' thread, so I will go with "The Weather" - it moves me so much that it makes my eyes watery and I often lie and say that something got in my eye :)
Not my second favorite, but I have a soft spot for "Hard Way", although I don't think the drums and the bass line work particularly well together here. It sort of feels like it was meant to be a different song altogether but compromises were made. Still like it though.