The official NMA board

General Category => New Model Army => Topic started by: Master Ray on August 04, 2013, 07:34:23 PM

Title: If the new album leaks onto The Net... will you listen?
Post by: Master Ray on August 04, 2013, 07:34:23 PM
In this internet age, I think it's very unlikely that the new album will go unheard until the 23rd of September... copies have been sent to music magazines for review purposes and it only takes one person to get hold of a copy and shove it onto Youtube and then it goes onto other sites...

Now, I'm not talking about downloading it for free... that's right out, IMO and also in the opinion of most fellow NMA-ers.  As soon as The Shop puts it on sale, my order will be in.  I'm talking about listening to it a week or two before that little package drops through your letterbox.

My opinion?  I want the CD in my hot little hands, I want to see what Joolz has come up with, I want to settle back on my sofa and truly get to grip with whatever the guys have come up with this time.  Back in the day, I used to take the day off whenever a NMA album came off so I could really get to grips with it!

But I can't deny that if I've had a couple of beers and I google NMA and I see BDAW available to listen to for free, I might not be able to resist temptation....

Again, this is not condoning illegal downloading, I'll be buying the album, I'll see the lads as many times as I can, I'll be buying merchandise...

I seem to remember that when TIAGD came out, there was a rather heated debate about free music being available on the 'net...

Opinions, guys and girls..?

Title: Re: If the new album leaks onto The Net... will you listen?
Post by: Spudthemariner on August 04, 2013, 08:25:13 PM
Personally, like yourself I will do my damnedest not to hear it! I too like to have that object in my hands, with sleeve notes and artwork!  ;) 
Title: Re: If the new album leaks onto The Net... will you listen?
Post by: Shush on August 04, 2013, 09:21:08 PM
Rather than listen to it on a low quality you-tube type recording through my very poor laptop speakers, I would rather wait to listen to MY copy, as the band intended. Brought, paid for, and mine.  ;)
Title: Re: If the new album leaks onto The Net... will you listen?
Post by: Jibberish on August 04, 2013, 10:26:31 PM
I shan't listen to it online if leaked. I want that slab of thick vinyl in my hands, I want to watch it turn as I listen  for the first time. Unless I can persuade one of my work colleagues at Mojo to lend me the review copy...  ;)
Title: Re: If the new album leaks onto The Net... will you listen?
Post by: Toronto Popular Front on August 05, 2013, 08:35:52 AM
i say listen to it as soon as you can, then buy it a savour it then, while i can see the point of waiting, in my opinion life is too short and you never know what it holds for you, (as my gran used to say) you might get hit by a bus before that day comes
Title: Re: If the new album leaks onto The Net... will you listen?
Post by: peternotbaldyet on August 05, 2013, 09:51:43 AM
I'm afraid I'd listen to it. I want to hear the lyrics. I will still order it as soon as it's available. I used to go to a club called Sparrows in Bolton years ago and we somehow got a cd of The Love of Hopeless Causes weeks before its release. My mate just turned up with it one night. I still bought it when it came out though. I reckon we should be due a free download single going off the last few releases soon as well.
Title: Re: If the new album leaks onto The Net... will you listen?
Post by: lotus on August 05, 2013, 06:10:40 PM
Yes I will (to sing along on tour start gigs) and yes, I`m waiting for the date of pre-order (nma shop and local dealer, too,  if there`s a difference of counting for the top 50 albums of the week)
I need a real cd (lp) with artwork and lyrics to enjoy my fav music & artists work 100%

Seven days and ? as a single download at the end of this month would be fine ;)
Title: Re: If the new album leaks onto The Net... will you listen?
Post by: Barty on August 05, 2013, 06:50:42 PM
Rather than listen to it on a low quality you-tube type recording through my very poor laptop speakers, I would rather wait to listen to MY copy, as the band intended. Brought, paid for, and mine.  ;)

Agree 100% mate. I'd be seriously pissed off if someone leaked my work before I'd planned to unleash it to the world so I wouldn't wanna be a part of it by listening to it. I'd hold tight and wait.....and enjoy it all the more that way.  ;)
Title: Re: If the new album leaks onto The Net... will you listen?
Post by: Master Ray on August 05, 2013, 08:50:26 PM

Nah, just messing with you...  ;)

Just to muddy the waters a bit more... if anyone reading this forum is somewhere well away from the UK and who ordered their CD from the NMA shop in a perfectly acceptable fashion, yet gets to listen to it online well before it arrives on their doorstep... is that OK?

EDIT - the message I originally posted here made very little sense.  this is the replacement.  Damn you, cheap brandy!   :)
Title: Re: If the new album leaks onto The Net... will you listen?
Post by: Ron B on August 05, 2013, 10:32:37 PM

 I can wait for the official release. I did that the last time for the last album even thou it was leaked well before the release date. like someone else has said . I want to hear it in full stereo sound and I can crank the volume up  8).
Title: Re: If the new album leaks onto The Net... will you listen?
Post by: sam, sam the drummer man on August 06, 2013, 12:14:53 PM
I completely understand why some people prefer to have it in their hands the first listen, but I'm young and impatient and will probably cave in if I see it for download.
From experience, I know I'll have just as strong a feeling of giddy excitement pressing play on a high quality MP3 320/FLAC file connected to my lovely new (and LOUD!) bookshelf speakers as I would with the CD to hand.

Obviously I will be pre-ordering at least one copy - need to enjoy the CD artwork/lyrics etc at the earliest opportunity as well!
Title: Re: If the new album leaks onto The Net... will you listen?
Post by: Shush on August 06, 2013, 06:58:12 PM
To calm your impatience, do what I did today, listen to their latest album from start to finish!!!, --  Today is a good day  ;),, then from tomorrow onwards, work your way through the back catalogue. That will tide you over till the end of Sept, and get you well ready for the new latest album. -- when officially released.  :P
Title: Re: If the new album leaks onto The Net... will you listen?
Post by: Master Ray on August 06, 2013, 10:35:39 PM
Good call, Shush!  I do something similar when any band I like are about to put a new album out... a couple of weeks before, I start listening to their old stuff, just to crank up the anticipation so that when the new album hits, I'm good and ready for it (currently doing something similar for the Manics)...

That said, I can't deny that if BDAW gets on Youtube a couple of weeks before the official release date, I might (after a couple of beers) say to myself 'Well, I'll listen to one track... just the one... it won't affect my enjoyment of the whole album.  Will it?'

And so the downward spiral begins...

Title: Re: If the new album leaks onto The Net... will you listen?
Post by: Dac X Lee on August 07, 2013, 08:36:22 AM
i say listen to it as soon as you can, then buy it a savour it then, while i can see the point of waiting, in my opinion life is too short and you never know what it holds for you, (as my gran used to say) you might get hit by a bus before that day comes

Completely agree.
As much as I appreciate the work of my favourite bands. I listen however I can and if I get the chance, I buy it. Much better than giving up the whole thing just because it's not on sale yet.
Title: Re: If the new album leaks onto The Net... will you listen?
Post by: Rasi on August 07, 2013, 12:10:12 PM
That discussion happened on last albums leak too :)

And it's still the same for me. I will pre-order it as soon as it becomes available. But yes, I will listen to it as soon as possible too. And I don't feel guilty at all, the band gets my money anyway.

And yes, I love my cover artworks, but I love the music even more.
Title: Re: If the new album leaks onto The Net... will you listen?
Post by: Master Ray on August 08, 2013, 11:44:23 PM
So, once again, something gets out on FB before going onto the NMA website... apparently a big announcement on Monday...

Title: Re: If the new album leaks onto The Net... will you listen?
Post by: Guy on August 09, 2013, 08:13:12 AM
It looks like I shall be working abroad during September so there should be a nice pre-ordered present waiting for me when I get back. I somehow doubt I'll get to hear any of it before then. First listen on headphones extremely loud I'd imagine. Like the last one I've heard 3 tracks live already so I'm pretty damn excited.
Title: Re: If the new album leaks onto The Net... will you listen?
Post by: Shush on August 10, 2013, 12:14:08 AM
So, once again, something gets out on FB before going onto the NMA website... apparently a big announcement on Monday...

Just accept it mate even the powers that be have abandoned the fans forum... If you want the latest, you ave 2 look on facebook,,, at least with the link through the main NMA site, you don't have to be a member with a sign in to read the latest news  :)

RIP the forum,, long live NMA..
Title: Re: If the new album leaks onto The Net... will you listen?
Post by: Toronto Popular Front on August 10, 2013, 09:28:51 AM
if this is the case with Facebook, then why don't they just dump the website & forum and only use facebook? if not then all info should be shown on all at the same time. you could argue that it is low down Thatcherite Technological Elitism.
still wouldn't make me use facebook though!
Title: Re: If the new album leaks onto The Net... will you listen?
Post by: Viv Savage on August 10, 2013, 11:11:57 AM
It is true that Facebook is all pervasive these days and is very useful for drip drip dripping stories. Here we like to run a more refined ship and only actually post the announcements themselves and not the run up to them. Less clutter around the place  ;)

It seems to me that there is a fear of missing out on announcements. Don't worry on that front, the Forum has not been abandoned at all, and all announcements will be made on this website as soon as we get them, though that might well be on the homepage and not necessarily on the Forum. Sometimes, if you go straight to the Forum instead of going through the homepage, you might miss the announcement as has happened recently. I will endeavour to stick a post up on here with the link to the homepage when we have something to announce.

In the meantime, there is an announcement coming on Monday so you might want to keep half an eye open on the homepage  :)

Viv Savage
Title: Re: If the new album leaks onto The Net... will you listen?
Post by: Shush on August 10, 2013, 11:44:45 AM
Sorry for moaning Viv. I think you are right about going straight to the forum for lots of users, instead of getting on it via the main site. I myself ,and I imagine many others have the forum on my favourites bar for convenience, and do not check the main site often enough.

Me and Master Ray like a good moan, but I have not lost sight of the fact that we get to use this forum for free, and  grateful for it, and the work you do on it Sir  :)

Also, I have recently come to realise, that even as a none face booker, and intend to stay that way, you can still click the facebook link on the main site, it brings the sign in / sign up box, but you can still scroll down and see the latest content.
Title: Re: If the new album leaks onto The Net... will you listen?
Post by: Master Ray on August 10, 2013, 07:15:24 PM
Agreed with Shush... Viv, not a single scrap of disrespect was intended, hope you didn't take offence.  The NMA website has usually run better than clockwork.  I was just saying that it seems a bit odd that people who heard one NMA song, 'liked' them on FB, seem to be getting new info quicker than the hardcore following who've been in moshpits for a couple of decades... surely, the information comes from the same source?

No matter.  Shush was right, me and him do love a good moan  ;D

Don't get me started about why NMA never play 'Modern Times'...

All the best, Viv.

Title: Re: If the new album leaks onto The Net... will you listen?
Post by: Stoney on August 10, 2013, 10:32:08 PM
I'll be completely honest, I'm bustin' to hear what's been done with the N.M.A. template this time around.....
I'm currently savouring Navigatin' as type, and wonder if the new cd is going to bare any resemblance to JS's "desert albumn" to go with the "water album" he made 20013.......
This thread reminded me of gettin' a moody copy of IMPURITY on cassette in the summer of 1990. There was a bootlegger outside Reading festival who was "relieved" of his whares by a friend.  ;D Said whares then posted up and down this sceptered isle! As you do! =) As is known, Impurity has a special place for me, and that moody copy (I still have it!), is part of it I suppose....... The whole of mid 1990 onwards has a huge importance for me.......
I think, most likely, I'd liste to Between Dog and Wolf, hell, I know I would........ But then, I have a pretty sizeable collection of releases and merch' and it's guatenteed I'll buy the new cd no matter what....... I think it's fair to say, every one on here will buy the official release, whether they get a "moody" early listen or not.......
Just to be sure tho', I'm NEVER, EVER, bootlegged a single thing I was priviledged to hear or see early. That always seemed out of the question......... Because it is. As a writer of songs, and some one who sees his own stuff downloaded on Amazon and other sites via labels who NEVER pay me a red cent, it's something I can't be involved in. I've only downloaded a few things from here, and one long deleted lp by a now defunct label of Venice California hardcore bands. Period........
Title: Re: If the new album leaks onto The Net... will you listen?
Post by: Shush on August 10, 2013, 11:24:52 PM
Absolutely !!

Bootleg advance hearings or not, will always pay for a legit copy of the official release. It has to be done. A band like NMA works on a shoestring budget. We owe it to the writers and performers to pay for what we hear and enjoy. If someone down loaded, or brought a cheep fake copy, its no different to sneaking through a side door at a gig. If you love a band, releases are worth every penny. Roll on the new album. A few  pounds is a small price to pay to keep OUR band going.

Now I am watching Braveheart with Gibson,, trying to come to terms with how evil I am being an Englishman ::)
Title: Re: If the new album leaks onto The Net... will you listen?
Post by: Master Ray on August 11, 2013, 12:45:15 AM
Absolutely !!

Bootleg advance hearings or not, will always pay for a legit copy of the official release. It has to be done. A band like NMA works on a shoestring budget. We owe it to the writers and performers to pay for what we hear and enjoy. If someone down loaded, or brought a cheep fake copy, its no different to sneaking through a side door at a gig. If you love a band, releases are worth every penny. Roll on the new album.

Now I am watching Braveheart with Gibson,, trying to come to terms with how evil I am being an Englishman ::)

Don't worry too much about Braveheart, Shush, that film is about as historically-accurate as HIGHLANDER...

Anyway, off topic slightly...
Title: Re: If the new album leaks onto The Net... will you listen?
Post by: Shush on August 11, 2013, 01:07:17 AM
History is a set of recorded events. Available for use and abuse. Can be twisted and added to validate a perspective, or create a new one. Mans identity is bases on his-story. so easily used be the powers that be to shape his possible future. No one understood this better than adolf H

Fight in the future to validate the ghosts of the past.
Title: Re: If the new album leaks onto The Net... will you listen?
Post by: Master Ray on August 11, 2013, 07:25:05 PM
Just re-read my last post and didn't notice your 'rolling-eyes' icon, Shush...

Good point.  Though, again, we're going off-topic...


And to get back on it, I'd love to understand the general hatred of FB on this forum.  I can't say I'm a huge fan, but I find it's a useful tool, no more no less.  I was one of the people who said 'Ill never do FB' but once I did, I found it a handy way of keeping in touch with scattered friends... in fact, it's the only way I'd have reconnected with old friends whose details I'd long since lost.  Some cracking nights out have resulted because of that, not to mention the joy of reigniting old friendships.  So, yeah, FB has improved my life.

(awaits brickbats and disdain...)

Now, I'm sure I'm going to be bombarded with retorts to this, often relating to privacy issues, and I'm sure I could throw a few back about various aspects of modern life that are so pursuasive in this day and age... I just feel we're living in a tightly-wrapped spiders web where anything and everything we do is recorded SOMEWHERE... there no way around it, unless you go and live in a tent in Northumbria or something.  We live in a world thats kinda like 1984, although less blatent.

Which brings me back to my original point... FB ain't the biggest evil going.  It's just a communication tool.  Don't give away too much personal info, don't accept friends requests from pople you don't know and treat it like the silly little toy it is.

OK... bring on the dispariging posts.  Please be nice.  ;)
Title: Re: If the new album leaks onto The Net... will you listen?
Post by: Shush on August 11, 2013, 09:16:27 PM
In fact, absolutely nothing against facebook. The fact that you and many millions of others use face book, and get something out of it does not bother me at all, why would it. Its just that I have chosen not to join as I do not think it is for me. Its about privacy to me, I don't want to give out my personal details or have people tracking my activities. I have seen it, and seen people posting everything about themselves, where and when they go on holiday, whatever. If someone likes doing that, fine, but its not for me. My original post of forum V facebook I started as I said at the time, I heard that many had abandoned the forum in favour of facebook, which I thought was a bit sad as facebook is for everything under the sun, but the forum is just for NMA and similar.

No doubt there are dedicated users of facebook who have dislike for specialist forums like this!!
Title: Re: If the new album leaks onto The Net... will you listen?
Post by: Stoney on August 11, 2013, 10:09:34 PM
It's an interesting point about the all pervasive Facebook........
I've not logged here as much as I used to for a couple of reasons....... But I use fb for my own bands exploits/contacts/buggering about etc etc........ Since Myspace was ruined by adverts and slow response FB has come into it's own.
Privacy I could care less for, I make my business as private as it needs to be, work and play are kept seperate. Lets be honest, you can make it as private as you want. Conversations can be public or private, same for pics. I'm the same person online as off. Secrecy has it's place, and I can be very descreet if required. But by n large I'm a gobshite, so enjoy fb's surfin around with little conversations feel.
It's like bein at a big gig or festival, you have your mates, but when you go to the bar or lavs you have all these little convos along the way. FB's pretty much the electronic version of those I think.
I keep in touch with litteraly hundreds of folks on every continent using it, and it costs nothing. Very useful to me. I've booked gigs, sorted releases, artwork, advertised shows, tours even via it....... Aswell as meet ups and NMA gatherings...... It's just another weapon in the arsenal pretty much. The whole Family contingient is MUCH MORE cohesive unit in part because of it. Just my two peneth on the off topic topic.  :D

Title: Re: If the new album leaks onto The Net... will you listen?
Post by: Shush on August 12, 2013, 12:20:09 PM
Despite the facebook V forum thing, you don"t need to be a member to access the front page and get to the order of the new album links  :)
Title: Re: If the new album leaks onto The Net... will you listen?
Post by: Brian-DC on August 12, 2013, 03:22:20 PM
I downloaded TIAGD before it came out and I bought it when it was released. 

I'd do the same with this one. 

I hope it doesn't leak though.  The CD and vinyl has a lot of beautiful artwork (not to mention reading the lyrics) and it's so much better hearing it with the whole package.
Title: Re: If the new album leaks onto The Net... will you listen?
Post by: Willard on August 12, 2013, 05:04:04 PM
Despite the facebook V forum thing, you don"t need to be a member to access the front page and get to the order of the new album links  :)

Just made my purchase that very way, in fact.  That was my first ever use of Facebook for anything at all, as I am not a member.

As for listening to leaked audio... I'm still trying to avoid even March in September until the full album is available.
Title: Re: If the new album leaks onto The Net... will you listen?
Post by: df on August 12, 2013, 05:04:54 PM
Apart from enjoying March Into September on Youtube I'm not even going to look for anything else until the album lands on my mat :)
Title: Re: If the new album leaks onto The Net... will you listen?
Post by: Shush on August 12, 2013, 06:04:46 PM
Despite the facebook V forum thing, you don"t need to be a member to access the front page and get to the order of the new album links  :)

Just made my purchase that very way, in fact.  That was my first ever use of Facebook for anything at all, as I am not a member.

As for listening to leaked audio... I'm still trying to avoid even March in September until the full album is available.

Ditto, just ordered mine that way. Wanted to get in there before the limited edition signed copies dry up. Who knows, I might even start to take to this facebook malarkey  ;D
Title: Re: If the new album leaks onto The Net... will you listen?
Post by: Master Ray on August 12, 2013, 07:20:10 PM
Ha ha Shush... I'm starting to feel like the rest of us are the Evil Dead... 'JOIN US...'   ;D

Interesting points about doing too much previewing of a new album... I'm a big fan of Fish (ex of Marillion) and he's posted so muvh stuff online (rehersal footage, demos of new tracks etc) of his new album that it's rather taken the shine off.  It was great to hear much of his new stuff (excellent, BTW) when I saw him live a few months ago, but now I feel I've heard the new album before I've HEARD it, if you catch my drift.  I almost feel a bit bad about hearing the three NMA tracks on Youtube... MIS was fantastic at the Christmas gig in Nottingham but I sort of wish I'd left H and 7T until I could hear them in their full, recorded glory.  Dammit, I'm such a weak person...  :-\

Nevermind, 11 unheard tracks awaiting my eager ears... cannot bloody wait.
Title: Re: If the new album leaks onto The Net... will you listen?
Post by: Shush on August 12, 2013, 07:31:52 PM
Ha ha Shush... I'm starting to feel like the rest of us are the Evil Dead... 'JOIN US...'   ;D

Well, I'm old enough to have learnt not to cut your nose off to spite your boatrace. I was reluctant to go on line at first, now I am rarely off it !!

Take tonight, I have watched the new vid five times, the missus has told me to stick the ear plugs in or else  :D


Title: Re: If the new album leaks onto The Net... will you listen?
Post by: Master Ray on August 12, 2013, 07:36:18 PM
Ha ha Shush... I'm starting to feel like the rest of us are the Evil Dead... 'JOIN US...'   ;D

Well, I'm old enough to have learnt not to cut your nose off to spite your boatrace. I was reluctant to go on line at first, now I am rarely off it !!

Take tonight, I have watched the new vid five times, the missus has told me to stick the ear plugs in or else  :D


Shop smart... shop S-MART!

OK, I think we've taken the Evil Dead references far enough...

Title: Re: If the new album leaks onto The Net... will you listen?
Post by: Shush on August 12, 2013, 07:38:06 PM
This is my BOOM stick,,, OK your right, enough ;D
Title: Re: If the new album leaks onto The Net... will you listen?
Post by: Rasi on August 12, 2013, 10:26:08 PM
As promised, I just preordered the new album - of course the limited edition.
That does not change the fact that I definately would download a leak instantly :)

Happy to see btw, that first reviews are so positive. Maybe this will be a late commerical success again.  :)
Title: Re: If the new album leaks onto The Net... will you listen?
Post by: Guy on August 13, 2013, 09:15:12 AM
Mine is now ordered. I just hope they don't ruin the artwork with those unsightly signatures...  ;)

With regard to the forum versus facebook thing I think that both sides should meet in a car park somewhere and sort this out once and for all!
Title: Re: If the new album leaks onto The Net... will you listen?
Post by: dilla on August 13, 2013, 10:47:15 AM
Mine is now ordered. I just hope they don't ruin the artwork with those unsightly signatures...  ;)

With regard to the forum versus facebook thing I think that both sides should meet in a car park somewhere and sort this out once and for all!
With all these fans in a car park,it'd be a waste of resourses not to have an impromptu gig by a certain band ;D ;D
Title: Re: If the new album leaks onto The Net... will you listen?
Post by: Shush on August 13, 2013, 12:41:07 PM
Mine is now ordered. I just hope they don't ruin the artwork with those unsightly signatures...  ;)

With regard to the forum versus facebook thing I think that both sides should meet in a car park somewhere and sort this out once and for all!
We,ll need the UKs biggest car park for that.  Or,as they call it down South, the M25  :D
Title: Re: If the new album leaks onto The Net... will you listen?
Post by: Jimmy M on August 13, 2013, 02:43:13 PM
I just pre ordered my copy...I am going to try and resist the temptation to listen to it online.
Title: Re: If the new album leaks onto The Net... will you listen?
Post by: Anna Woman von NRW on August 15, 2013, 06:47:34 PM
In common with many other posters on this thread - of course I will. I have already been devouring live stuff on youtube since it first appeared. But obviously I've already pre-ordered from the shop.

I guess the question is (if you wanna put on a business head) does having that stuff out there for free translate into additional hard cash sales? I dunno. And I guess that that is really the critical thing for the whole modern version of the bootleg, does the "any publicity is good publicity" idea still hold true? Don't ask me cos' I'm a gardener!!!!!
Title: Re: If the new album leaks onto The Net... will you listen?
Post by: szmurf on August 15, 2013, 10:50:31 PM
Just back from holiday and ordered mine from the shop.  And yes, I'll download if easy enough to do.  I'm bringing two coke bottles to the Facebook/Forum throwdown, and will walk around saying 'Facebook ... Come out to play' over and over.
Title: Re: If the new album leaks onto The Net... will you listen?
Post by: Master Ray on August 15, 2013, 10:55:59 PM
Just back from holiday and ordered mine from the shop.  And yes, I'll download if easy enough to do.  I'm bringing two coke bottles to the Facebook/Forum throwdown, and will walk around saying 'Facebook ... Come out to play' over and over.

Can you count it, suckers?

Title: Re: If the new album leaks onto The Net... will you listen?
Post by: Toronto Popular Front on August 16, 2013, 08:47:49 AM
my only concern over the facebook / forum rumble would be that the Dark Side (ie facebook users) may be a little better organised
Title: Re: If the new album leaks onto The Net... will you listen?
Post by: sozbot on August 16, 2013, 11:24:46 AM
Already pre-ordered (of course!), but I can't deny that I'd be curious... Given that I've already purchased it and put money into the guys' pockets, I might be tempted to have a cheeky listen. But then again, as some others have said, nothing really compares to having your own, physical copy and giving it a good first-time listen.
Title: Re: If the new album leaks onto The Net... will you listen?
Post by: Willard on August 16, 2013, 12:23:48 PM
I'm even a little hesitant to read the forum posts for fear of spoilers. I haven't watched March in September video yet. Actually, I watched it with sound off. It was amazing even that way!

Now I'm more excited for doc film than ever!
Title: Re: If the new album leaks onto The Net... will you listen?
Post by: Master Ray on August 16, 2013, 07:47:17 PM
Willard, give yourself a little treat.  Watch MIS.  It's great.  After all, it's no different to hearing, say 'Here Comes The War' in advance of TLOHC?  Back in the days when you could walk into a record store and buy the new vinyl 12 inch from your favourite band?  In a gatefold sleeve and with a poster that had instructions on how you could build you own atomic bomb?

Damn, I miss those days...

Title: Re: If the new album leaks onto The Net... will you listen?
Post by: Willard on August 29, 2013, 05:44:31 PM
Still... holding...  out!

Maybe a bit unnecessary but I'm doing it anyway.

Willard, give yourself a little treat.  Watch MIS.  It's great.  After all, it's no different to hearing, say 'Here Comes The War' in advance of TLOHC?  Back in the days when you could walk into a record store and buy the new vinyl 12 inch from your favourite band?  In a gatefold sleeve and with a poster that had instructions on how you could build you own atomic bomb?

Damn, I miss those days...
Title: Re: If the new album leaks onto The Net... will you listen?
Post by: Knievel on August 30, 2013, 06:50:14 PM
Hey Willard - that really made me laugh - watched it with the sound off!! heheheh - That's like, I don't know,  like reading a book with your eyes closed...Good stuff mister cool x

Would I listen to a leak on the net? no no no no NO!

Even when the vinyl arrives I won't open it until the right night - I'll have to speak with my astrologer about that  ;)

Only half joking there - I won't speak with my astrologer but I will wait for the right night...I'm looking forward to this one - the last record was incredible - how do you follow Today Is a Good day ? I'm expecting a big disappontment to be honest - and that is half the reason why I would leave it wrapped in the the hallway until the right night. 
Title: Re: If the new album leaks onto The Net... will you listen?
Post by: Master Ray on September 05, 2013, 10:14:45 PM
I have to say, seeing as review copies of BDAW are out there, I'm both surprised and happy that the album hasn't been leaked yet...
Title: Re: If the new album leaks onto The Net... will you listen?
Post by: Fatalist on September 12, 2013, 10:52:50 PM
ain't been on the board much recently, having an NMA holiday pre Dog and Wolf, so has it actually leaked (save me reading through the many scores of threads that have appeared during my enforced absence?) Or are we all being good moshers til the 23rd when the pre-orders land?
Title: Re: If the new album leaks onto The Net... will you listen?
Post by: Master Ray on September 12, 2013, 11:33:48 PM
ain't been on the board much recently, having an NMA holiday pre Dog and Wolf, so has it actually leaked (save me reading through the many scores of threads that have appeared during my enforced absence?) Or are we all being good moshers til the 23rd when the pre-orders land?

It ain't leaked.  Yay, confidentiality!

Just a few days to go... I'm practically quivering in anticipation!
Title: Re: If the new album leaks onto The Net... will you listen?
Post by: Willard on September 17, 2013, 03:06:45 AM
I'm now anxiously (unrealisticaly?) expecting album and shirt any day now. That said, if next Monday comes and the album hasn't, I'll look for digital copy to buy (from shop?). In USA won't be on usual sources for a week or so later, I see.

Oh dear!
Title: Re: If the new album leaks onto The Net... will you listen?
Post by: Master Ray on September 17, 2013, 06:36:23 PM
I'm also surprised that it hasn't leaked.

From my experience of the last two albums, if you bought it directly from the shop it should plop through your letterbox on the Friday before the official release date.  If it doesn't, then thats fine... but if it ain't there on Monday 23rd...  >:(

Joking aside, I'm sure, in this Internet day and age, SOMEONE could have found it and leaked it, but they didn't... reminds me of when a whole load of people in the US got their box-set of the last series of DOCTOR WHO in advance of the final episode and could have thrown out a load of spoilers or links but didn't, out of respect for something they love...

Anyway, whatever.  We're all less than a week away from a new NMA album.  Good times.


Title: Re: If the new album leaks onto The Net... will you listen?
Post by: Mike on September 18, 2013, 04:31:32 PM
There were loads of spoilers from that Who box set, if you were unlucky enough to chance upon them.

That said, unless BDAW is a concept album, there's no plot to reveal. And I hope to almighty **** that it isn't.
Title: Re: If the new album leaks onto The Net... will you listen?
Post by: saille on September 18, 2013, 10:45:36 PM
Yes and and enjoying  :) , can't wait for the crackle of the vinyl tho'
Title: Re: If the new album leaks onto The Net... will you listen?
Post by: Willard on September 19, 2013, 12:26:19 AM
And there it is. Seems to have almost made it to the end, but not quite. I will not listen until I get a copy legally, though I am perfectly willing to buy digital if hard copy takes a while to arrive...
Title: Re: If the new album leaks onto The Net... will you listen?
Post by: kabe on September 19, 2013, 03:57:15 AM
Sadly, it's leaked - just spotted....  :(

Wondering now if anyone knows what NMA's opinion is - want volunteers to contact some of the filesharing sites to get leaked copies taken down, for instance?
Title: Re: If the new album leaks onto The Net... will you listen?
Post by: Shush on September 19, 2013, 05:04:00 AM
For the sake of a couple of days, my first full listen is still going to be a proper listen from MY copy on good equipment -- first impressions can last !!!
Title: Re: If the new album leaks onto The Net... will you listen?
Post by: Guido on September 19, 2013, 10:08:57 AM
Sadly, it's leaked - just spotted....  :(

Wondering now if anyone knows what NMA's opinion is - want volunteers to contact some of the filesharing sites to get leaked copies taken down, for instance?

It's the internet, you can't take anything down. And one day prior to release - that ain't too bad, there have been cases were albums leaked months before official release...
Title: Re: If the new album leaks onto The Net... will you listen?
Post by: DannySan on September 19, 2013, 11:56:23 AM
I'm waiting for my own copy to arrive - I have never heard an album by any band that has been leaked onto the internet and I'm not condemning those that do listen it's just for me I like to wait until the official realease date before I fully listen and enjoy
Title: Re: If the new album leaks onto The Net... will you listen?
Post by: Scruff225 on September 19, 2013, 04:29:24 PM
Sadly, it's leaked - just spotted....  :(

Wondering now if anyone knows what NMA's opinion is - want volunteers to contact some of the filesharing sites to get leaked copies taken down, for instance?

Seeing it on ebay too. Not sure it is a big spoiler when it is leaked a day before some of the international release dates.  ;)
Title: Re: If the new album leaks onto The Net... will you listen?
Post by: Rasi on September 19, 2013, 04:39:38 PM
sadly i fear that my copy will arrive a few days too late. lets hope for the best
Title: Re: If the new album leaks onto The Net... will you listen?
Post by: Master Ray on September 19, 2013, 07:03:49 PM
I think I can resist, seeing as (as I said before) the last two albums got delivered on the Friday before the official release date... here's hoping for a great big treat tomorrow...

What pisses me off is the people who haven't ordered the album and never will, just getting this doubtlessly brilliant music for free and not contributing to the continued survival of an amazing band without strong label support...

I think the expression I would use for these people rhymes with 'clucking bunts'...

Title: Re: If the new album leaks onto The Net... will you listen?
Post by: MARKXE on September 19, 2013, 07:47:52 PM
I think I can resist, seeing as (as I said before) the last two albums got delivered on the Friday before the official release date... here's hoping for a great big treat tomorrow...

What pisses me off is the people who haven't ordered the album and never will, just getting this doubtlessly brilliant music for free and not contributing to the continued survival of an amazing band without strong label support...

I think the expression I would use for these people rhymes with 'clucking bunts'...


Well said that man.
Title: Re: If the new album leaks onto The Net... will you listen?
Post by: Fatalist on September 19, 2013, 09:10:05 PM
Last time was more of a dilemma as I recall as TIAGD leaked out about a month before the official release, so temptation was hard to ignore. This time for the sake of a few hours it'd be nice to get the full package complete with signed mega cover to go with the tunes, I will wait... unless it doesn't arrive in the post tomorrow and I change my mind having slept on it having dreamed NMA dreams...
Title: Re: If the new album leaks onto The Net... will you listen?
Post by: Steve L on September 20, 2013, 12:18:40 AM
I can resist everything but temptation.
I won't comment on the album as I don't want to spoil it for anyone else, and I have paid for 2 x lp and t-shirt packages and a cd and t shirt one so the lads are still getting their money (worth every penny)
Title: Re: If the new album leaks onto The Net... will you listen?
Post by: Master Ray on September 20, 2013, 07:00:41 PM
That's cool IMO, Steve L, it's just like peeking at your Christmas presents and you've shown how you're supporting NMA...

When everyone gets their copy and the reviews start landing, I look forward to seeing what you think of it!