This afternoon, we went out onto the roof (our house has a small flat roof over an extension, quite high up), and we took a bottle of champagne up to celebrate my wife’s birthday, and I took a 4-pack of beers up – for no other reason than I fancied a few beers! And we just spent a couple of hours looking out over the harbour and the sea, just talking about whatever, a mixture of the serious and the less serious, and it felt so good because for the first time this year it started to feel a bit warmer and a bit like there was more to being alive than getting up in the darkness, going to work, drudging away, going home in the dark, turning the lights on, watching TV, chatting, maybe nipping to the pub or for a meal (in the dark) and so on. We looked up and there was clear blue sky, like we hadn’t seen it for months, and everything felt a bit more relaxed and a bit more..... just good! ... Somehow, whatever is going on that you need to deal with in your life (and every last one of us has those things) somehow the longer days and the warmer air just makes everything feel kind of, well, just a little bit better and more manageable!

Personally I have found this winter much harder than most – my wife and I had a wonderful holiday and visit to her folks in Jamaica in November, there was the October mini-tour and the December Koln and Amsterdam gigs, and for us a trip to see UK family for Christmas... So Maybe it was because I was having such a good time at the back-end of last year that the start of this one has felt so rough - so dreary and miserable – but maybe that’s just me... so glad now that Summer is on its way, whatever it may bring... no joking I feel like running outside, screaming out loud ‘thank f*ck, Winter’s over – here comes the Summer!’

Would like to hear anyone else’s feelings about the changing seasons....