18 July Berlin, SO36 (DE)… So... what do we think the chances are of more German dates being announced? Given that they have to be back in Germany for Wacken and the other festival dates at the beginning of August. Do we reckon they'll just stay on the continent in that gap time?
Greetings malderor,

Personally, I think it's highly possible that NMA will be doing more German
(as well as neighbouring country) dates, come mid-July / beginning of August 2020. I also suspect that they'll most likely still be gigging on the mainland / continent, between the 18th July and first week of August. But don't quote me on any of this, I'm nobody... just speculating,

guessing, based on past NMA touring patterns, that's all.
I'm still torn between coming early to go to Glasgow and the Kubix festival, versus gambling that there will be other dates in mainland Europe. Since I have to spring for international airfare in the summertime, this is a significant financial decision. At present I'm just waiting to see what gets announced...and hoping I don't wait too long.
Not to diss music festivals and festival goers...
no way, but malderor, I think you'd get more serious bang for your buck, dollar, not to mention quite possibly better song variety, if you hold out for the rest of the mainland dates, yet to be announced. If one's aim is to catch NMA in concert, and
only NMA, then I'd say don't let festivals be your main focus. You'll get
so much more out of NMA headlining gigs.
Due to time restraints out of NMA's control
(unless NMA are headlining), festival setlists are much shorter, like what, 45 minutes or so, 55 minutes, at best? Festival setlists also tend to contain more of the usual / older NMA
standards (hmmm, if there even is, such a thing), which isn't bad,
no way, if that's what one is into, or is hoping to hear,
or, if one is relatively new to the band... then take the festival route for sure. But if one's been following NMA's work for many years, and has grown to love much of the
newer material, then I would strongly suggest to make the headlining NMA gigs
the priority and
sole focus.
I'm not here to tell you or anyone else what to do. I'm just sayin' that
that's how I'd approach, try to reason out the possibility of following a string of NMA gigs, on the same tour.
Dates seem to be coming in quite frequently, as of late. What did we have, something like 4 dates announced in just 2 days. I'm 1000% positive whatever NMA gigs you do decide to attend, they
will be mind-blowing, phenomenal, to say the very least. Hope to hear all about them here, in these pages, on this board.
Hang tight, malderor. It'll work out, you'll see.