The official NMA board
General Category => New Model Army => Topic started by: Master Ray on August 21, 2019, 07:39:09 PM
OK, seeing as our favourite band has a new one out in a couple of days, I thought I'd start a new thread so we can gather our thoughts in one place rather than have them scattered over multiple threads... sound OK to you lovely lot?
Obviously I've not heard it yet, so excited for Friday... please post your opinions! Praises, disappointments, is it the best thing the lads ever did, is it the worst, your fave tracks etc etc, you know the score. ;)
I love hearing new NMA music for the first time, but only slightly lesser than that is 'comparing notes' with my friends here, seeing how the album affected them. And we all know it will affect us, this isn't just 'some new music', it's new NMA music!
Can't wait to hear what you think...
Im proper buzzing, cant wait... :D
I'm pretty sure that i will like it more than "Winter", which wasn't bad of course but had a "B Side" rehash feel at times...but i'm also pretty sure that i will receive the cd next week and not tomorrow or this week end! :'(
Yes, i'm also totally excited and so looking forward to hear the new songs. The two released ones and some reviews but mostly the concept of the new album makes me believe that i will instantly love this one and that it will stand out.
But i think my package will also take some time to come. When i pre-ordered i decided to have sent it to my new adress, but at the moment i'm still in my old flat and preparing to move next monday. I hope it will arrive in the first september week, until then it will be a bit hard to follow the reviews here while not be able to listen to it, but it will arrive and then i'm going to celebrate the first listening. Maybe in a cold dark room...;-)
I've just looked and the package was sent out today...
>Maybe in a cold dark room...;-)
That's funny. In all likelihood my first listen will be as the sun sets in a blazing-hot Nevada desert. That's assuming I can lay hands on the mp3 version tomorrow. My vinyl won't arrive until late next week, at the soonest. Maybe the week after.
Got the email to say it's on its way
Aw, a friend of mine (who had never heard of NMA before I introduced him to them) got his copy a day early... >:(
What the hell, I can't complain, I've always ordered from the official source and I've usually got my copy a day or two early.... bring on tomorrow!
That's funny. In all likelihood my first listen will be as the sun sets in a blazing-hot Nevada desert. That's assuming I can lay hands on the mp3 version tomorrow. My vinyl won't arrive until late next week, at the soonest. Maybe the week after.
Well, i thought maybe i can re-create the cold norwegian sourrounding, by sitting naked in front of the stereo in a cold room;-) but your setting "in a blazing-hot Nevada desert" while the sun sets sounds totally awesome!
And what the heck, i couldn't resist and found a good offer from amazon with the option to pay later in september, so i ordered another copy today and it should arrive tomorrow. I thought that this will make such a wonderful gift for somebody, when my other order arrives and i can listen to the album still being in hamburg, before packing all the stuff for moving.
Big frustration for me. I ordered it giving my work address where I am most days. Just found on I am working away tomorrow, will not get it now till Tuesday :'(
oh damn! no way that someone at your work address could redirect it to you or a chance to fetch it there later?
Sadly no. I am just going to have to wait till Tuesday. My frustration is not being able to add review comments here the same time as others will. But, I will be interested to see here what others think of it over the long weekend before I have my first listen.
Lucky enough to have a first listen, wow seems to follow on from BDAW & Winter, hard to find the right words to describe it on first impressions, keep on thinking cinematic for some reason, very open spacious sounding & draws you in
Hurrah! Amazon sent me the mp3 version at about 11pm my time, on the 22nd. Setting it aside until Sunset tomorrow, but it's loaded onto my devices. I'm quite pleased.
We have to wait until Saturday to get our copy because we're getting it from an actual, real life, local independent record shop.
fancy that !
It's the kind of album that has reviewers stretching for the thesaurus to grab alternative words to ethereal and brooding. First listen I was 'Oh, OK", second and I was into what was taking place. I'm up to my eighth run through now.
It's an antithesis to the singles-ridden albums of old. It's a glorious ramble and the continuation of an audial journey through the land of bass and drums - and I adore it for that. NMA are an older, more introspective band these days. The passion for the craft floods through from track to track.
The Weather, Maps and Passing Through - my stand out songs. Weakest tracks for me: Great Disguise, Conversation, Watch And Learn - the last leaves me totally cold. It jars against the rest of the offerings, it simply doesn't fit lyrically or musically. If this is a car journey then Watch And Learn is a rest stop at Toddington Services on a Bank Holiday.
My favourite albums are Eight and High ... and they still are. I love the sound that's been developing since BD&W, but I do hanker for a return to previous decade.
Conversation......give it some spins it';s going to turn into a classic!
It hath arrived!!! :D
The album is absolutely beautiful. I've had to listen to it for 3 times this morning. It sucked me really in. Music and lyrics crushing deep into my soul, heart and mind. When I closed my eyes I felt like i am in this studio, you can hear and feel this wide sound and nearly see the rugged landscape surrounding them while I'm listening to the album.
I think i gave my neighbours and maybe the people on the other side of the street also a good treat of listening to the new album this morning ;-)
Loved it immediately, only watch and learn didn't get me (yet), the chorus i find a bit strange melodically, but every other song was an epic story to dive into, full of surprises, familiar and yet strange but in the most interesting and moving ways.
It is an "Album", best heard from beginning to end, with the little click of my mp3-player between the songs really disturbing me though it was only a part of a second. I'm up for many more listenings when the cd arrives. And i really have no favourite at the moment....
No sign of mine here in sunny Jersey and as we don't get post on Saturday, and Monday is a day for mail that arrived into the Island on Friday.......looks like Tuesday at the earliest for me.... >:(.. >:(..
No sign of mine here in sunny Jersey and as we don't get post on Saturday, and Monday is a day for mail that arrived into the Island on Friday.......looks like Tuesday at the earliest for me.... >:(.. >:(..
What about the download option? Did you pre-order via tm-stores? I wasn't aware that a download was included..
Bought it at Media Markt for 12,99 €.
Had a first listen on my way to work and wasn't too impressed tbh, but that may change in the next days.
Happy listening everybody!
First listen. Some good songs but hasnt grabbed me yet. It usually takes a few listens with every album.
Aw, that lovely moment when you open your front door after work, hugely anticipating a little package... and yes, your front door hits something when it's halfway open... :D
Just finished my second spin. And I think I've mentioned before how I worry about how a band I truly love might release a sub-standard effort, especially after decades in the music business. It'd be sad but I could mention several bands who've done such a thing....
Thank the heavens this isn't the case here. The first spin made me relax, we're once again in good hands here... the second got me even more excited. They've done it again, guys, they've pulled something great out of the bag!
Now you can't give an NMA album a definitive review after just two listens. But I'll say that it wasn't quite what I was expecting... seeing as they recorded the whole thing in 9 days, I was expecting something more akin to 'Navigating By The Stars', a very stripped down and moody release, especially in view of where they recorded it. Not the case, it'd surprisingly full-blooded in sound, maybe only a couple of out and out rockers, but there are some lush and intricate arrangements that will draw me back to the tunes.
My initial opinion? It might be a less 'immediate' album than Winter (IMHO) but it's going to be on heavy rotation here for the foreseeable future. I can't remember where I read this quote, but someone once said 'a great album doesn't give up its treasures easily'... FH is an album with many treasures to find.
But, hey, that's just my silly opinion. ;)
OK, just onto my fourth listen... it's just fuckin' great.
Townsend hasn't shipped my CD yet, but I couldn't help myself and I decided to go for instant gratification, so I downloaded the mp3's.
Honestly, it wasn't what I expected. I had this vague idea that choosing a remote studio in the wilderness would give birth to something more stripped-down and more experimental. This is not the case. I haven't read the lyrics yet, and usually I have a hard time grasping a song's meaning in its entirety just by listening - I have to read the words. Hopefully, this will be solved next week or so when the CD arrives.
How should I put it... It's the first NMA album that doesn't hook you from the first. I'm writing this through my second spin of the album, so I expect it to grow a bit, but for those of you who are to used instantly love a song, you will have hard time here. Probably more than on the previous albums, you will notice that Justin's roots are not rock/metal, but folk/soul. This works really well if the songs are catchy, but alas, they are not, except maybe "Never arriving" and "The weather", and the cute but very generic (as in I've listened to this song many times before in many bands' repertoires) "Where I am".
I'll do a quick tour - a few words about each track, just the music, not the lyrics.
"Passing through" comes across as a weak first song, compared to past albums. It's hard to top "Beginning" (even if Beginning's second part is a rather blatant rip-off of "Lost" by Noir Desir - but hey, it fits). Too long, and the guitar effects are more subdued and not rock enough for my taste. I even like the Tool-inspired *Schism*cough* "Horsemen" better.
"Never arriving" is a very good and catchy song. I'd prefer they'd cloned this song 12 times over and make a more catchy album.
"The weather" is also very good and catchy, albeit a bit less than "Never arriving".
"End of days" is solid, but could have been better.
"Conversation" is one of the songs that I instantly disliked, but I think that with further listenings it will get better, just like "Peakakariki beach" did.
"Great disguise" - the 4 chorus chords are rather bland, and we've heard this blandness before. Not a bad song, though.
"Where I am" - catchy enough to be commercial, but not in a particularly good way.
"Hard way" - I haven't yet "understood" this song. There is a crescendo towards the end that doesn't really deliver, imo.
"Watch and learn" falls flat after "Angry planet". It's a B-side.
"Maps" will probably grow - so far I find it boring.
"Setting sun" seems unfocused.
"From here" - I kept expecting the last minute to be cinematic/explosive/psychedelic from what I've read in a couple of reviews. Instead, the last minute is... silence? I have to listen it again (going through my third spin with the headphones as I'm writing this), but it was quite anticlimatic.
This is probably the first New Model Army album that I don't particularly like from the first couple of spins. It should have been labeled "Lost songs 3". I will definitely listen to it on heavy rotation in the following weeks and months, but so far I'm underwhelmed. Can't wait to read the lyrics, though.
No problem, Voidship! It didn't work for you first time around! And, if you subsequently dislike it after multiple listens, no worries.
Any decent band who have been going for decades will investigate new ways of making music. It might work for some, not for others. I love NMA's stuff over the last decade but I've met people at gigs who were only there for 'the old stuff'. Fair enough! I wouldn't disrespect those folks for their opinions.
Personally, I'm loving the new album, and I hope you dig into it some more, there are some great tunes here. If not, well, sorry to hear it. :-[
Thanks Voidship for expressing your thoughts and describing how you think about it. I liked to read it and i think i can somehow understand your arguements, but i have a different opinion about them. My interest here is not a fan-boy approach and try to convince everybody else that the new album IS superb, but just to exchange opinions and talk about it.
I think From Here is really a different Album to all the others, because it is the latest one and it has all the historys of all other Albums in it, obviously. So it is normal that we all have expectations about it, have thought about it before the release, had the two songs pre-released and build up our opinions and hopes for the whole Album.
I understand Voidship I had this vague idea that choosing a remote studio in the wilderness would give birth to something more stripped-down and more experimental.
and that i can relate to very good. So if i were in God-mode i would have the guys really let loose, have them make 23 minute songs, have them doing improvised minimalistic experiments on instruments, well all i can think of and love to hear.
With the first listening of passing through i thought: well, this is such a strong text why have such a "weak" framework around it and "nothing to loose" should have had bombastic orchestration and such thoughts. But i find these are the ones i want to strip down, get rid of all expectations and shut off the comparison-mode, to be able to listen to.
And yes, everything sounds kind of familiar, kind of snippets here and there where you think about older songs and think: "well" this sounds like that or this is the same approach like.." and th epromise of something new seems not to be fulfilled.
But my motto here is: "there is nothing new under the sun", everything is inspired by everything and i feel no need to have something new, because i don't think that's possible or should be tried and forced. Of course i mean that not in a universal way, if they would do an Album, completely instrumental, with justin only playing piano, ceri drumming, dean on guitars, marshall humming and michael hitting a carillon, that would be new but otherwise it wouldn't. It would be music, an instrumental album, and that has already been done.
But again, a very good post Voidship, everbody has a different approach to the same group we all love.
Looking forward for more insights and opinions here...
Got it on now. Didn't get a chance to listen yesterday. Things its part 3 of a trilogy that started with BDAW. That and Winter took a couple of listens to get it. I'll need to listen on headphones later to get some of the subtleties.
So I downloaded the digital files when I was sent a link, the CD is upstairs. On End of Days is it me or is a false end/mistake?
Still waiting for Vinyl and other stuffs ordered through Townsend...but listening mp3 download from their link (so now I can wait quietly).
Listening 6 times since yesterday, and right now for the first time with my home studio headphone : brilliant !!!
Some tracks are imediate, and I'm sure I'll love some others in the future
I’m waiting for the vinyl to be able to properly read the lyrics. But so far (with the mp3, but they could have embedded the lyrics !), I was pleased with the album. I have to point out I was not mesmerised by BD&W, amazing music but lyrics were not as polished IMO as it used to be (liked best BW&B). Then, Winter was a roller coaster of feelings for me. But in concert the songs were AMAZING (except for Knievel, one of the only NMA song I will never be able to enjoy it seems).
So with the 2 singles I thought that this album was probably more NMA like than the previous ones, and I was a bit disappointed by that. But listening to the whole thing made me realise that « hey, you’re listening to the new NMA, not the new Idles or Kate Bush ». So if there was no NMA elements in the album, I WOULD be disappointed a lot. This said, the album feels different enough, have his own identity, and the songs can really surprise you, going down tempo when you thought it would « explode » or the opposite, ending abruptly when you thought it would fade, and that is really pleasant to me. I still have the feeling that sometimes the lyrics are not up to what I’m expecting, like the theme is great, I know what Mr Sullivan want to say, but the way it is said is odd to me (like in Stormclouds, the Line « It could be stormclouds and it could be mountains » still rings very peculiar to me, I understand the image, the idea seems great, but the result sound odd to MY hears).
So, I need more listening, I need the lyrics, I need to see the songs live, but for now, this is an excellent album, no songs that strikes me as some of Winter, but also no song that I find a little behind the rest of the record, like in Winter.
[edit] listening to the album again, I found that the chorus of « Where I am » is the perfect exemple of what I was saying about lyrics sounding odd to me, like I understand where you’re going, it’s just the way to go there, the words choice seems less polished that what I’m used to, not challenging to the intelligence of the listener as it used to be, we would say in French « ca tombe un peu à plat » :)
So I downloaded the digital files when I was sent a link, the CD is upstairs. On End of Days is it me or is a false end/mistake?
Yeah I don’t quite get what is going on there either. One must assume it’s intentional, but I have no idea what it’s all about. I wonder if we’ll get an answer to that someday.
So, I need more listening, I need the lyrics, I need to see the songs live, but for now, this is an excellent album, no songs that strikes me as some of Winter, but also no song that I find a little behind the rest of the record, like in Winter.
Can't agree more. The grower, with the millions of treasuries hidden somewhere, in between .... Two well known already tracks don't reflect the rest of the record. I'd even say they distract a little bit.
Uhhh, can you folks write SPOILERS when you talk about these songs?
My God, many of us live in America -- we haven't received our album yet. Kindly be considerate and write SPOILER when speaking of the material on the new album.
Before I played album for the first time,I just sat and read the lyrics.(which I love).As others have said,I thought Passing was a bit weak as a starter.There is definately reminders of other NMA songs on this album.Adrenalin springs to mind.As I've played Never Arriving and End of Days to death on youtube,I was expecting something similar for the rest of the album.Very different.From here reminds me of Bonfire Night.Going to take a few more listens(like most NMA albums).*
As it's a generally slower album at least us "Oldies" will get a breather at the gigs ;D ;D*
Whirlwind,as far as spoiler alerts go,didn't think you'd be listening to this for at least another 5 years ;)
Uhhh, can you folks write SPOILERS when you talk about these songs?
My God, many of us live in America -- we haven't received our album yet. Kindly be considerate and write SPOILER when speaking of the material on the new album.
Grow up, man!
Yesterday after listening 2x I though, ok - not what I thought after reading the previews
Today it`s growing, but not in the same way and as fast as the other ones before ...
Nr. 1 is End Of Days - and this studio version of Hard Way I think I`ll skip after some mor listenings
But we all know - some song will grow and later some live versions of a song are fine
shananananana ;)
I'm getting mine for my birthday first week of September (FORTY!!!) so will have to develop a goodly amount of patience... I've only thus far heard the two singles and End of days didn't grab me at all. Its one of those fairly standard straight-ahead Rock tracks that I don't enjoy, although it will be much better live..Never Arriving puzzled me to begin with, the odd timing with the drums but it has really grown on me and the vid is great. Here's the thing for me about the incarnation of NMA that have been together since 2010. Far too much Blues/Rock and Metal influences filtering in to the bands music. Ceri is a great bass player but seemingly cannot or doesn't like to play syncopated B-lines and I find that rather dull tbh. That gymnastic bass sound was one of the main attractions for me previously. You can tell he's into Metal. Marshall comes from a Blues background and we've been listening to the Blues in Rock n Roll for 60 years! Michael's drumming has got much bigger and heavier in recent years and while I love that I sometimes think too much attention is given to these bombastic drum sounds at the expense of groove. I think Justin said 'From Here..' is a "guitar album" and certainly Dean has left his keyboards in the cupboard in favour of a six-string. It will be very interesting to see how they go about achieving the sort of ethereal and ambient sounds that the synths do so well. BD&W isn't a record I often listen to, there's only 3 or 4 stand outs for me, same with the follow-up but if the latest LP is as good as Winter I'll be very happy indeed because other than the a couple of the 'Rockier' numbers I reckon its the best thing since The Love of Hopeless Causes. Any new material by the band is a real cause for celebration in my house and I am really looking forward to immersing myself in 'From Here..' when I finally get a chance.. Sorry for the long ramble folks. Blame the Guinness. I do. :o
Uhhh, can you folks write SPOILERS when you talk about these songs?
My God, many of us live in America -- we haven't received our album yet. Kindly be considerate and write SPOILER when speaking of the material on the new album.
Uhhh, can you folks write SPOILERS when you talk about these songs?
My God, many of us live in America -- we haven't received our album yet. Kindly be considerate and write SPOILER when speaking of the material on the new album.
Given the name of the topic, the spoiler thing makes me yawn too ;)
Right ok. Second listening. I dont think this is like anything theyve done before. For now, not overly sold on the title track yet. Wasnt keen on Great Disguise first off but with headphones on and shut off, Im getting it. Not keen on Hard way either. The rest of it is ok. I think Im going to have to have a lot more listens before it clicks I think.
It doesnt have the balls out rocking numbers that they do so brilliantly bar Watch and Learn, which would have fitted on BWAB. Its a very dark sounding album IMHO. Setting Sun is gonna be a moshpit pleaser however.
Uhhh, can you folks write SPOILERS when you talk about these songs?
My God, many of us live in America -- we haven't received our album yet. Kindly be considerate and write SPOILER when speaking of the material on the new album.
Given the name of the topic, the spoiler thing makes me yawn too ;)
OK, seeing as our favourite band has a new one out in a couple of days, I thought I'd start a new thread so we can gather our thoughts in one place rather than have them scattered over multiple threads... sound OK to you lovely lot?
Obviously I've not heard it yet, so excited for Friday... please post your opinions! Praises, disappointments, is it the best thing the lads ever did, is it the worst, your fave tracks etc etc, you know the score.
Yup, I can see how my original post could be considered confusing, even if that person has 'an above genius IQ'... ::)
Right ok. Second listening. I dont think this is like anything theyve done before. For now, not overly sold on the title track yet. Wasnt keen on Great Disguise first off but with headphones on and shut off, Im getting it. Not keen on Hard way either. The rest of it is ok. I think Im going to have to have a lot more listens before it clicks I think.
It doesnt have the balls out rocking numbers that they do so brilliantly bar Watch and Learn, which would have fitted on BWAB. Its a very dark sounding album IMHO. Setting Sun is gonna be a moshpit pleaser however.
Ah ha. Just noted that the mp3 downloads are playing in a **** about face order. Just reordered by album listing. Its making more sense now, starting to get it ;D :D ;).
Conclusion:There is method in the madness.
Right ok. Second listening. I dont think this is like anything theyve done before. For now, not overly sold on the title track yet. Wasnt keen on Great Disguise first off but with headphones on and shut off, Im getting it. Not keen on Hard way either. The rest of it is ok. I think Im going to have to have a lot more listens before it clicks I think.
It doesnt have the balls out rocking numbers that they do so brilliantly bar Watch and Learn, which would have fitted on BWAB. Its a very dark sounding album IMHO. Setting Sun is gonna be a moshpit pleaser however.
Ah ha. Just noted that the mp3 downloads are playing in a **** about face order. Just reordered by album listing. Its making more sense now, starting to get it ;D :D ;).
Conclusion:There is method in the madness.
And this is why CD's are better than downloads...
Joking aside, I ordered from TM and I didn't get a download / MP3 version? I'd love one, seeing as my laptop doesn't have a CD player on it and I'd love to get these great new tracks onto my MP3 player...
Yup. 3rd play. Got it. Love it!!!! Gooood album. How bizarre MR. I Wasnt expecting the downloads. Try logging into your Townsend account. Thats how I found mine. If I remember right there was a section in there.
Yup. 3rd play. Got it. Love it!!!! Gooood album. How bizarre MR. I Wasnt expecting the downloads. Try logging into your Townsend account. Thats how I found mine. If I remember right there was a section in there.
In fact mate, I had an email that went straight through to spam, that told me to log in for a grat track
OK, pal, I'll check it out.
Yup. 3rd play. Got it. Love it!!!! Gooood album. How bizarre MR. I Wasnt expecting the downloads. Try logging into your Townsend account. Thats how I found mine. If I remember right there was a section in there.
In fact mate, I had an email that went straight through to spam, that told me to log in for a grat track
I got the mp3 downloads here in the USA too.
Sometimes I try to wait for the “right time” to listen to new music. Then I decided that’s a total waste of something awesome, and instead I made the right time on Friday. I had it on my headphones while I walked the woods on a path by a river. Quite a lovely day!
I’m sold, by the way. Fits right in after the last few albums. I’ve got one or two things I’m hung up on, but I’ll not point them out so as to not rain on anybody else’s parade.
Got mine today, too. Only had two listens so far so it's too early to really know what I think of it. I love the title track already and a few others. Exciting times!
Yup. 3rd play. Got it. Love it!!!! Gooood album. How bizarre MR. I Wasnt expecting the downloads. Try logging into your Townsend account. Thats how I found mine. If I remember right there was a section in there.
Well, flippin' bloody crikey, you're right, logged onto my TM account and there it was. Didn't get any email notification though. Thanks for the heads-up! ;)
Yup. 3rd play. Got it. Love it!!!! Gooood album. How bizarre MR. I Wasnt expecting the downloads. Try logging into your Townsend account. Thats how I found mine. If I remember right there was a section in there.
Well, flippin' bloody crikey, you're right, logged onto my TM account and there it was. Didn't get any email notification though. Thanks for the heads-up! ;)
Same here and the physical disc still isn't here but enjoying it, 2 times in so far
Glad to see that our overseas friends can listen to this wonderful new music before the physical artifact crosses oceans... also, I'm fairly sure that Amazon offer a download service to those who bought the album? I might be wrong about that, please correct me if so.
Yup. 3rd play. Got it. Love it!!!! Gooood album. How bizarre MR. I Wasnt expecting the downloads. Try logging into your Townsend account. Thats how I found mine. If I remember right there was a section in there.
In fact mate, I had an email that went straight through to spam, that told me to log in for a grat track
I got the mp3 downloads here in the USA too.
Sometimes I try to wait for the “right time” to listen to new music. Then I decided that’s a total waste of something awesome, and instead I made the right time on Friday. I had it on my headphones while I walked the woods on a path by a river. Quite a lovely day!
I’m sold, by the way. Fits right in after the last few albums. I’ve got one or two things I’m hung up on, but I’ll not point them out so as to not rain on anybody else’s parade.
Hey, pal, this is a discussion thread! I'd be really interested to hear what you think! This isn't a big 'love-in' where we are obliged to praise every last thing NMA ever did, I'm sure most people here (and, I'd like to think, the band) are interested in peoples opinions, including what DIDN'T work for them... just a thought. ;)
I'm fairly sure that Amazon offer a download service to those who bought the album? I might be wrong about that, please correct me if so.
amazon does give you the download, but...
"Complete your purchase to save the MP3 version to your Amazon Music Library on its release date."
I pre-ordered the album last week, but they make it clear we can't use the download service, we can't hear the album, until the official release date. I'm not going to complain. It actually seems right to do it that way.
Release date here in Trumpistan is August 30. amazon says I should have the album in my hands on that day...or I suppose I can listen to my download of the album on that day.
Only listened to it once so far.
As soon as the album was finished I struggled to remember anything about it (apart from the word "conversation", that is). I'm glad it's not been produced to death a la BDAW, and some of the sounds are ok, but so far I've struggled to feel anything about it, either positive or negative. Hopefully this will change upon subsequent listenings.
I disliked BDAW immediately, and still don't like it at all apart from Summer Moors; Winter was a slow burner but after a few listens I loved it. This is somewhere between the two for me.
I'm fairly sure that Amazon offer a download service to those who bought the album? I might be wrong about that, please correct me if so.
amazon does give you the download, but...
"Complete your purchase to save the MP3 version to your Amazon Music Library on its release date."
I pre-ordered the album last week, but they make it clear we can't use the download service, we can't hear the album, until the official release date. I'm not going to complain. It actually seems right to do it that way.
Release date here in Trumpistan is August 30. amazon says I should have the album in my hands on that day...or I suppose I can listen to my download of the album on that day.
Fascinating about the release date. iTunes US had it last Friday.
Still no vinyl in France, I want the lyrics, and playing it loud with the warmth of the vinyl sound ;D
Only listened to it once so far.
As soon as the album was finished I struggled to remember anything about it (apart from the word "conversation", that is). I'm glad it's not been produced to death a la BDAW, and some of the sounds are ok, but so far I've struggled to feel anything about it, either positive or negative. Hopefully this will change upon subsequent listenings.
I disliked BDAW immediately, and still don't like it at all apart from Summer Moors; Winter was a slow burner but after a few listens I loved it. This is somewhere between the two for me.
This is almost exactly what I felt after hearing the new songs.
Some have grown on me but overall I'm not too impressed by FH.
In all cases it's great to read that, like for BDAW and WINTER before, the album seems to be a "hit" in the UK and German charts 8)...
but i would have loved a commercial success like this one for (better?? ;)) albums like "High" or "Eight"... ;)
Well,Today Is A Good in Jersey,my copy finally arrived (don,t do all that MP3 ? stuff)..waited for disc.........after 5 plays,what can i say ? Love it......Love it.......was smitten after first play,a really strong album (imho)..wonderful stuff,thanks to all involved... 8)...
After about a dozen listens I think I can divide this album into 2.*
4 tracks leave me cold.Passing Through,Conversations,Hard WAy and Maps.*
The rest,I kove.*
Particularly like Great disguise and From Here.
oh dear...i think malderor got lost in the desert while listening to the new album..maybe he has merged fully with the beautiful scenery and the sound and has become an etheral being;)
malderor, where are you? and what do you think about From Here? (and btw where is 8 ?)
Vinyl is arrived in France ! Beautiful piece (except one side have label not properly aligned and it makes you feel sick if you look a it spinning ;D).
And I have the lyrics ! Really love « the weather » beautifully said. Still have some trouble with the way some lyrics are (like never arriving, the line « is here between departure and arriving - but never arriving », I like the idea, but the repetition of the word « arriving » makes it sound silly to MY hears).
Hadn’t even noticed great disguise before, loves it now that I had read it !
Where I am, I understand it better now, but I still find the chorus a bit out of place, can’t really point out why, it feels silly to me.
Watch and learn, being 47 but with 8 & 5 years old kids, this one makes me shiver. As often with Mr Sullivan, he’s really not in mainstream thinking but in a few years everybody will say the same having the impression to be the first to point it out (Think « ballad » for instance, that is SO relevant today but looked doomsday prophecy from a lunatic to lots of people in the 80’s).
Maps (dammit, cello is really my favourite instrument !), Setting Sun and From Here are still my 3 favourites songs, the 3 goes so well together, amazing poetry there too.
Winter was already a dark album but perhaps this one is a step further in that direction.
For the vinyl, I needed to play it louder than my vinyl usually need (like the last The Ex, 27 passports). For the Ex it is because they have lightly pressed the record to be able to put more music on it. But it makes sometimes the end of sides hard to play because the needle will jump from time to time. I had the jumping needle problem on « From Here » song too, have to check if it’s my record or if it’s like 27 passports (and yes, my record player is a nice one, properly set, with a good needle ;)).
So this was my second opinion, with lyrics this time ! And I find the music still amazing, with a nice coherence to the whole.
Finally listened the whole album at home, it's too early to rate it (and i haven't read/translated Justin's lyrics yet) but
Maps (dammit, cello is really my favourite instrument !), Setting Sun and From Here are still my 3 favourites songs, the 3 goes so well together, amazing poetry there too.
I agree that the last part of the album is quite haunting on a first listen, that's why i felt that the more punchy/rock -and sometimes generic...- songs were a bit out of place on the album!
The album sometimes has a feel of a movie soundtrack and especially "Navigating by the stars" (IMO Justin's masterpiece) seem obvious influence on the rythms, sounds and voice of tracks like "Conversation", "Maps", "Setting sun" ( a fast pace psychedelic "Ghost train"?), 'Hard way", "From here"...NMA in its wandering, long, atmospheric moods more than immediate concise days!
Conversation......give it some spins it';s going to turn into a classic!
I liked it on first listen!
and i tend to agree with:
I'll do a quick tour - a few words about each track, just the music, not the lyrics.
"Passing through" Too long
"Never arriving" is a very good and catchy song.
"End of days" is solid.
"Great disguise" - we've heard this blandness before. Not a bad song, though.
"Where I am" - catchy enough to be commercial, but not in a particularly good way.
"Watch and learn" . It's a B-side.
Hiii, Is it just my dodgy hearing or is that the dulcet sound of us from Hackney singing in the background of Setting Sun or am I imagining things.✌PL
After about a dozen listens I think I can divide this album into 2.*
4 tracks leave me cold.Passing Through,Conversations,Hard WAy and Maps.*
The rest,I kove.*
Particularly like Great disguise and From Here.
After a self inflicted delay in getting it, and after struggling for over an hour last night updating my ipod to allow it to accept another album, I have now had my first listen.
I can agree with your thoughts so far Dilla, but even after several listens its hard to judge a new NMA album. I have always found the albums that mean the most to me now I disliked at first. I would say its hard to judge till after several listens over several weeks. I remember from the last two albums initially I did not like "Hold on" or "Sunrise", now I like both songs very much.
This album has several - get you first time you listen songs and several that do not. At first listen I liked "From here" very much, the tune and the quite striking lyrics. That said, for some reason the lyrics reminded me of our very own Spacewind - someone who very much likes to big himself up, also someone who uses the seldom heard term "gallows humour"
The lyrics to "Where I am" reminded me of "Die trying", almost as it it were a prequel to it.
Not been the best NMA related week for me - tried to pick up the CD at the weekend but not in Saturn or Media Markt in Duisburg, quick jaunt down the Autobahn to Venlo but no, not there either. Keren managed to pick it up the other day but following a computer clean up was logged off here and couldn't get back in !!! I always get a bit over excited with a new NMA release and this was no exception :D
Still, here we are and .................. bit underwhelmed in all honesty, the whole thing kinda just passed me by and nothing stuck in the mind or ears at all. I'm hoping that it just needs a few listens to click and many great albums are not immediate favourites so I'm trusting that's the case here. Want to be more positive but at the moment all I've got is I really like Never Arriving :-\
Still, here we are and .................. bit underwhelmed in all honesty, the whole thing kinda just passed me by and nothing stuck in the mind or ears at all. I'm hoping that it just needs a few listens to click and many great albums are not immediate favourites so I'm trusting that's the case here. Want to be more positive but at the moment all I've got is I really like Never Arriving :-\
I got mine from Saturn in Hamburg last Friday so I'm surprised that they didn't have it down your way. However didn't have access to CD player until Monday. I didn't really think that one through ::).
Anyway, my initial reaction was much like yours. It kinda just passed me by. But it has really grown on me with repeated listens. It's somewhere between BDAW and Winter, probably closer to BDAW which is one of my favourite NMA albums. My personal highlights at the moment are The Weather, Conversation, Great Disguise, Where I Am, Hard Way, Setting Sun and From Here. So more than half the album basically. The Weather is a particular favourite at the moment. The only song that doesn't work for me is Watch and Learn but I can see that it's catchy and most people will probably love it. Passing through is a bit weird, too. I mean, I really like it but it never really gets going, despite the constant teasing of impending drums and then it just stops and starts again and then you get all the drums you'd been waiting for in one big pile (You want drums??? Here you go!!!). I still really like it though. Just a bit strange.
However, as much as I love the sound since BDAW, I feel that the drum and base heavy mix is becoming a bit repetitive in places. I find listening to the whole album on headphones almost a bit claustrophobic, like a persistent low hum. I assume that that is intentional. BDAW, Winter and From Here are almost like a trilogy in some ways. Three great albums and each progressing from the previous one but there is an underlying sound/structure that ties them together. All good stuff and I'm not trying to be negative because I do really like these new songs but I'm hoping that they will explore new directions next time. Just my opinion.
Mine still hasn't arrived from across the pond :'(
I'm still underwhelmed by FH and I'm afraid that will not change much in the future.
There are songs that I like but overall, it's their weakest album so far. It's just not working for me.
Even if I try hard, songs like Never Arriving, The Weather, End of Days or From Here are only "okay" and that is just not good enough for a new NMA record. I miss powerful, driving songs and I miss great choruses.
The lyrics are great though ;)
I'm still underwhelmed by FH and I'm afraid that will not change much in the future.
There are songs that I like but overall, it's their weakest album so far. It's just not working for me.
Even if I try hard, songs like Never Arriving, The Weather, End of Days or From Here are only "okay" and that is just not good enough for a new NMA record. I miss powerful, driving songs and I miss great choruses.
The lyrics are great though ;)
There is some great choruses I think ;)
I understand what you mean, Carnival and High made me feel the exact same way. But after a few years, and some gigs, I was like « what is the album of this great song again » and it was Carnival or High, and then after a while, I noticed that I really love those albums, so who knows, perhaps in a few years ... or not ;)
Well, that sounds really disappointed and i hope it will change for you in the future. I don't want to convince you that From Here is a fantastic Album, with great Songs on it, you cannot argue about taste and you mentioned what you are missing. But to it sounds like you just had different big expectations, you want to be overwhelmed and maybe that's a point which makes it difficult for you just to listen to wonderfully written and performed music, which i find has a very unique style and is not easy to compare to anything, even with older nma records.
Of course you immediately hear that it is nma, and there are many things which sound so familiar to older songs, and fir some it was a bit too familiar, but to me it is a beautiful record and i won't compare it with other music, the music itself i find great. I'm also not overwhelmed by it, just deeply touched and satisfied.
Maybe if you listen to the new songs imbedded in a setlist with older songs, that you can begin to feel the high-energy of nma performing and that you can listen to From Here with another opinion.
Anyway it is good to share those thoughts and not have the same opinion about it, and i think your disappointment with that record will have no impact of how you see and feel the musical efforts of that great band.
What is that chord change 2/3rds through *PASSING THROUGH* it's fantastic!!!
Just had a good phones listening and i love the two guitars on conversation bouncing of each other, a conversation ;)
I feel this whole album takes you on a journey which is best travelled with no need of a particular point to arrive to...just flow and listen and daydream...
Some wonderful posts here, some folks loving FH, some a bit disappointed... I've enjoyed reading them all. I'm onto my, I dunno, sixteenth listen? And I can confirm that I really love this album, but I suspect it will forever be one of those diversive albums in NMA's history. Much like, for example, 'Carnival'... I spent many years regarding that one as one of NMA's lesser efforts. Rarely listened to it, until a couple of years ago when I stuck it on for the first time in donkey's years and it immediately became a favourite.
Now I'm fully familiar with FH, certain tracks have really sprung out at me that I wasn't too keen on at first, Great Disguise and Conversation in particular. There are very few 'bangers' (as I believe them young people call them these days ;D) but there are some very catchy tunes here. Ones that I suspect will go down better when you hear them live in a sweaty and appreciative audience. I can think of a few tunes that I never quite 'got' until I heard them played live... ;)
And if anyone still thinks 'it's just crap compared to the old stuff'... fair enough! You're entitled to your opinion and I respect it. Truly. But we can all name those bands who just recycle the old stuff, over and over again, to ever-decreasing results in the hope of hanging onto their dwindling audience. NMA are better than that. There are some damn fine songs here. Would any of those folks prefer 12 songs that sound like deeply inferior versions of Vagabonds, Green And Grey and No Rest? Or a band who try new stuff and say 'what the heck, let's see what people make of it?'
I really like FH, hope others who aren't too keen come to feel the same way. If not, hey, maybe the next album will be more to your taste! Because FH sounds like a band with quite a bit more petrol in the tank, if you know what I mean. ;)
Ok. Im now several more listens in. I still think this is a bloody good album, but it took a while to get it. There are parts of some songs I dont like. In particular the chorus of Hard Way. It grates on me a bit. On the flip, I love the chorus in Great Disguise. Just not over keen on the opening guitar bit. Not over keen on Passing Through but its ok. However I bloody love Conversation, Where I Am and Watch and Learn which some here dont like. Pretty much the usual pattern with me, takes me a few listens to get it and then I work out what I like and dont. I think these are gonna be fantastic live
Sounds great in my car.
Got these words today:
Out for delivery
Arriving today by 9 PM
I can't wait to get it, look at the artwork, read the liner notes....then put it on my shelf and save it so I can listen to it years from now.
I still have not given "Winter" a listen, but I did recently give "Between Wine And Blood" a listen (took exactly five years to do that). The songs you guys and gals went nuts over - "Angry Planet" and "Devil's Bargain" - were nothing special at all. But "Happy To Be Here"....oooooh, that's a great one.
However I bloody love Conversation
i agree!
"Happy To Be Here"....oooooh, that's a great one.
Wonderful song indeed, one of NMA's best in the last 5 years...and again, JS in "Navigating by the stars" mood: 8)
Wonderful song indeed, one of NMA's best in the last 5 years...and again, JS in "Navigating by the stars" mood: 8)
I guess I should buy that "Navigating By Stars." I never bought it because I think it is all acoustic (and Justin's NMA only voice/acoustic songs I find dreadful) and I don't like when band guys go solo. Hey, if the song is that good it would be used for the band, so I feel a solo project is just the remnants...the weak songs that don't make the cut for the band's album.
I guess I should buy that "Navigating By Stars." I never bought it because I think it is all acoustic (and Justin's NMA only voice/acoustic songs I find dreadful) and I don't like when band guys go solo. Hey, if the song is that good it would be used for the band, so I feel a solo project is just the remnants...the weak songs that don't make the cut for the band's album.
Wow, you can't have much faith in Justin if you think he would put out an album in his own name, of songs too weak to be NMA songs !
You really should get it. NBTS is a beautifully crafted album that stands in its own right. It's separate from, but compliments the New Model Army catalogue.
NBTS is a beautifully crafted album that stands in its own right. It's separate from, but compliments the New Model Army catalogue.
What you said!
I love this album as much and maybe more than "Thunder and consolation" or "The ghost of Cain"!
"Ocean rising", "Sentry", "Navigating by the stars", "Home", Changing of the light", "Tales of the road"...wonderful's a kind of desert island album, really.
And if anyone still thinks 'it's just crap compared to the old stuff'... fair enough! You're entitled to your opinion and I respect it. Truly. But we can all name those bands who just recycle the old stuff, over and over again, to ever-decreasing results in the hope of hanging onto their dwindling audience. NMA are better than that. There are some damn fine songs here. Would any of those folks prefer 12 songs that sound like deeply inferior versions of Vagabonds, Green And Grey and No Rest? Or a band who try new stuff and say 'what the heck, let's see what people make of it?'
I really like FH, hope others who aren't too keen come to feel the same way. If not, hey, maybe the next album will be more to your taste! Because FH sounds like a band with quite a bit more petrol in the tank, if you know what I mean. ;)
I hope you were not referring to my post, Master Ray ;)
Don't get me wrong, I really liked BDAW (which was very different from the previous releases) and BWAB and IMHO Winter ranks among NMA's best albums.
I do not say that FH is a "bad record", it's just that it does not "grab me".
Whatever, as you said there's always the next record :)
Wow, you can't have much faith in Justin if you think he would put out an album in his own name, of songs too weak to be NMA songs !
It's not that I lack faith in Justin, it's rather I understand how solo albums work. Do you think any solo albums by, say, John Lennon or Paul McCartney are as good as any of their band's albums? Of course not. A band dynamic makes the songs better. Take a classic New Model Army song like "Ambition" - credited to Sullivan alone. But don't you think Heaton and Morrow contributed parts that made that song a thousand times better?
Solo projects NEVER live up to the works of the band that artist is currently in. Sure, a guy can leave a band and go solo and have great artistic success (Peter Gabriel for instance), but any solo project while the band still exists is just a weaker effort. The songs would have been better with the band members' contributions. "Ambition" is a brilliant song because of Rob Heaton's and Stuart Morrow's contributions. A guy taking a break from his band to do a solo project is not a good thing. I shy away from them. Always end up saying, "Man, these songs would have been better with the band."
And if anyone still thinks 'it's just crap compared to the old stuff'... fair enough! You're entitled to your opinion and I respect it. Truly. But we can all name those bands who just recycle the old stuff, over and over again, to ever-decreasing results in the hope of hanging onto their dwindling audience. NMA are better than that. There are some damn fine songs here. Would any of those folks prefer 12 songs that sound like deeply inferior versions of Vagabonds, Green And Grey and No Rest? Or a band who try new stuff and say 'what the heck, let's see what people make of it?'
I really like FH, hope others who aren't too keen come to feel the same way. If not, hey, maybe the next album will be more to your taste! Because FH sounds like a band with quite a bit more petrol in the tank, if you know what I mean. ;)
I hope you were not referring to my post, Master Ray ;)
Don't get me wrong, I really liked BDAW (which was very different from the previous releases) and BWAB and IMHO Winter ranks among NMA's best albums.
I do not say that FH is a "bad record", it's just that it does not "grab me".
Whatever, as you said there's always the next record :)
Not referring to you at all, buddy! Just a comment...
And if anyone still thinks 'it's just crap compared to the old stuff'... fair enough! You're entitled to your opinion and I respect it. Truly. But we can all name those bands who just recycle the old stuff, over and over again, to ever-decreasing results in the hope of hanging onto their dwindling audience. NMA are better than that. There are some damn fine songs here. Would any of those folks prefer 12 songs that sound like deeply inferior versions of Vagabonds, Green And Grey and No Rest? Or a band who try new stuff and say 'what the heck, let's see what people make of it?'
I really like FH, hope others who aren't too keen come to feel the same way. If not, hey, maybe the next album will be more to your taste! Because FH sounds like a band with quite a bit more petrol in the tank, if you know what I mean. ;)
I hope you were not referring to my post, Master Ray ;)
Don't get me wrong, I really liked BDAW (which was very different from the previous releases) and BWAB and IMHO Winter ranks among NMA's best albums.
I do not say that FH is a "bad record", it's just that it does not "grab me".
Whatever, as you said there's always the next record :)
Not referring to you at all, buddy! Just a comment...
Navigating By The of the most atmospheric/haunting/beautiful Albums ever.... 8)....
Wow, you can't have much faith in Justin if you think he would put out an album in his own name, of songs too weak to be NMA songs !
Solo projects NEVER live up to the works of the band that artist is currently in. Sure, a guy can leave a band and go solo and have great artistic success (Peter Gabriel for instance), but any solo project while the band still exists is just a weaker effort. The songs would have been better with the band members' contributions. "Ambition" is a brilliant song because of Rob Heaton's and Stuart Morrow's contributions. A guy taking a break from his band to do a solo project is not a good thing. I shy away from them. Always end up saying, "Man, these songs would have been better with the band."
I have to say that, at least for me, my wife and 3 other NMA fans that are close friends, Navigating by the Stars is even better than any NMA album. And I LOVE NMA albums. So, you know, you should probably don’t say words like « I KNOW » and « NEVER », especially when you haven’t listened to the stuff you referring too ;)
That was just an opinion ;)
, know, you should probably don’t say words like « I KNOW » and « NEVER », especially when you haven’t listened to the stuff you referring too ;)
Ahh, one can use the words 'never' and 'know' even when I haven't listened to the stuff. Example:
I NEVER have listened to Bon Jovi's latest album, but I KNOW it is garbage.
Upon first listen to "From Here"....
...not good.
I have only given half the album a few spins (even though it is a CD I am old school and still think of an album as having two sides) and other than the bass line in "Never Arriving," nothing at all has grabbed me musically. And lyrically...rather blah, cliched. And am I the only one noticing that the songs are far too wordy? Just thumb through the lyric booklet. "Never Arriving," "Weather," "Passing Through," man, there are more words on those pages than in the entire book "War And Peace."
"Let the Whirlwind blaaaaahhhh..."
Well, I may be easier to please than some other NMA fans, but I am equally at home with NMA's ballads as with the electric guitar tracks. After many listens over the last five days, I absolutely love it. I have found the album much easier to bond with than BDAW and Winter. Lyrics throughout are excellent as usual. I cannot pick out a least favorite track as of yet or a potential song to skip in future listens.
Cannot pick out a favorite yet but I am finding myself humming and singing "End of days" and "From here". The excellent guitar work in "Conversation" is stuck in my head. Several lines of lyrics remind me of older songs such as "Better than them".
Someone suggested BDAW, Winter and From here are like a trilogy and I can agree with that, Although sound wise for me , From here sits in the middle of the trilogy.
Look forward very much to hearing some of these tracks played live. I can see "Watch & Learn" being popular with the mosh pit.
I have to say that, at least for me, my wife and 3 other NMA fans that are close friends, Navigating by the Stars is even better than any NMA album. And I LOVE NMA albums.
All the people i know who are mixed or don't care about NMA, when they listened to NBTS, they all liked it and even loved it in most cases. 8)
I have to say that, at least for me, my wife and 3 other NMA fans that are close friends, Navigating by the Stars is even better than any NMA album. And I LOVE NMA albums.
All the people i know who are mixed or don't care about NMA, when they listened to NBTS, they all liked it and even loved it in most cases. 8)
It ain't for sale anymore.
Isn't it just Justin strumming an acoustic guitar and singing? Man, that song "Ballad" on "Ghost Of Cain" is the worst song I've ever heard. I know I can not take an entire album of that crap.
Navigating By The of the most atmospheric/haunting/beautiful Albums ever....
I would have said it like that! Love it!!
Whirlwind, do you actually like NMA at all? I don't know if it's pure provocation on your part or a misguided attempt at humour but you don't seem to say anything positive ever. For someone who spends so much time posting on here and is 'obsessed' you rarely offer anything other than negativity. Its all rather strange really.
Anyway, ..
From Here..
Like an excited kid I couldn't hold on til my birthday to listen to the album. On my 4th run through now and I like it. It's different but to these ears has more in common with older stuff then the last three or four records. It is certainly a lighter album than Winter. It is very well produced sonically, and JS vocals sound really fresh but I can't help feeling the band have missed a couple of tricks along the way. Passing Through ( touches of Before I Get Old? ) for instance. The point at which the background sounds cut out and Justin sings, " Back to where we came from.." would have been perfect if they had gone into a really driving groove from there on in. Oh well. The drums towards the end of the song sound really Nordic. Great stuff.
End of Days has grown on me. Especially the chorus.
Conversation is brilliant but I would have liked it to be a little sparser in its arrangement and, as ever, have the bass higher in the mix.
Where I Am is, as far as I'm concerned the best track on the album. Stone cold classic in fact.
A lot of people don't seem to like Watch & Learn but I do. it isn't gonna change the world but it will be a good live song for sure. It puts me in mind of Stupid Questions.
Maps is really interesting. I don't know quite what to think about it yet but it's definitely epic. Quite primal too but sounds slightly unfinished.
Setting Sun has the groove that maybe others lack. Ceri's playing shines on this one. I hope there is more like this from him.
From Here works well although it isn't my favourite. I do like the harmonies.
All told, I think ..From Here is quite a remarkable piece of work. Not the sound of a band in a room but nor is the sound of a band experimenting for experiments sake. The word that comes to mind is mature, which obviously seems ridiculous given the length of time NMa have been a going concern and the volume of output but it's what comes to me.
Whirlwind, do you actually like NMA at all? don't seem to say anything positive ever.
I spent my hard earned money on a region free DVD player just so I could watch the New Model Army DVD releases that our DVD players here in America can not play.
I spent my hard earned money buying a natural finish Gibson SG guitar just so I can play New Model Army tunes and sound like Justin.
I spend my hard earned money buying every album, single, EP, 12" single that New Model Army released.
I am without a doubt the biggest New Model Army fan here. That point is not debatable. It is an accepted fact. What makes me different is that I am honest. I am not a silly fanboy who thinks everything the band does is the greatest thing the world has ever beheld. I love the band so much that I get angry when they do not live up to expectations.
Nice review, Manxpat! Interesting reading, I agree with much of it (not all, but isn't that the way with NMA, no problems here!)
Whirlwind... well, we've all tried to get along with him. In a previous incarnation as 'Space' he posted stuff that was damn antagonistic, upset many regular posters and actually got him banned from this Forum, but he seemed to sneak back in. He also posted vile PM's to me... even after that, I tried to mend those bridges, hey second chances and all, but nope the antagonism continued. He thinks it's a big joke and we all lack a sense of humour. Give the guy a swerve, he can't get past the mid-80's NMA period, he's the kind of person so desperate for attention that he'd rather be despised than ignored. And, yes, I know I played right into his hands by posting this but I had to get it off my chest so, you know... fook him. ;)
...he can't get past the mid-80's NMA period, ...
Well, that's the period - the first releases - that many of us fell for. I guarantee you that if "From Here" was the first ever New Model Army release this love-fest site would not exist.
I loved The Cult. The early "gothy" stuff was what drew me to them. But should I still love them even though they became very poor imitations of AC/DC and Led Zep?
Hey, New Model Army hit it out of the park (that's an American expression meaning WOW!!!!) with the release of "Between Dog And Wolf." That was mid-two thousand tens. A far distance from mid '80s NMA...and I loved every second of it.
(Oh, by the way, Master Ray, why don't you mention the vile PMs you posted to me? I still have them, by the way.)
Ok - My first and only critique of the new album, What strikes me most is the similarities to a few older songs in the most inspiring way - it's almost like there is "Orange Tree Roads" part 2 as an example to compare with "The Weather" and every listen draws even more familiar memories from older work. This is NOT an immediate album and for that it is getting better with each listen! Also timing couldn't be better it is so relevant and required (If You live in the UK right now) as the zombie hoards gather outside!!! Stay safe and enjoy Boom Shanka xxx PS Whirlwind - Grow A Pair!
...he can't get past the mid-80's NMA period, ...
Well, that's the period - the first releases - that many of us fell for. I guarantee you that if "From Here" was the first ever New Model Army release this love-fest site would not exist.
I loved The Cult. The early "gothy" stuff was what drew me to them. But should I still love them even though they became very poor imitations of AC/DC and Led Zep?
Hey, New Model Army hit it out of the park (that's an American expression meaning WOW!!!!) with the release of "Between Dog And Wolf." That was mid-two thousand tens. A far distance from mid '80s NMA...and I loved every second of it.
(Oh, by the way, Master Ray, why don't you mention the vile PMs you posted to me? I still have them, by the way.)
Have at it, sweetie.
...he can't get past the mid-80's NMA period, ...
Have at it, sweetie.
Why do you constantly post about me? Up above me and another fellow were discussing the latest album then all of a sudden you pop up giving some past, distorted history about Space and Whirlwind. Why? Can you just stop mentioning me?
Why do you constantly post about me? Up above me and another fellow were discussing the latest album then all of a sudden you pop up giving some past, distorted history about Space and Whirlwind. Why? Can you just stop mentioning me?
He who has the last laugh - Not advisable to get caught out laughing...
Space, my desperate little honeypie, you either (a) have some condition that forbids you having any memory of stuff you posted before, (b) have no PM's that I sent to you (I know damn well that any time I fired back at you, I did it in public) or (c) you know damn well that I've tried to do the good thing and let you stick to the few people who can be bothered with your usual arsetwattery whilst I connected with my friends here... but you kept on goading, didn't you?
Well, I supposed we're back to the old days when Viv had to get involved, eh? :-\
With past album releases we have had several topics running discussing several individual songs, lyrics, art work, etc. This time we have one or two. I suppose that is a reflection of that less people are active here these days in the face of F/B , twitter, whatever.
So we have this topic to debate the latest album that the band have worked faithfully on for us to enjoy, go and listen to live. What we see in comparison to past albums, what we like, what we respectfully don't like, etc.
And yet- it is another topic completely ****-up by the ego of Space. More sensationalist bullshit comments to grab attention away from what is actually being discussed by people who actually care about this band and what they do because it is a pleasurable part of their lives.
It is like going to see a film in the cinema, enjoying it, then a spoiled kid with uncaring parents screams and shouts to grab attention and ruin it for every one else.
To Space, if half of what you have said were to be given the remotest credibility, just word it better. Do not come onto the NMA forum , claim to have an IQ of 158 and then state, JS acoustic songs are crap. If you actually feel that way, have the intelligence to say -- "personally I do not enjoy JS doing acoustic songs". To state that they are crap is an insult to all of us who enjoy them and to the band who perform them. It is all down to personal choice, not a stated fact as we have discussed numerous boring times before.
To Viv, I fully understand that we have a forum here where people can speak freely as long as it is not directly threatening, racist, homophobic, etc. But ,, this Space shit is just getting old. You after many fair warnings banned this person. He sneaked back in under a false name, said he would be well behaved this time, but now we are back to the point of his last dismissal. We are trying to discuss our new album after looking forward to it for so long. Not take part in the -- Spacewind-- bullshit show.
..If you actually feel that way, have the intelligence to say -- "personally I do not enjoy JS doing acoustic songs". To state that they are crap is an insult to all of us who enjoy them and to the band who perform them.
Don't be insulted! If someone says a particular song on the new album is crap and I happen to like that song...why on Earth would I feel insulted? So what, I don't care for acoustic/vocal NMA songs. Why in heck does that bother you?
The discussion here for the new album has been very good (For some reason Master Race had to bring up past posts from years ago. Ask him why he chose to do that on a thread about the new album.) I went off on a tangent to discuss the "Navigating" album...AND GOOD POSTS FOLLOWED THAT! Insightful stuff about that album. Made me want to finally buy it.
Starting to get people mad then play the nice puppy (« made me want to finally buy NBTS » ...) so typical of this kind of people ...
Is it possible to have an option to « ignore » someone please ? Even when thinking « ok, I don’t need read him, don’t need to answer these retarded comments that looks like when my 5 years old is seeking attention, because answering just makes him happy », it’s hard to ignore such a Troll (hey, that’s how Trump do and it’s working, so, another US troll ... btw, I’m not just doing US bashing, wife is American).
A ban will make him so happy, so just a way to ignore all his post would be nice ! (And a disclaimer to everybody, old and new, to automatically ignore him would be too much but useful 😉).
There is the new album, the brexit, far right rising all across Europe, forests burning, religions, migrants, the 1% and so many many topics we could discuss between people sharing lots of interests, and we spend time on our own little troll, that’s a shame
I really enjoyed reading all the posts, different opinions, great insights, critics so far.
For me it was a thrilling first listen on my home stereo and since then over earphones on my mobile. Watch an Learn has grown on me, the chorus which i found strange has just found its place in my brain, developed its own attraction.
Suddenly i found myself humming Passing Through in my head, though it was the song less listened to and thereby i noticed how deep it had already settled.
Funny observation: I was travelling by train 400km back to hamburg, it was very hot and i used the cheapest ride with a company that has only old waggons. So no climate control and sweating hot. But the old wagons have the options to open a window and so i sat by the window looking outside, enjoying the landscape and From Here on my phones.
I think it was while listening to Hard Way when i thought: cool, never noticed this strange, irregular but rhythmic sounds, was totally fascinated and only after a while i noticed that it was the curtains moving by the wind...
So cool that this natural, irregular sound fitted so perfectly to the rhythm of the song!
Now i'm looking forward to set up my stereo in my new flat and take another fantastic daydream listening.
Am giving it another go after being underwhelmed by it on the first listen.
Still underwhelmed, if I'm honest. Some of the guitar sounds are good, but I'm not finding any of the songs very memorable.
Am giving it another go after being underwhelmed by it on the first listen.
Still underwhelmed, if I'm honest. Some of the guitar sounds are good, but I'm not finding any of the songs very memorable.
It took me a few listens. Stick at it
Am giving it another go after being underwhelmed by it on the first listen.
Still underwhelmed, if I'm honest. Some of the guitar sounds are good, but I'm not finding any of the songs very memorable.
Same here so far, although I find myself humming the songs during the day so they do somehow resonate ;)
Some okay songs, some very good bits and pieces but on the whole I'm not too impressed by the album.
Waiting is one my all time favorites from NMA, but still waiting on the new record is another thing :(. How many people from Germany get the package from Townsend? I want to hear that stuff on my stereo...
Townsend do provide a free download, you access the account and should be able to download the songs before the physicl copy arrives. Hope that helps.
Waiting is one my all time favorites from NMA, but still waiting on the new record is another thing :(. How many people from Germany get the package from Townsend? I want to hear that stuff on my stereo...
Mine arrived in Germany on the release date from Townsend.
I could open my package today in NRW near cologne, i ordered the cd-tshirt set, but i wasn't at home since last tuesday so i don't know when it arrived.
Wow, you can't have much faith in Justin if you think he would put out an album in his own name, of songs too weak to be NMA songs !
It's not that I lack faith in Justin, it's rather I understand how solo albums work. Do you think any solo albums by, say, John Lennon or Paul McCartney are as good as any of their band's albums? Of course not. A band dynamic makes the songs better. Take a classic New Model Army song like "Ambition" - credited to Sullivan alone. But don't you think Heaton and Morrow contributed parts that made that song a thousand times better?
Solo projects NEVER live up to the works of the band that artist is currently in. Sure, a guy can leave a band and go solo and have great artistic success (Peter Gabriel for instance), but any solo project while the band still exists is just a weaker effort. The songs would have been better with the band members' contributions. "Ambition" is a brilliant song because of Rob Heaton's and Stuart Morrow's contributions. A guy taking a break from his band to do a solo project is not a good thing. I shy away from them. Always end up saying, "Man, these songs would have been better with the band."
Have a read of this;
And no, by the way, the album is not just Justin singing and strumming an acoustic guitar. There are at least 5 other other musicians, including Michael and Dean from NMA playing on it.
As for solo albums never living up to works of the band the artist is currently in, all I can say is that as far as I recall, there was pretty much unanimous praise for the album when it came out from fans of New Model Army.
You should try listening to it. I urge you to !
Isn't it just Justin strumming an acoustic guitar and singing? .
No, it isn't.
JS - "it's deeply layered, rich music; it's not by any means just me and a guitar."
all I can say is that as far as I recall, there was pretty much unanimous praise for the album when it came out from fans of New Model Army.
indeed, and even, like i said, pretty much unanimous praise from people who don't like the band or don't know them so, in all cases, a real nice consensus for this album!
all I can say is that as far as I recall, there was pretty much unanimous praise for the album when it came out from fans of New Model Army.
indeed, and even, like i said, pretty much unanimous praise from people who don't like the band or don't know them so, in all cases, a real nice consensus for this album!
Yes, it's a wonderful album :)
As for From Here, I got my copy a bit later than a lot of people it seems. Only 3 full listens so far. Twice with headphones and once in my car. On my first listen I thought it had quite a different overall sound / production to previous albums - very dense sound to the guitars, drums etc. After a couple of listens the choruses of the songs started to grab me. Three listens in, and I'm really loving the album. There's excellent music, interesting lyrics, and great vocals by Justin - everything a New Model Army album should have. :)
Kind of cool that I still have the entire side two of "From Here" yet to listen to.
Folks, why haven't you taken my advice!?! Save things for later.
You guys have all heard the new NMA album. You are now engaged in a two, three, four year wait for the next album.
I still have not heard much of the new NMA album. I have a great deal of a brand new New Model Army waiting for me to discover.
(Plus I have not yet listened to any of "Winter.")
Kind of cool that I still have the entire side two of "From Here" yet to listen to.
Folks, why haven't you taken my advice!?! Save things for later.
You guys have all heard the new NMA album. You are now engaged in a two, three, four year wait for the next album.
I still have not heard much of the new NMA album. I have a great deal of a brand new New Model Army waiting for me to discover.
(Plus I have not yet listened to any of "Winter.")
not wanting to tempt fate but you could pop your clogs tomorrow and spend the afterlife in purgatory knowing you could have listened to Winter and know never will :D
not wanting to tempt fate but you could pop your clogs tomorrow and spend the afterlife in purgatory knowing you could have listened to Winter and know never will :D
Dude, when I am in heaven I ain't going to be thinking about not listening to "Winter." Heck, I'm going to come down to Earth and my ghost will be sitting on the stage at every New Model Army concert. You'll have paid you 30 quid, I'll have the best seat in the house free.
Kind of cool that I still have the entire side two of "From Here" yet to listen to.
Folks, why haven't you taken my advice!?! Save things for later.
You guys have all heard the new NMA album. You are now engaged in a two, three, four year wait for the next album.
I still have not heard much of the new NMA album. I have a great deal of a brand new New Model Army waiting for me to discover.
(Plus I have not yet listened to any of "Winter.")
“Virginity Rocks”
not wanting to tempt fate but you could pop your clogs tomorrow and spend the afterlife in purgatory knowing you could have listened to Winter and know never will :D
Dude, when I am in heaven I ain't going to be thinking about not listening to "Winter." Heck, I'm going to come down to Earth and my ghost will be sitting on the stage at every New Model Army concert. You'll have paid you 30 quid, I'll have the best seat in the house free.
Even gigs in Leipzig?
Even gigs in Leipzig?
Nobody - not man, nor beast, nor ghost - wants to go to gigs in Leipzig.
What an absolutely immense piece of work. They just keep on delivering.... And congratulations to the band for their highest ever UK album chart position at No.13...
Still, here we are and .................. bit underwhelmed in all honesty, the whole thing kinda just passed me by and nothing stuck in the mind or ears at all. I'm hoping that it just needs a few listens to click and many great albums are not immediate favourites so I'm trusting that's the case here. Want to be more positive but at the moment all I've got is I really like Never Arriving :-\
Took a bit of time but it's starting to kick in now - definately needs proper listening not a casual on in the background listen. Great Disguise and Where I am are particularly worming their way in. :) :) 8)
...then play the nice puppy (« made me want to finally buy NBTS » ...) so typical of this kind of people ...
You must be new here. Donald Trump caves in and will eventually play nice...I don't. When I (as you said) "played nice" and started expressing an interest in the "Navigating By Stars" album, that's genuine. What you get from me is real. Always. I really doid appreciate the thoughts here on that album.
Still, here we are and .................. bit underwhelmed in all honesty, the whole thing kinda just passed me by and nothing stuck in the mind or ears at all. I'm hoping that it just needs a few listens to click and many great albums are not immediate favourites so I'm trusting that's the case here. Want to be more positive but at the moment all I've got is I really like Never Arriving :-\
Took a bit of time but it's starting to kick in now - definately needs proper listening not a casual on in the background listen. Great Disguise and Where I am are particularly worming their way in. :) :) 8)
Glad you're getting into it. I 'got' it on the 3rd or 4th listen. Conversation, The Weather, Setting Sun and From Here are my current favourites but I keep discovering new bits that I like. I find the lyrics particularly well done this time. So many apt and subtle descriptions of the mess we got ourselves in on many levels.
Just a test here and just curious why hasn't anybody posted on this site for an entire day?
Is everything all right over there across the pond?
We were all at the pub.
We were all at the pub.
Seriously, no one but me and one other poster has been here in two full days. Everybody else just...vanished. It's like a "Twilight Zone" episode.
I'm scared.
Or, being tired of reading your posts, we preferred to do something interesting
We were all in Taarstedt ;D
Looking forward to dancing for a few nights in October...and November, and of course December.
Looking forward to dancing for a few nights in October...and November, and of course December.
Welcome back Matt.
Whirlwind, have you really not listened to Winter yet? I don't believe you. Its one of my favourites once edited (HAH!) I'm not sold entirely on this idea of saving up songs. I used to try and keep the funnest part of an experience until the end of the night but mostly what happened was everyone around me enjoyed themselves and I was anxious all night.
Whirlwind, have you really not listened to Winter yet? I don't believe you.
It's true. Have not listened to one second of "Winter." I have it as something to look forward to. An untouched, unheard New Model Army album.
I also have not listened to the final five songs of the new album "From Here." Right now I just play the first seven songs over and over. When it gets to song eight I just restart the CD. I haven't decided if I will give the final songs a listen sometime this week or wait a few years to give them a listen.
Whirlwind, do you actually like NMA at all? don't seem to say anything positive ever.
I spent my hard earned money on a region free DVD player just so I could watch the New Model Army DVD releases that our DVD players here in America can not play.
I spent my hard earned money buying a natural finish Gibson SG guitar just so I can play New Model Army tunes and sound like Justin.
I spend my hard earned money buying every album, single, EP, 12" single that New Model Army released.
I am without a doubt the biggest New Model Army fan here. That point is not debatable. It is an accepted fact. What makes me different is that I am honest. I am not a silly fanboy who thinks everything the band does is the greatest thing the world has ever beheld. I love the band so much that I get angry when they do not live up to expectations.
So Mr Space/Whirlwind
Please can you enlighten us heathens on what makes you or anyone for that matter the biggest fan or why we are not at your level?
So Mr Space/Whirlwind
Please can you enlighten us heathens on what makes you or anyone for that matter the biggest fan or why we are not at your level?
I just told you.
1- I bought a region free DVD player so I can watch all NMA DVDs here in the United States Of Trump
2- I bought a very expensive natural finish Gibson SG because that's the guitar Justin Sullivan used
3- look at number 2 above, I know the names of the members of the band
4- I wrote brilliant lyrics to "Caslen"
5- I played guitar on an unreleased version of "Inheritance" (it's never been released by the band because it's buried amongst all my cassettes in the basement and can't be found.)
6- I have seen the band live at the famous Marquee Club show on April 4th, 1985
7- I have the best user name at a New Model Army forum
8- I actually own an unheard New Model Army album ("Winter")
9- I designed and photographed the band's best album cover - "...& Nobody Else But Whirlwind" (see photo above)
10- I have actually sat through all of that horrendous song "Gigabyte Wars"
Those qualifications make me the biggest New Model Army fan in the universe.
So Mr Space/Whirlwind
Please can you enlighten us heathens on what makes you or anyone for that matter the biggest fan or why we are not at your level?
4- I wrote brilliant lyrics to "Caslen"
Leaving aside all the other nonsense, they already did this you know !
Maybe you will try and convince us your lyrics are better than Justin's.
6- I have seen the band live at the famous Marquee Club show on April 4th, 1985
Funny that because "Space" said he'd never seen them;
Alright, cat out of the bag time.
Answer to how many times I have seen NMA live in the past ten years? None.
Answer to how many times I have seen NMA live at all? None.
But with New Model Army the thing is this -- no one I know, absolutely no one I know has ever heard of New Model Army. I'll go to a movie alone, a restaurant alone, but I ain't going to a concert alone. And a New Model Army show (or any concert) wouldn't exactly be a great place to bring a date who is unfamiliar with the band. So I, a concert-goer extraordinaire have never seen them live.
Funny that because "Space" said he'd never seen them;
That's not true, Tony S. You did some digging. Dig some more and you will discover that Space has said he has seen New Model Army live at:
- The Marquee in '85,
- The Astoria in London in 2003
- Rockpalast Philipshalle 1990
- Rockpalast Bizarre Festival 1996
- Rockpalast Koln Palladium 2006
Whirlwind has also seen New Model Army live five times and it was at those five shows.
It's been a month since i had met From Here. It was an immediate pleasure getting to meet her, we had a direct connection to each other and she was full of surprises. I always thought that i've met him before, there was a sense of knowing while we talked, though it was a total stranger to me and since then we had much good conversations and got to know each other better with every meeting.
So i would say that From Here has now become a very good friend, a part of the family and i'm looking so forward to finally meet in person, since we only could talk via speakers, and feeling and hearing it live will be a new step in our relationship.
And btw, Passing Through and Never Arriving are/is one song!
I love that album!
Funny that because "Space" said he'd never seen them;
That's not true, Tony S. You did some digging. Dig some more and you will discover that Space has said he has seen New Model Army live at:
- The Marquee in '85,
- The Astoria in London in 2003
- Rockpalast Philipshalle 1990
- Rockpalast Bizarre Festival 1996
- Rockpalast Koln Palladium 2006
Whirlwind has also seen New Model Army live five times and it was at those five shows.
You've watched those shows on dvd. It's all here in this thread where you said you have never seen New Model Army live and probably never will.
To be honest, it doesn't matter how many times you have or haven't seen them. No one cares. Just be honest !
Please stop with the "I'm the biggest fan because... blah, blah, blah (insert misleading 'reasons')". It's childish and embarrassing.
Sorry for rising to the bait folks :(
Back to the topic, I absolutely love From Here. Winter was a good album, but From Here has really got to me much more deeply. I feel it's their best work since BDAW. There seems to be something quite fundamental being expressed in some of the lyrics.
"It will be over soon", "Come back when you're ready", "Call me anytime", "It should be easy to forgive everything that happened", "Come back, I am here", "If we can forgive ourselves then we must forgive the others
The seasons will always return when they're ready
Like people will always come round when they're ready"
It all seems deeply personal like Justin is sending a message to someone. It makes for compulsive listening.
So many layers going on in the music too. It sounds fantastic through headphones.
But is "From Here" an album you would recommend to someone unfamiliar with New Model Army?
Not really.
Obviously, some of the older albums I would suggest...and even something as new as "Dog And Wolf." With that one, the band proved they can still put it together and deliver an album that is an essential component of their career. Is "From Here" that?
Looking forward to dancing for a few nights in October...and November, and of course December.
Welcome back Matt.
Thanks :-)
Listening again its become more apparent to my ears that musically its a bit unfocused. Drones n atmos are great but good words need that groove or melody to shine on em
I think the new album is stunning.
Makes me drift off on the autumnal morning walk to work.
Bloody love it.
I put FH on the shelf for now.
We just don't become comfortable with each other.
The album is unfolding and I'm enjoying, I skip the first 2 tracks as they seem to meld into one another but I'll come back. But this album has one song that I just can't like: Setting Sun. It seems like Justin has marbles in his mouth and is slurring as well. First vocal that I just can't enjoy. But the last song, From Here, stellar, seems almost prog in a way. I'm enjoying it more than Winter as it only had a couple of standouts.
Absolutely love this album. It took a few listens but I am hooked and I would absolutely introduce this album to a friend who is not familiar with the band. As a matter of fact, I plan on buying a few cd's at their shows and then sending them off to a few friends. Anyway, Never Arriving, Hard Way, From Here, End of Days and Conversation are my current favorites. About the only song I am struggle with is Maps. Honestly, I am just grateful they are pumping out the tunes.
I put FH on the shelf for now.
We just don't become comfortable with each other.
Do you mean the whole album? FH has this album feeling and i just put it in and let it go on, but aren't there any songs for you on it? Like Never Arriving or From Here, for which you would take it from the shelf? And what do you listen to instead from the past albums?
The album is unfolding and I'm enjoying, I skip the first 2 tracks as they seem to meld into one another but I'll come back. But this album has one song that I just can't like: Setting Sun. It seems like Justin has marbles in his mouth and is slurring as well. First vocal that I just can't enjoy. But the last song, From Here, stellar, seems almost prog in a way. I'm enjoying it more than Winter as it only had a couple of standouts.
Finally someone who shares the theory of Passing Through and Never Arriving are ONE song!;-)
I can hear what you mean by "It seems like Justin has marbles in his mouth and is slurring as well" and to me it is so noticeable that i was wondering about it combined with my impression that there are some moments which sound a bit "peaky" in the mix, but it is not so that i cannot enjoy the song and i love Setting Sun, one of my favourites.
Absolutely love this album. It took a few listens but I am hooked and I would absolutely introduce this album to a friend who is not familiar with the band. As a matter of fact, I plan on buying a few cd's at their shows and then sending them off to a few friends. Anyway, Never Arriving, Hard Way,
Good Idea. I imagine someone totally unfamiliar with nma getting From Here as a present, will make them stunned even if they wouldn't like it totally. That's just taste, but anybody can hear the creativitiy and craftsmanship and moods and passions on it.
But the last song, From Here, stellar, seems almost prog in a way. I'm enjoying it more than Winter as it only had a couple of standouts.
i agree about 'From here" (the track and the album) being overall more satisfying than the previous album "Winter"
I imagine someone totally unfamiliar with nma getting From Here as a present, will make them stunned even if they wouldn't like it totally.
i like the new album too, but i'm not sure i will recommend it first to someone who has never heard of the band, i will recommed more albums like 'Thunder and consolation", "High", "Eight", "Impurity", "the love of hopeless causes" or "Between wine and blood".
"From here" has the 'prog", heavy drums, tribal, atmospheric moods we know from the band since "Between dog and wolf"...quite different from the others albums with their more immediate, simple, catchy anthems and choruses i identify with the band.
i like the new album too, but i'm not sure i will recommend it first to someone who has never heard of the band, i will recommed more albums like 'Thunder and consolation", "High", "Eight", "Impurity", "the love of hopeless causes" or "Between wine and blood".
"From here" has the 'prog", heavy drums, tribal, atmospheric moods we know from the band since "Between dog and wolf"...quite different from the others albums with their more immediate, simple, catchy anthems and choruses i identify with the band.
That's true and i kind of see it the same way, but as you said, from your point of view it is about what you identify with nma, and that depends on the time you discovered them and how they sounded then. But i think someone who listens to From Here and likes it, will also be stunned about the other albums and how they sound different. And the essence of nma, beautiful songs that tell a story, is always there on any album.
Absolutely love this album. It took a few listens but I am hooked and I would absolutely introduce this album to a friend who is not familiar with the band. As a matter of fact, I plan on buying a few cd's at their shows and then sending them off to a few friends. Anyway, Never Arriving, Hard Way, From Here, End of Days and Conversation are my current favorites. About the only song I am struggle with is Maps. Honestly, I am just grateful they are pumping out the tunes.
Welcome to this forum :)
I'm loving the whole album too. Funnily though, if I had to choose just one track from it to listen to, it would be Maps ! I find it a stunning track. I love the imagery of the lyrics - "our maps are filled with pictures of strange sea creatures. They thrash their tails, their eyes are rolling, in the towering water". Makes you think of the old nautical maps that had those sort of illustrations on them. And all the while, there are keyboard, cymbal and drum sounds that are like huge waves crashing against a ship, and wind in the sails. My partner also noticed (which I hadn't initially, and I'm the NMA fan, not her !) that the cello line running through it is very much like the old sea shanties - the "heave away, haul away" kind of thing :)
It's fantastic through headphones !
Welcome to this forum :)
I'm loving the whole album too. Funnily though, if I had to choose just one track from it to listen to, it would be Maps ! I find it a stunning track. I love the imagery of the lyrics - "our maps are filled with pictures of strange sea creatures. They thrash their tails, their eyes are rolling, in the towering water". Makes you think of the old nautical maps that had those sort of illustrations on them. And all the while, there are keyboard, cymbal and drum sounds that are like huge waves crashing against a ship, and wind in the sails. My partner also noticed (which I hadn't initially, and I'm the NMA fan, not her !) that the cello line running through it is very much like the old sea shanties - the "heave away, haul away" kind of thing :)
It's fantastic through headphones !
I agree. Maps really draws you in but I have to be in the mood for it. I either skip it or get completely immersed in it. It's the sonic version of being on a boat, swaying from side to side. Love it!
For me, FH has some "OK" tracks (Never Arriving, Maps, FH) but at the moment none of them stands out and I just do not have the desire to listen to the record again and again, as I had with Winter for example.
As to your other question:
Some personal favorites from previous recordings were Horsemen, March im September, I Need More Time, BDAW, Guessing, Angry Planet, Devil's Bargain, Guessing, Winter, Devil or Born Feral.
Apart from Guessing (old school NMA but great), these songs sounded fresh and new for a band "that old"
To me, much of FH sounds "too familiar".
This is my personal opinion and it's totally subjective :)
As to your other question:
Some personal favorites from previous recordings were Horsemen, March im September, I Need More Time, BDAW, Guessing, Angry Planet, Devil's Bargain, Guessing, Winter, Devil or Born Feral.
Apart from Guessing (old school NMA but great), these songs sounded fresh and new for a band "that old"
To me, much of FH sounds "too familiar".
This is my personal opinion and it's totally subjective :)
I see somewhat the career of the band like a "trilogy"...first the "Robert Heaton years' from VENGEANCE to STRANGE BROTHERHOOD...then the "Justin Sullivan years" from EIGHT to TODAY IS A GOOD DAY and finally the "Between dog an wolf years" with the band sounding more "prog rock", moody, wandering, tribal and also a love for long tracks.
BETWEEN DOG AND WOLF was really a new beginning for the band, they really tried a kind of new sound here, and so that's probably why it got mixed reviews from the fanbase! ;)
For me, FH has some "OK" tracks (Never Arriving, Maps, FH) but at the moment none of them stands out and I just do not have the desire to listen to the record again and again, as I had with Winter for example.
As to your other question:
Some personal favorites from previous recordings were Horsemen, March im September, I Need More Time, BDAW, Guessing, Angry Planet, Devil's Bargain, Guessing, Winter, Devil or Born Feral.
Apart from Guessing (old school NMA but great), these songs sounded fresh and new for a band "that old"
To me, much of FH sounds "too familiar".
This is my personal opinion and it's totally subjective :)
Aw jeez, there's a certain someone here who doesn't understand that art is subjective... ;)
Welcome back Master Ray (if none captured your name here) ;)
Hope you post more here in future ;D
Welcome back Master Ray (if none captured your name here) ;)
Hope you post more here in future ;D
Cheers, friend, I've had a bit of a bad time recently but things are looking better...
To be honest, I'm genuinely moved that anyone noticed I'd been missing! ;)
Welcome back Master Ray (if none captured your name here) ;)
Hope you post more here in future ;D
Cheers, friend, I've had a bit of a bad time recently but things are looking better...
To be honest, I'm genuinely moved that anyone noticed I'd been missing! ;)
Good to have you back and glad to hear that things are looking better.
Welcome back Master Ray,i hope things are on the up for you..
To be honest, I'm genuinely moved that anyone noticed I'd been missing! ;)
For the record, it was only me, Whirlwind, that showed concern. I know you won't believe that, but that's actually a true statement. Go look through the past month's posts. Of all your "friends" here, not one posted concern over your absence. But there was one thread posted that did express concern for you....and it was from Whirlwind.
Go read "King Lear." There's a lesson in that for you.
For the record, it was only me, Whirlwind, that showed concern. I know you won't believe that, but that's actually a true statement. Go look through the past month's posts. Of all your "friends" here, not one posted concern over your absence. But there was one thread posted that did express concern for you....and it was from Whirlwind.
Go read "King Lear." There's a lesson in that for you.
Well, that's just not true. You've already proven yourself wrong. But first: Go listen to Winter. There's a lesson in that for you.
Ans it is pretty obvious with you last post, that your main concern is that you showed concern and everybody notices that, more than having concern. As you wrote:
Yeah, I (and I alone) showed concern over his absence.
But I don't want anybody here to change their well ingrained idea of who Whirlwind is. I am still a bastard. Just because I worried over Master Ray don't get the impression that Whirlwind is an old softie.
The ones with with real concern wrote Master Ray a pm, like i did, way before you asked for him. So maybe you still will claim that you do have concern, that i cannot judge, but it wasn't you alone that expressed concern, and therefore you're just wrong. Again. But that's ok, you're the Whirlwind.
I rarely post but wanted too add my thoughts on FH - best album the band have produced in many years - TBH I did't get it on first listen but slowly slowly - now I absolutely love it and can't wait to see it live where this bands work always really comes to life
Sounds good PhilK and thanks for posting your thoughts. You could do that more often;-) And i can promise you that the live versions of the new songs are a blast! Setting Sun to me stood out, because live it had such energy added to this mostly calm song and the choruses really work and sound great. But all the other songs also have that extra of atmosphere and energy played live.